Blockworks Research Delegate Thread

Delegate Information

Name: Blockworks Advisory
Address: 0xfF4139e99Bd7c23F4611dc660c33c97A825EA67b
Forum: @blockworksresearch
Website: Blockworks Advisory
Twitter: @BlockworksAdv

Telegram: @effortcapital, @magicdhz, @carolinagold, @nikh_chat @Mims0x, @robertmalakaib


Blockworks Advisory integrates curated and tested expertise from Blockworks Research to deliver deep actionable insights rooted in theory and data. We utilize our distribution, conviction, and native understanding of crypto to collaboratively foster on-chain growth for protocol teams, communities, and DAOs. We increase iteration speed by allowing your developers to focus on what they do best: building. We maximize your chances of lasting success with our wealth of hands-on experience. Partner with us and our sturdy legacy of research to achieve goals, create value, and drive enduring change.

Governance Work

Additionally, we are active delegates in Uniswap, Jito, Lido, Wormhole, CoW Protocol, Polygon, Avalanche, and Ethena. We provide critical insights that enable our partnered DAOs, token holders, and foundations to make informed decisions about the future of their platforms, consciously aware of all relevant information. Through our background in statistical analyses, such as causal inference, normalization techniques, sensitivity modeling, and predictive modeling, we evaluate and recommend bespoke economic designs. Together, our statistical prowess and our foundational knowledge of DAO operations, DAO systematic design, and data dashboards offer our partners complete coverage where it matters.

Why Blockworks Advisory

With our wide distribution platform and subject matter expertise, we earned our position as large delegates across the several high-profile protocols mentioned above. The Blockworks Advisory team has a diverse background across traditional equities, private equity, economics, business development, and governance theory. Our history of work affirms that our team is deeply crypto native, with a combined 20+ years in the industry in both a professional and personal capacity.


Blockworks will not comment or vote on any aragon proposals, forum posts, and snapshot proposals that include language referring to, directly stating, or inferring to, a “fee switch” for Lido DAO.

References of past governance activity

Members on the research team have diverse backgrounds, ranging from experience in HFT, investment management (including TradFi and liquid token management), statistical modeling and quantitative analysis, and actively participating in governance.


Lido DAO is deeply intertwined with Ethereum’s security, economics, and governance. We view this as an opportunity to work closely with industry leaders and make meaningful contributions to the broader Ethereum community.

DAOs still face a lot of unanswered problems with respect to coordination structures, effective spending, communicating between delegates, and ultimately driving value back to the underlying protocol. We recognize the opportunity to leverage our platform and team of analysts to address these governance issues.


Our objectives are to work closely with organizations that we believe are operating at the forefront of DAO governance, to provide a platform for meaningful dialogue, insights, participation, and progress for broader audiences, and to identify research that achieve sustainable business models or other relevant KPIs.

We are also keenly interested in advising areas related to MEV, staking/restaking, incentive programs, grant programs, product strategies, and protocol governance, as we believe these are essential pieces for PoS networks and the staking industry, more broadly.

Aspirations within Lido DAO

Within the DAO, we aspire to be a neutral platform where investors and community members can learn, stay updated, and gain meaningful insights about Lido. We want to bridge the information gap between DeFi and TradFi. Our aspirations for the DAO is to become a preeminent organization for Ethereum research and governance. This means the DAO will be a major participant in maintaining a sufficiently decentralized network.

Values and Decision-Making Approach

We take pride in having a chain-agnostic approach and being critical of various designs. We know DAOs and protocols have different values and philosophies.

As Professional Delegate Representatives and Advisors, we want to identify and understand the needs and goals of the protocols we serve. Then, we closely collaborate with relevant parties toward achieving those goals, and also provide our feedback along the way. Throughout our engagement, our north star will be identifying important KPIs and operational processes and surfacing research modeling that achieves them. And we’ll work closely with relevant delegates on a per project basis.

Public Acceptance

We are committed to adhering to the delegate Сode of Сonduct below:

  • Public Delegate Code of Conduct:

  • Act honestly, transparently, and with integrity.

  • Vote in the Lido DAO’s best interest.

  • Review each proposal professionally and unbiasedly before voting.

  • Draw the community’s attention if a proposal is unclear, requires additional research, or is not ready to proceed to vote.

  • Provide constructive, well-researched feedback without personal attacks.

  • Respect differing opinions.

  • Clearly explain vote rationales to the community.

  • Be available to discuss proposals and respond to inquiries.

