Finally, another transparency note.
In the transparency section of these threads usually updates on the budget vs. actual expenditure are made, even broken down by vertical (often linked to a GOOSE):
This covers financial transparency, but not necessarily transparency on the steps taken, outcomes achieved or simply research made. Since most of the research and the actions are actually captured in forum posts in here, could we also get links to the work that has been funded with these periods funds? Example, I know that I can follow the CSM post Community Staking Module - #75 by dgusakov for updates in the CSM, but it is quite hard to track down what other “Validator Research” has been done with this budget.
Probably the hardest part here is coordination of teams, as these reports are often presented by @steakhouse , which might not have this knowledge exactly, and the teams would have to offer the updates themselves in the form of providing the links to the projects touched by the budget.