Integrate CSM into the Decentralized Validator Vault

The upcoming introduction of the Community Staking Module (CSM) presents an opportunity to expand the scope of Mellow’s Decentralized Validator Vault (DVV), providing another opportunity to continue supporting the decentralization of the Lido on Ethereum protocol.

This proposal suggests to augment the current scope of Node Operator (NO) incentives such that:

  1. The CSM is included within the scope of the vault, allowing for stake from the vault to flow to the module while preventing any required changes to the existing on-chain code of the Lido Staking Router deposit methodology, while also providing DVT provider incentives to the relevant participants.
  2. Users of the vault will receive 80% of the DVT provider incentives allocated to CSM operators that utilize DVT** within the module.
  3. CSM operators will receive 20% of the provider incentives pertaining to the validators they run utilizing DVT as a node operator within the Community Staking Module.

** Analysis of which CSM operators are using DVT is ultimately performed by each DVT provider separately and independently based on their own criteria.

Why Should CSM be Included in the DVV?

While the use of DVT is not mandatory within the permissionless CSM, some subgroups of the module are likely to utilize DVT given the benefits it providers to infrastructure resilience and decentralization as well as key security when combined with DKG. Given the ongoing SSV Incentived Mainnet and Obol Contribution programs, these DVT-based validators may be eligible to receive incentives from the respective DVT providers.

As described in the Community Staking Module summary thread, users of the module will put forward a bond to provide coverage for possible issues or malicious actions on the side of the Node Operator. Currently, the proposed bond curve has been set between 2.4 to 1.3 ETH per validator depending on the number of total validators a node operator is utilizing via the CSM. The validators running via CSM receive the 32 ETH required to run a validator from the CSM via the Lido Staking Router, while their bond is locked separately within the CSM contracts.

Given that CSM Node Operators are utilizing the Lido protocol to receive the ETH required to deposit to the validators, the protocol should also receive a portion of the incentives from the given DVT providers as is the case within the Simple DVT Module.

This proposal suggests that CSM Node Operators receive 20% of DVT provider incentives pertaining to their DVT-based validators utilizing the CSM. This is compared to operators in the Simple DVT Module that receive 10% of the incentives, without putting forward a bond.

In the case of a DVT cluster running a single validator, they would be required to put forward a 2.4 ETH bond, equivalent to 7.5% of the ETH required to run a solo validator. Taking this into account along with the 1% reward share for Obol Contributions and 0.5% network usage fee (expected to increase to 1% over the next 18 months) from SSV Network, a 20% share of the incentives reflects the incremental bond provided by CSM Node Operators as well as the rewards share required to utilize DVT.

In addition, it also reduces the risks of a capital provider outsourcing validator operations in the CSM Module in order to collect incentives from DVT providers, which in a negative scenario could lead to delegated stake representing the majority of CSM validators.

What is the impact to DVV users?

Users in the vault will receive incremental points for CSM node operators utilizing either Obol or SSV to run validators. The vault will accrue 80% of the points for any validators in CSM utilizing DVT. This will be tracked utilizing the SSV Incentived Mainnet calculation algorithm and Obol splitters for the respective DVT providers.

Vault users will continue to receive 90% of the DVT providers points generated via the Simple DVT Module and 100% of related Mellow points. Currently, as the module has a significantly higher number of Obol based validators active compared to the amount of ETH in the vault, users are receiving a boost to the number of Obol points on their stake within the vault.

While some deposits from the DVV will flow to non-DVT based validators within the vault, this is also true in the case that no changes are made, as a result of the existing stake distribution algorithm inherent to the design of the Staking Router. The CSM currently is proposed to go live with an initial 1% share limit of stake compared to the 4% share limit of the Simple DVT Module.

This proposal will allow for DVV users to receive incremental points while continuing to support the decentralization of the Lido protocol.

Incentive Splits

Current Distribution of the DVV + SDVTM Points:

Mellow Points SSV Points Obol Points
DVV user share of incentives 100% 90% 90%
SDVT Cluster share of incentives (respective to number of clusters operated using specific DVT infra) 0% 10% 10%

Proposed Distribution of the DVV + SDVTM + CSM (DVT) Points:

Mellow Points SSV Points Obol Points
DVV user share of incentives (SDVT validators) 100% 90% 90%
SDVT Cluster share of incentives (respective to number of clusters operated using specific DVT infra) 0% 10% 10%
DVV user share of incentives (DVT CSM validators) 100% 80% 80%
CSM Cluster share of incentives (respective to validators operated using specific DVT infra) 0% 20% 20%


Since its launch in August, the DVV has facilitated the addition of over 4,500 ETH staked through Lido on Ethereum, equivalent to 140+ validators.

