Community Staking Module

Community Staking Module contracts were deployed on the mainnet. One can validate deployment by running fork-tests:

  1. Clone GitHub - lidofinance/community-staking-module: Community Staking Module is the first ever permissionless staking module in Lido
  2. Set up env GitHub - lidofinance/community-staking-module: Community Staking Module is the first ever permissionless staking module in Lido
  3. Prepare env for tests
export CHAIN=mainnet
export DEPLOY_CONFIG=./artifacts/$CHAIN/deploy-$CHAIN.json
  1. Run tests
just test-deployment

In addition to the main CSM contracts, a supplementary Easy Track factory was also deployed

After additional verifications and tests, these contracts will be proposed to the Lido DAO for inclusion as a staking router module.

Appendix 1. Detailed addresses
