Incentivizing Curve stETH liquidity with LDO (tech details)

stETH Curve pool LP incentivization

GitHub repo: GitHub - lidofinance/staking-rewards-manager: Staking rewards manager
StakingRewards contract: Contract Address 0x99ac10631F69C753DDb595D074422a0922D9056B | Etherscan
RewardsManager contract: Contract Address 0x753D5167C31fBEB5b49624314d74A957Eb271709 | Etherscan

DAO voting for transferring 0.5% of LDO total supply to RewardsManager contract: Aragon

The setup works in the following way:

  1. DAO transfers LDO tokens to RewardsManager.
  2. Someone calls start_next_rewards_period on RewardsManager.

The latter results in the following:

  1. LDO tokens get transferred from RewardsManager to StakingRewards.
  2. StakingRewards starts distributing the received LDO tokens to Curve stETH LPs. The distribution period is one month.

If DAO performs the next LDO transfer while the current rewards are still being distributed, then the next rewards distribution can be started right after the current one has finished by calling start_next_rewards_period one more time. The RewardsManager contract is needed to prevent anyone from doing this until the current period has ended.

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