The following is a LEGO proposal to sponsor the Staking Rewards podcast for a 3 month period starting in Q1 2022 to spread awareness of the Lido staking ecosystem (Ethereum, Solana & Terra).
Staking Rewards is an industry-leading aggregator and data hub driving information surrounding the cryptocurrency space. With a host of high-quality guests, relevant discussion topics and a niche community of listeners, I feel that sponsoring this podcast would drive tangible benefits towards Lido.
The cost to sponsor the Staking Rewards podcast comes out to around 2.5-3k EUR per episode - with a new episode released every Monday. Lido would benefit from a personalised ad slot (including either a 30s video clip or them talking about Lido and its benefits) as a part of each episode whilst featuring in podcast branding and distribution efforts.
The proposed cost for sponsoring the podcast for a full quarter comes out to 30,000 EUR, or approximately 9,250-9,500 LDO.
Next Steps
The topic will be voted upon internally by the LEGO Council as the proposed amount does not require a Snapshot vote. If approved, funds will be transferred as part of the weekly Lido omnibus vote.