Karpatkey Delegate Thread

Voting Actions Dec 16th - Dec 20th

Proposal: CSM: Enable Permissionless Phase and Increase the Share Limit

Vote: For
Reasoning: Both actions will help to increase the node operator set, enhancing the protocol’s decentralisation.

Proposal: Lido Alliance Grant Proposal

Vote: For
Reasoning: We support this funding proposal. Lido Alliance is one pillar for our expansion, and we are thrilled to see what will be built in 2025.

Proposal: [EGG] Multi-EGG Continuity Grant Funding

Vote: For
Reasoning: We support the continuity of the funding for this initiative.

Proposal: Extend On-Chain Voting Duration

Vote: For
Reasoning: Full support. This will help delegates and voters assess the proposals better and avoid missing the voting window.

Proposal: Update Lido on Ethereum Standard Node Operator Protocol - Validator Exits

Vote: for
Reasoning: We support this update. It provides clarity on the current mechanisms and will provide a better operational performance.

Proposal: Vote #182

Vote: Yes
Reasoning: We support the three items within the proposal (and it is a repetition of #181.

  1. Change Easy Track limits for PML and ATC following the Snapshot decision (items 1 & 2). Reduce the PML limit from 6M to 4M, and increase the ATC limit from 1.5M to 7M in USDC/USDT/DAI per quarter to reflect operational changes.
  2. Increase the Lido Stonks stETH limit to 12,000 stETH and reset spent amount, as per the Treasury Management Committee’s decision to achieve TMC-1 (items 3 & 4).
  3. Update the reward address for Node Operator ID 16 (Simply Staking).