This proposal seeks to incorporate the Community Staking Module into the Decentralized Validator along with the Simple DVT Module, benefiting stakers utilizing the CSM, Mellow Decentralized Validator Vault users, as well as the decentralization of the Lido protocol.

The Lido protocol benefits from the continued expansion and decentralization of the Lido Node Operator set via the addition of solo and community stakers, as well as via the incentivization of participants to utilize DVT which provides benefits to infrastructure resilience and key security when combined with DKG.

Stakers using the CSM will receive stake to their validators faster via the DVV, and for those operators utilizing DVT they will receive 20% of the DVT provider incentives generated for the validators they operate.

Users of the Decentralized Validator Vault receive an incremental 80% of the DVT provider incentives generated via CSM validators utilzing DVT in addition to 90% of the Simple DVT Module incentives, while continuing to support the decentralization of the Lido Node Operator set.

This proposal suggests to augment the current scope of Node Operator (NO) incentives such that:

  1. The CSM is included within the scope of the vault, allowing for stake from the vault to flow to the module while preventing any required changes to the existing on-chain code of the Lido Staking Router deposit methodology, while also providing DVT provider incentives to the relevant participants.
  2. Users of the vault will receive 80% of the DVT provider incentives allocated to CSM operators that utilize DVT** within the module.
  3. CSM operators utilizing DVT will receive 20% of the provider incentives pertaining to the validators they run utilizing DVT as a node operator within the Community Staking Module.

**Analysis of which CSM operators are using DVT is ultimately performed by each DVT provider separately and independently based on their own criteria.

Next Steps

It is suggested that the community review this proposal and provide feedback over the next week. If no major issues are identified and not rectified, it is suggested that the proposal be considered for inclusion within the next Snapshot vote window ahead of the mainnet deployment of the Community Staking Module.


As a Lido DAO contributor responsible for the CSM development, I support the proposal in the current form.


I think this is a cool idea to add CSM into the Mellow Decetralized Validator Vault. This is a great resource of additional ETH inflow into CSM, besides directly from the Lido protocol itself, thus will allow to deposit all participants willing to join Lido operator set as a CSM operator faster, overall boosting Lido operators set decentralization and diversification.

On top of it, this will provide CSM participants with additional incentives from Obol and SSV, which is a great differentiating point within other protocols, attracting new permissionless operators.

I have a couple of questions here:

  1. How new ETH stake from DVV will be splitted between SimpleDVT clusters and CSM?
  2. Do we know a share of non-DVT and DVT operators within CSM? Seems like in some edge cases, for example, if non-DVT operator A runs 10 validators, and DVT-based operator runs 2 validators, the A will receive a bigger share of Obol and SSV points, although this is not fair. Or maybe I didn’t get the design?

The general Staking Router stake allocation algorithm is at play here, and there’s no special treatment for modules as of yet. Basically: “the module with the least amount of active stake, that has capacity (i.e. depositable keys), and has a stake share below its stake limit, receives the stake”. If N multiple modules are at the same amount of stake (in absolute terms), then they will engage in round-robin of sorts, each getting ~1/N% of the incoming stake, until one of them reaches its stake share or runs out of depositable keys or until they reach the active stake amount of the next module, etc.

We don’t know, but basically DVT infra providers will be able to analyze validators set up by CSM Node Operators and figure this out. On testnet, the vast majority were “plain” validators, but I don’t anticipate that the testnet distribution will be indicative of mainnet.

It’s correct that there is an edge case where a DVT operator in SDVT may receive less rewards than a DVT CSM operator. There’s a few parameters that might cause this:

  • the relative share of rewards since CSM operators are proposed to receive 20% of per-validator incentives, vs 10% in SDVT, which means – all else being equal – participating in 10 DV validators in CSM would allow one to be eligible for ~the same amount of DV incentives as 20 DV validators via SDVT
  • how many unique participants are in the DVT cluster and what is their respective share of rewards (e.g. SDVT clusters are all 7 participants, but an a DV cluster in CSM may consist of fewer participants).

Snapshot vote started

The Integrate CSM into the Decentralized Validator Vault Snapshot has started! Please cast your votes before Thu, 24 Oct 2024 16:00:00 GMT :pray:


I support the integration. It’s great to see solutions that enhance the staking experience while promoting decentralization in the Lido protocol like this :). Moreover, it will make it easier for newcomers to DeFi, especially those moving from Web2 to Web3, to stake ETH in the DVV and participate in CSM without needing technical expertise.


Snapshot vote ended

The Integrate CSM into the Decentralized Validator Vault Snapshot has reached a quorum and completed successfully!
The results are:
Yes, vote for the integration: 61.1M LDO
No, do not integrate: 88 LDO