The NOM contributor workstream on behalf of the Lido Node Operator Subgovernance Group (LNOSG) would like to provide an update regarding the SSV Simple DVT mainnet participant proposal.
While the week discussion period for the DAO to consider the proposed candidates successfully passed, during the participant confirmation period two participants have decided not to move forward to mainnet, while one participant has not provided any response or acknowledgement during the requested contact period.
As a result, the LNOSG has discussed replacement candidates to be proposed for these clusters, all of which are experienced participants that have participated in multiple Simple DVT Testnets and were approved during the discussion period to move forward in different clusters.
The three clusters and participants that will not move forward to mainnet are SSV Cluster 7 (participant Prime Cut), SSV Cluster 9 (participant bobby wen), and SSV Cluster 19 (participant OranG3cluB). In order of cluster ID, the proposed replacements are: Tessier-Hashpool Ltd. replacing Prime Cut, blockblaz(g11tech) replacing bobby wen, and Republic Crypto replacing OranG3cluB.
All three of the Node Operators proposed as replacements for these participants were considered to have shown very strong performance, responsiveness, and reliability throughout multiple testnet rounds. All of the proposed Node Operators have participated in multiple clusters and have acted as a Cluster Coordinator during testnet.
The proposed participants have been asked to reconfirm their desire to join the Simple DVT Operator Set via two SSV clusters. In case they do not reply affirmatively in a timely manner, or for some other reason cannot participate, the LNOSG will make an adjustment to the proposed list and share an update in this thread.
The changes can be seen in the following spreadsheet: The Updated Proposal (5.21.24) sheet includes the updated participant proposals, the Participant Updates sheets shows the change of participants per cluster, and the Original Proposal sheet shows the clusters proposed on May 9.
A week discussion period for the DAO now begins to consider the updated cluster configuration for Clusters 7, 9, and 19. In the meantime, optimistic onboarding of these clusters will begin, and if any changes are required the LNOSG will reconvene and share an update in this thread.