Redirecting incoming revenue stream from insurance fund to DAO treasury

I think we probably need a special section or page on a per-protocol basis, at the very least starting with a Q&A block in the FAQs under e.g.,, etc, since it’s possible that there will be have different approaches for all of the different stAsset products.

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I agree that seems like a logical location. I would support its own sub section so its not lost in the long list of risks. Maybe a section like can I mitigate or reduce risk? Here we could call out the insurance fund and the 3rd party options. Maybe an example quantifying the risk such as we have in this thread, that dives into the individual impact a staker might experience using nice round numbers such as 100 ETH and the most likely slashing impact.

Finally we have updates on this topic.

Insurance Fund contract successfully deployed at Lido: DAO Insurance Fund | Address 0x8B3f33234ABD88493c0Cd28De33D583B70beDe35 | Etherscan :partying_face:

Also next Tuesday, October 4, we plan to launch an Aragon vote to transfer 5’466.46 wstETH (worth of stETH) nominated in stETH from the DAO Treasury to the new Insurance Fund contract.
The amount of 5’466.46 wstETH consists of two parts:

  1. 4’546.38 wstETH is the amount that the Treasury had at the moment of redirecting revenue stream from Insurance fund to the DAO Treasury
  1. 920.08 wstETH is the amount that was used to cover the latest RCC and operating expenses and it was assumed that this amount should be returned to the Insurance fund

:oncoming_bus: The Omnibus vote has started! The main phase, in which you can vote For and Against, will last until 2 PM UTC Thursday, October 6th.

Please cast your votes!
:arrow_right: Lido DAO Voting UI


The previous omnibus did not reach a quorum, so we decided to restart this vote again.
The main phase, in which you can vote For and Against, will last until 2 PM UTC Thursday, October 20th.
Please vote! :bus:

Voting #141 is over :checkered_flag: and passed, phew! :+1: (7.2% pro)