Proposal: Recovering 51.36 + 30.42 ETH paid to Lido validators

Hello! Can you please provide the proof of the statement below:

I have checked all the Snapshot votings during the period of the abovementioned proposal (begging of 2023) and there was NO voting on it. On the contrary, the proposal with the same aim (A decision on an outflow of 39.8 ETH from the Lido DAO treasury to aid in the Sushi recovery (restart)) neither got DAO support, nor reached the quorum to be accepted:

  • No action: 99.23%
  • Send 39.8 ETH to sifuvision.eth: 0.77%

I have a full empathy to the situation you faced, but it opens a Pandora box for a bunch of cases with exploits, MEV, wrong tx, etc. and put Lido in risk of constant compensations, although it should not. Hasu summarised this perfectly earlier: