Proposal: BloXroute Relay proxy

Regarding using BloXroute relay proxies, we made a change to our architecture, where validators don’t need to run any local components, yet can still connect to a relay proxy. We now allow validators to use relay proxies in many regions throughout the world (US, EU, Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Sydney, and Dublin) without having to run their own. These proxies communicate with the relay using gRPC, and are faster than communicating with the relay directly. Validators using relay proxies receive higher paying blocks than those who don’t, due to the validator being able to receive blocks built later in the slot because of the reduced builder-to-proposer latency. While the proxy appears as an additional relay, the backend relays are the two bloXroute relays that are approved by the Lido community. In the future, additional relays will integrate with the relay proxies.