  • Inform the community when ceasing active delegation.

  • Avoid and disclose any conflicts of interest.

  • Disclose potential conflicts related to delegate activities.

Disclosures: Potential Conflict of Interests

Much like our Media and Research arms, Blockworks Advisory strives for objectivity and being grounded in data-driven decisions. While we believe there are no conflicts of interest today, we think it’s important to note that we are advisors and/or delegates for a growing list of protocols, including, and not limited to, Uniswap, Jito, Lido, Wormhole, CoW Protocol, Polygon, Avalanche, and Ethena. We strive to be transparent with our engagements and will update the DAO and relevant parties as necessary.

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Very cool :slight_smile:, it’s the same blockworks as this?

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Blockworks Advisory Voting Log

Table Of Contents


Link To Discussion: Blockworks Opinion

Blockworks Vote: Yea

General Thoughts

Given the acquisitions of Stakewithus and Bware labs do not materially impact the operations of the validators or the organizational structure of the node operators, we don’t see a reason to deactivate either.

Oppositely, Numic’s merger into Pier Two does necessitate proper testing, with oversight from the NOM contributor workstream, because of the infrastructure alterations. We look forward to an update upon successful testnet & mainnet ramping!


Proposal: Aragon Vote 179

Link To Discussions:

Blockworks Vote: Yea

Blockworks Opinion On Organize the Lido Alliance Program as a Lido-DAO-Adjacent BORG

After thoroughly vetting the checks and balances between Lido DAO & BORG we can claim that the Lido DAO holds enough negative authority, where a decision passes only if it is NOT vetoed, that BORG is still subservient to its power. Independently of Lido DAO the Guardian Oversight and Supervisory Role further assures confidence in the BORG entity.

We support this proposal and see the LIDO Alliance BORG as a substantial architectural improvement over traditional Sub DAO working groups.

The primary near-term risk of LIDO Alliance BORG is the uncertainty surrounding the transition of the Supervisory Role from MetaLeX Pro LLC to, possibly, Lido OpsBORG. We look forward to an update on the progress of this transition in the coming months.

Blockworks Opinion On LIP-22: stETH on L2

We vote to approve! Given Ethereum’s focus on layer 2 scaling solutions and the flight of consumers from Ethereum’s base chain toward layer 2s, it is paramount to Lido’s success that stETH provides these users value by increasing its moneyness.

We see this proposal as a great step towards Lido’s one-year goal of “stETH [to be] the most used token in the Ethereum ecosystem” (GOOSE 1). A canonical version of stETH will serve to further solidify stETH’s position among the fragmented nature of layer 2s.

Future iterations of this bridging solution could consider instituting pre-confirmations to enable instant withdrawals for optimistic rollups. To increase the velocity of stETH withdrawing from optimistic rollups, a permissioned multi-attestor model where a threshold number is required for instant withdrawals could check, execute, and verify the block, providing a ZK proof that confirms the correctness of the state transition.

Proposal: Snapshot Establish the Network Expansion Committee (NEC)

Link To Discussion: Blockworks Opinion

Blockworks Vote: Yea

Blockworks Thoughts

Since its first mention in October 2023, the Network Expansion Workgroup (NEW) has provided instrumental thought leadership in bridge guidelines/integrations, governance decision forwarding, proposal verification, and wstETH stETH expansion initiatives. The longstanding dedicated participation of the team’s two spokespersons @TheDZhon and @DeFiYaco from 2021 and 2022 indicates reliability and trustworthiness. Over the last year, the NEW team has consistently added value to the Lido community, evident in the non-exhaustive list of proposals and participation the NEW team mentioned here:

We believe NEC’s objective of operationalizing network expansion will decrease go-to-market times, resulting in faster expansion for wstETH stETH. The NEC also benefits from aligning itself with the core three-year goal outlined in GOOSE 1 to “increase stETH’s user value by increasing its utility as money” (GOOSE 1).


  1. While true that the checks and balances on NEC are substantial and adhere to committees’ standardized operating procedures, we wonder why the forum is utilized as the medium to object when it appears like this process may be offloaded to easy track so the barrier for opponents is lower and visibility is increased?

