As discussed in the Solana Wave 2 evaluation update, the LNOSG determined that a separate evaluation should be held to evaluate node operators interested in joining the Solana staking ecosystem (i.e. without current nodes on mainnet) with the help of Lido. As a result of these discussions, the LNOSG has decided to propose another small shortlist of operators (which the DAO can choose to ratify or not) not currently running active mainnet nodes with delegation. This is basically a pilot, in order to determine to what extent and how easy it is to bring brand new operators to the Solana validator set and thus we expect that the first round (especially given the current depressed rate of the market) to be a very small one (i.e. one or two shortlisted applicants).
This proposal by the LNOSG demonstrates Lido’s continued effort to decentralize the protocols on which we operate (in this case by improving validator diversity).
If you are a Node Operator interested in joining the Lido on Solana Node Operator set, you may submit an application by following the link in the Node Operator Portal or directly HERE.
As this onboarding round’s goal is to onboard net new operators to the Solana ecosystem, we kindly ask that if you are currently running an active mainnet node with delegation to wait for the next Solana onboarding round.
If you are not currently running a Solana validator and have applied in a previous round but weren’t selected for the short-list, you may indicate that you have already applied and you will not need to fill out the entire form. Alternatively, you may choose to re-fill out the form in case you wish to add additional details to your application.
The application form will be open from August 2 - August 15 23:59 UTC.
Evaluation Criteria
- Operators running active Solana mainnet nodes with delegation are ineligible.
- Professional organization with demonstrated experience validating on other networks.
- Experience running a validator on the Solana testnet would be a benefit.
- Ability to run a node out of a datacenter with low Solana saturation.
- Proof of Team call with notes made available to LNOSG members unable to join.
- Operator agrees to publicly commit to working with the Lido on Solana team to reach a baseline of performance within a reasonable amount of time (e.g. 3 months) of joining the set, otherwise give up their slot to another operator.
Evaluation and Onboarding
Applications will be evaluated by the Lido Node Operator Sub-governance Group (LNOSG) in August and a proposed shortlist will be sent to the DAO for approval. Given the close timing with Solana Wave 2 and nature of this round being a pilot program in bringing on new validators to the ecosystem, we expect to only onboard a very small amount of operators (most likely 1, potentially 2 in a special case).
Please note that being shortlisted is not a guarantee that you will be onboarded. The DAO ultimately chooses who will be onboarded, and we will be cognizant of DAO and/or community requests to review and propose further options if they are deemed necessary.
The proposed Wave 3 onboarding shortlist has gone to Snapshot proposal here: Snapshot