Proposal: Expanding the Simple DVT Module

In the short term, once Testnet #4 for SSV also concludes there will be the corresponding mainnet onboarding (subject to tokenholder approval) for the participants proposed based on testnet performance. And of course Simple DVT share of overall validators operated using the Lido protocol continues to grow, as clusters are steadily increasing their key limits and being allocated more stake by the protocol (subject to net protocol flows).

Additionally, given that DVT can be used for CSM validators if an NO wishes, I think the immediate next step for operators who want to be able to run validators using the Lido protocol and SSV is to do it there (if the operator isn’t eligible for CSM early adoption, they just need to wait a bit for CSM to become fully permissionless – subject to tokenholder vote of course).

From a DVT module perspective, my opinion is that Simple DVT isn’t really a pathway to effectively scale DVT beyond where it is now, and I would personally like to see tailored modules for something like this. Perhaps Simple DVT share can go from like 4% to 5%, and existing clusters may be allocated some more keys (with Obol this is a bit complex as all keys would have to have been pregenerated). Even at 4%, that’s a really huge amount of validators and node operators. DVT can also be considered for the curated module, which I think will make sense to consider and discuss but personally I would really like to see extensive performance data for Super Clusters at substantial capacity (500 validators) before I would feel comfortable to discuss this in detail.

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