Voting Actions Dec 16th - Dec 20th
Proposal: CSM: Enable Permissionless Phase and Increase the Share Limit
Vote: For
Reasoning: Both actions will help to increase the node operator set, enhancing the protocol’s decentralisation.
Proposal: Lido Alliance Grant Proposal
Vote: For
Reasoning: We support this funding proposal. Lido Alliance is one pillar for our expansion, and we are thrilled to see what will be built in 2025.
Proposal: [EGG] Multi-EGG Continuity Grant Funding
Vote: For
Reasoning: We support the continuity of the funding for this initiative.
Proposal: Extend On-Chain Voting Duration
Vote: For
Reasoning: Full support. This will help delegates and voters assess the proposals better and avoid missing the voting window.
Proposal: Update Lido on Ethereum Standard Node Operator Protocol - Validator Exits
Vote: for
Reasoning: We support this update. It provides clarity on the current mechanisms and will provide a better operational performance.
Proposal: Vote #182
Vote: Yes
Reasoning: We support the three items within the proposal (and it is a repetition of #181.
- Change Easy Track limits for PML and ATC following the Snapshot decision (items 1 & 2). Reduce the PML limit from 6M to 4M, and increase the ATC limit from 1.5M to 7M in USDC/USDT/DAI per quarter to reflect operational changes.
- Increase the Lido Stonks stETH limit to 12,000 stETH and reset spent amount, as per the Treasury Management Committee’s decision to achieve TMC-1 (items 3 & 4).
- Update the reward address for Node Operator
ID 16
(Simply Staking).