Proof Group: Delegate Thread

Delegate information

Name: Proof Group

Forum handle: cnmtennis

Twitter: njess
Telegram: cnmtennis


Proof Group is a leading web3 investment fund that has a long history of supporting some of the most promising projects at the earliest stages of their lifecycle such as Aptos, Sui, Thorchain, Lightspark, Farcaster, Ondo, Karak and many others.

Over the last few years Proof Group has organically grown a sizable infrastructure business- staking much of our own balance sheet and for several friends of our firm. We believe staking will play a crucial role for asset managers in the future and use validators as a way to get closer to the tech for the ecosystems we support and meet really strong builders that we can partner with on our venture business.

Proof Group has been natively staking Ethereum since the merge and strongly believes in Ethereum’s role in the future of decentralized finance. We recently joined the SSV Testnet #4 and are looking forward to becoming a larger voice/ contributor in the Lido ecosystem.

Motivation, values and decision making

Why I think our participation in this Lido’s delegate program makes sense:

  • Although Proof Group is relatively new to the Lido ecosystem, we are extremely versed in Ethereum staking. Delegators can trust Proof Group as a voice for Ethereum staking because we truly have skin in the game and built our staking business by self-staking all of our own assets as opposed to just receiving delegations from others.
  • We can provide a newer voice to the Lido community, especially through the DVT lens. Lido is actively looking to decentralize their operator set and improve their client diversity. Proof Group will be an excellent voice for newer operators and delegators looking to improve decentralization in the Lido set.
  • Our engineering team prides ourselves on actively making core protocol contributions. We are actively making PRs to Github of ecosystems we support (IE: m3diumrare-GitHub).
  • Governance in web3 can admittedly use a lot of work. Some of our team has a background in TradFi where we have observed how governance in the equity markets works. We have a lot of views on how we can take some of the best of what goes on with proxy voting at large asset managers and vastly improve on it for a web3 audience.
  • We truly believe in Ethereum and envision much of the financial rails of the future to be built on it. Lido is the most important player in the Ethereum ecosystem and we feel it is our duty to support governance for the Lido & Ethereum community at the grassroots level.

Public acceptance

We accept Lido DAO delegate Сode of Сonduct and Aligned with Lido’s Mission Statement.


Proof Group holds liquid assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, & other top 50 tokens as part of our investment business. We are also investors in several other Liquid & Re-staking protocols such as Rio Network, Karak, & Stader.

None of this would affect our role as a delegate on Lido.

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Hey, @cnmtennis, thanks for applying, could you also provide an address where to delegate?

Hi Jen- here is our address for delegation:
