Proposal for Hasu to join Lido as Strategic Advisor

The snapshot poll for Hasu to join Lido as a Strategic Advisor has passed: Snapshot

We are honored and excited to have Hasu begin contributing to Lido in a more formal capacity. Hasu’s tenure as an advisor to Lido shall officially begin as of the end of the Snapshot poll, as of Apr 13, 2022, 10:00 AM CEST.

Lido’s legal structuring work to interface with real-world persons via formalized contracts is currently still underway, and thus a formal contract in writing cannot be ratified between Hasu and an incorporated entity (“Lido Legal Entity”) at this time. We expect incorporation to be completed within the next 3-5 weeks at which point a formal contract shall be ratified between said legal entity (“Lido Legal Entity”) and Hasu. This contract shall recognize Hasu’s start date as a Strategic Advisor as of Apr 13, 2022, 10:00 AM CEST as his contribution.