As it was mentioned in the [LIDO-v2] May 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023 | Lido Ongoing Grant Request proposal, reWARDS will be switched to stETH.
reWARDS Program Cap and Switch to stETH
Up to 4m DAI will be authorized for distribution through the reWARDS multisig or other marketing incentives as stETH or wstETH from the period ranging June 2023 to December 2023. The effective amount of stETH will be calculated on the basis of a dollar value, once a month, based on the prevailing market price. If a discount on the market rate to ETH is present, DAI from Aragon treasury will be used to acquire stETH first.
Each following distribution will be authorized either as an Aragon on-chain vote or through the Easy Track Motions process once available.
For this purpose, a setup of contracts will be deployed for further connection to Easy Tack.
Parameters for new contracts are posted here: Easy Track setup for reWARDS in stETH
token = 0xae7ab96520DE3A18E5e111B5EaAb095312D7fE84, # stETH
budget amount = 2_100 * 10 ** 18, # 2100
budget period duration (month) = 3, # 3 month
multisig = 0x87D93d9B2C672bf9c9642d853a8682546a5012B5, # reWARDS multisig
recipient(s) titles = [”reWARDS multisig”], # reWARDS multisig
recipient(s) addresses = [0x87D93d9B2C672bf9c9642d853a8682546a5012B5], # reWARDS multisig.
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