  2. Does the NEC envision a standard reporting period where it dispels all of its accomplishments and challenges?

Proposal: Aragon Vote 180

Link To Discussion: Blockworks Opinion

Blockworks Vote: Yea

Blockworks Thoughts

We approve the integration of the Community Staking Module (CSM). The extrinsic risk liquid staking providers pose to Ethereum is relative to the quality of the validator set. More specifically, the extent of this risk depends on how fast an LSP can reallocate capital from node operators to a centralized operator. Lido’s vision of a diversified validator set neutralizes the cartelization risk a permissioned validator set presents to Ethereum. As such, we support Lido’s continued alignment with Ethereum by committing to diversifying the validator set with its Distributed Validator Technology module (DVT), exit priority limits, and now the CSM.

The Community Staking Module holds a competitive advantage in the solo-staking market with its 1.4 ETH minimum bond and higher less-volatile staking rewards (in part due to the dual reward structure of the CSM). The novel implementation of the Staking Router enables an equitable distribution of rewards despite the expected relative quality of CSM node operators (NO) being less than the Curated Module. By layering equitable rewards across modules with a performance threshold mechanism upholding a meritocratic self-elected validator set, a positive form of liberal welfare elevates the quality of the CSM validator set.

In line with our former opinion, we believe that version 2 of the Staking router is an integral aspect for the proper functioning of the CSM. By updating the Deposit Security Module (DSM), Validator Exit Bus Oracle (VEBO), Accounting Oracle (AO), and reward distribution mechanism, the curate module will be streamlined, validator exits will be proactively prioritized, and AOs will be scalable.

Lastly, while the likelihood of a negative stETH rebase is low, the existence of a dedicated fund and the approval of Lido DAO for slashing due to an inactivity leak provides a reassuring safeguard against this unlikely event.


Lido Improvement Proposals LIP-26

LIP-25 Forum Post: V2 Staking Router

LIP-23 Forum Post: Inactivity leaks

Github Lip 23

Reference Link: Reward Socialization

CSM HackMD Documentation

Proposal: Reevaluation of Lido on Polygon state

Link To Discussion: Blockworks Opinion

Blockworks Vote: Yea

General Thoughts

At the launch of wstETH on Polygon, a key value proposition for deploying was the foundation’s incentives to bridge cross-chain (Source). From a perspective of past precedent, the lack of foundation support for DeFi on Solana, and stSol’s shrinking market share relative to competitors contributed to the phasing out of Solana wstETH.

Applying that knowledge here, and assuming the below chart of staked MATIC (dba POL) is accurate, Lido’s market share, depicted by the pink line, has been steadily decreasing throughout 2024. Compounding stMatic’s contraction, rewards for stMatic are fully depleted.


As a result, the primary question becomes: At the current market share is it economically sustainable to continue provisioning for the middleware?

A tangentially important question that should be equally weighted: what is the opportunity cost of pursuing a tail market for Lido when one of its primary directives is to increase stETH dominance (Goose 1)?

Sentiment Of Blockworks Advisory

Assuming the answer to question one is no and the answer to question two is too high, then we’d be in favor of sunsetting to refocus Lido’s efforts on Polygon towards the currently successful wstETH bridge.

Proposal: [Hasu’s GOOSE-2 Submission] A Product Line Approach to Grow Lido’s Staking Ecosystem

Link To Discussion: Blockworks Opinion

Blockworks Vote: Abstain


Our goal is to objectively inquire about the potential positive and negative impacts of GOOSE 2 on Lido.

Key Takeaways:

  • Adding a beachhead for Custody Providers to minimize liability for institutional holders
  • Removing “Aligning risk/reward between more and less risky modules” from the GOOSE 2 proposal because it limits ingenuity by enforcing the “how” of building the validator marketplace.
  • Including a source in the GOOSE 2 proposal to find the three-year goals of Lido from ReGOOSE.


Extending The Discussion Period

In part due to GOOSE being a requirement for EGGS and the current spend expiring at the end of the year, we alter our stance to move forward with the proposal at the assigned interval.

Considering Hasu’s recent mention in the Goose Guidelines Topic, we still believe that this proposal should explicitly state where to find Lido’s three-year goals (Source).

Previous Successes Of GOOSE

We’d like to congratulate the team on significant successes including enhanced decentralized governance with increased LDO delegation and participation, an expanded validator set from 37 to over 400 node operators—including many solo stakers—and stETH becoming the ecosystem’s most used token, advancing toward top staking collateral status, all achieved without any security incidents.

What Do The Target Beachheads Want?

Per Hasu’s observations vanilla stETH underserves customers such as HNWIs, ETF/ETP providers, and neo banks. Additionally, stETH should continue to expand its offering towards restaking and lending services. We are in line with the horizontal expansion of Lido to capture institutional holders, restaking services, and lending markets through a diverse and synergistic staking product suite.

