Tiered Rewards Share Program: A Sustainable Approach to stETH Growth

As it was proposed in the Snapshot we are going to deploy a new setup of contracts (TopUpAllowedRecipients, AddAllowedRecipient, RemoveAllowedRecipient and AllowedRecipientsRegistry) for further integration with Easy Track.

With these factories it will be possible to transfer funds from the Treasury under a security limit: 3000 stETH per year.

The following parameters are proposed for the new setup:

token = 0xae7ab96520DE3A18E5e111B5EaAb095312D7fE84, # stETH
budget amount = 3_000 * 10 ** 18, # 3000 
budget period duration (month) = 12, # 12 month
multisig = 0xe2A682A9722354D825d1BbDF372cC86B2ea82c8C, # Rewards Share Committee
recipient(s) addresses = [], # empty allowed recipients list