wstETH deployment on Starknet

General Thoughts

Thank you to all the work from the multiple teams pushing wstETH improvements on Starknet/Lido forward. In general, the more control Lido DAO exercises over the flow of wstETH and stETH to external chains, the better. Historically, we’ve seen similar social checks/balances on wstETH bridging solutions, like optimism’s, and believe that viewing the proposed wstETH improvements through a lens of past precedent may be prudent. While we read the final deployment verification report from Nethermind Security, we feel the following questions would be helpful answering for visibility:


  1. Who are the actors capable of upgrading/disabling/enabling the bridging solution on the L1 and L2 side?

  2. What safety measures are in place in case Lido governance experiences connectivity issues and loses the power to enforce its will?

  3. With the recency of LIP 22, which enabled rebasable stETH on L2s from the stable balancer wrapper of wstETH, we find it pertinent to ask why a similar transition from wstETH to stETH was not taken on Starknet?

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