Not only is Lido’s vision imperative to offer a risk-minimized LST to customers but also its success is inextricably linked to Ethereum’s decentralization. Through horizontal scaling we feel like a continued focus on stETH positions Lido to succeed by capturing vertical layers that will either become or currently are dependent on a source of risk minized yield/collateral.

Now we need to position Lido to continue be competitive in the increasingly diverse LSP market. The question is on what basis should it compete?

Lido’s future moat depends on answers to these fundamental questions:

Questions of why & what for GOOSE 2
  1. While we don’t hold a strong opinion on MVI, If MVI poses a credible threat to the decentralization of Lido—and consequently Ethereum—should Lido explore alternative avenues to generate yield for stETH holders to mitigate this risk?
  2. What do institutions care about from an LST and LSP perspective (e.g. APR, NO customization, security, simplicity, liquidity, take rates, staking representatives, investor relations representatives, custody solutions, customer service, trust, track record of execution, technical risk)?
  3. What do custody providers want from their LSP and LST?
  4. What do stETH holders want (e.g. APR, decentralization, using stETH in restaking w\ slashing conditions, liquidity)?
  5. What does Ethereum want from Lido in the coming years?
  6. What do restaking platforms, lending platforms, and node operators want from Lido?
Questions of how for GOOSE 2
  1. Since Lido wants to capture institutional holders we need to understand what do current institutional delegate voting services (e.g. in the stock market with BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard) excel at?
  2. While decentralized governance is a massive advantage Lido should be proud of, we wonder what barriers to institutional adoption the Lido DAO creates. For instance, should the fast track be longer than four days to allow these stakeholders or their institutional delegates time to vote?
  3. Are there previously allocated internal Lido resources that can be reused for product line expansion?
  4. Without a comprehensive analysis of the current efficiencies and inefficiencies of Lido’s governance system, how will we fully understand the impact of Lido’s product offering on governance capture – is it worth the risk in the short term to pursue expansion? (i.e. governance capture: the distribution of power and prevention of a single faction from dominating decision-making)
  5. How, by holding stETH, can we create an environment that is both positive for Ethereum and competes on APR?
  6. How can Lido care for the customer better than Coinbase or Binance staking?
  7. If institutions and their custody solutions do not want to run their own node on chain, how can we enable more customizability?

Thoughts On Beachhead Questions

Seeing as GOOSE focuses purely on the why and what of Lido’s future, in general, our thoughts on the above questions are as follows:

Custody Providers And Institutional Capital: We believe adding a fourth beachhead for Custody Providers to the three mentioned would be advantageous for Lido. Coinbase’s vertically integrated custody solution and Binance’s strategic partnership with Fireblocks are one of the primary advantages these centralized exchanges offer institutions over Lido’s current staking offering. Institutions deeply care about driving higher returns to holders in a manner that is liquid, fault-tolerant, risk-minimized, minimally liable, and battle-tested. By its very nature, Lido competes against CEX advantages by removing middlemen, decentralizing NOs, and maintaining a longstanding legacy. Lido has the potential to offer an LST with competitive APRs, liquidity, and less technical risk, making it a tempting choice. Yet, Lido does not currently offer minimal liability and should strengthen integrations with Custody Providers. Compounding Lido’s disadvantage, institutional holders may have a fiduciary responsibility to participate in Lido governance but have no trusted “traditional” institutional delegate representatives to offload this burdensome risk (recent legal precedent).

Ethereum Ecosystem And stETH Holders: As Hasu rightly mentioned, LST holders are “chasing the hot ball of rewards,” we see this trend lasting. Lido becoming more competitive on APRs is paramount for institutional and retail adoption. Although we are agnostic as to whether MVI is a constant and continuous credible threat to Lido’s future, the prospects of a looming potential decrease in issuance paired with the desire for the “lowest take rate that allows Lido to be sustainable and secure” indicates a need for other sources to impact APR positively. Consequently, we find it reasonable to diversify risk by pursuing other avenues to increase APR.

Restaking And Lending Platforms: The market for restaking may be immature, but we see lido’s action as a positive movement to capture downstream markets that could be primarily based with stETH. We hasten to mention that Restaking platforms’ desire for additional slashing conditions poses a risk to Lido NO that has not been comprehensively reported on. Continuing with our thoughts, Restaking and Lending platforms have many similarities; they both require liquidity and compete on the variable cost of that liquidity. Restaking is only as profitable as liquidity or validation cost is cheap, whereas Lending is only as profitable as the cost of capital is low. These two target beachheads are synergistic and want the same things from stETH.

Fee Switch

Unfortunately, we can not comment on the fee switch. We can say that higher APRs could be interesting for the 4 target beachheads we previously mentioned.

Validator Marketplace

A validator marketplace and performance threshold mechanism have been discussed for a while. It is unclear whether a validator marketplace will positively or negatively impact Lido’s main value proposition, decentralization. We have some concerns and questions that we think the community should seek answers to.

Validator Market Place Questions And Concerns
  1. How will the free validator marketplace affect institutional, restaking, lending, and custodian adoption of stETH? Are there synergistic opportunities between this initiative and others within GOOSE 2?
  2. If Ethereum moves towards a smaller issuance rate and the validator marketplace offers a larger percentage of rewards to those validators doing the best (as defined by this discussion), won’t the CM outcompete the SDVT and CSM, possibly leading to centralization?
  3. Is GOOSE 2 enforcing the “how” by stating, “Aligning risk/reward between more and less risky modules”?
  4. GOOSE 1’s three-year goals focus on decentralization and curating an opinionated validator set; how does the validator marketplace uphold these objectives?
  5. Is the validator marketplace a truly free market?

Thoughts On Validator Market Place Questions

GOOSE 2 enforcing methods of implementation: Our concern is that by explicitly stating that the validator marketplace must work across modules rather than being agnostic to the implementation of the marketplace, ingenuity is limited, and potential modification is required down the line. We provide an example in Appendix A of a system that is not cross-module, thus goes against GOOSE 2. Regardless of whether the system in Appendix A is substantive, the important point to emphasize is that it GOOSE 2 is supposed to maintain neutrality regarding the methodology (‘the how’), which it does not do.

Evaluation of GOOSE 2 implementation: Because the current GOOSE 2 proposal comments on how the validator marketplace should function, we will evaluate the implementation. At present, it is unclear how a meritocratic performance threshold across modules will affect decentralization of the NO set. While uncertain, it appears that the implementation across modules may be in opposition to the ReGOOSE & GOOSE 3-year goals of 5000 validators because the CM might be rewarded the most. With the system proposed in GOOSE 2, we must weigh the cost of centralizing Lido’s validator set by pushing out node operators from the CSM who will be outcompeted for rewards by the CM versus the aggregate quality of the set. Moreover, withdrawing from socialized reward systems may introduce module-specific dependencies.

Governance Capture Of Meritocratic Rewards Systems: To address potential centralization in a module rewards system, one might propose setting a ceiling on module rewards; however, this directly increases the risk of governance capture. An attribute of the CSM that we really enjoyed was how the smoothed rewards and performance threshold mechanism upholds a meritocratic self-elected validator set. In the CSM, an open, competitive, and positive form of liberal welfare elevates the quality of the CSM validator set. Whereas across modules, the permissioned, curated, and closed institutional NOs in the CM may result in higher levels of centralization and governance capture.

Overall Thoughts On GOOSE 2 Validator Marketplace

In total, whether or not the current module-based compensation impacts decentralization, GOOSE 2 should maintain an agnostic stance on the validator marketplace to allow for unfettered ideation and creation.

We agree that, if implemented correctly, an open market for validators enables diverse product offerings, node operator decentralization, and cost efficiency.


With the recent successful onboarding of 200 operators to the CSM we think that leaning into its open competitive nature may propel Lido to its three year NO decentralization goals (Source).

Our example demonstrates an approach that does not distribute rewards across modules. Instead, it aligns incentives in an automated manner that minimizes governance capture and centralization risks with institutional capital or custodian providers that demand more nuanced node operator setups and restaking platform users/AVSs willing to subsidize node operators for inheriting slashing conditions.

We do not wish to remove stakeholders’ right to choose by merely incentivizing the best node operators across modules. Instead, we set minimum standards for validators in the CSM who have consistently performed over a given period to be included in the on-demand validation service.

We cannot envision a scenario where large ETFs operate on-chain infrastructure, so “Bring Your Own Validator” (BYOV) doesn’t seem practical. Instead, we propose a two-sided market that leverages the elastic supply properties of the CSM to meet each institutional holder’s, custody provider’s, and AVS’s specific needs. If institutional holders want high availability and low slashing risk, they can pay for the increased complexity of node operations in an open market—specifically within the CSM—where validators can fulfill their requests and use the funds to scale operations up or down. If they require a specific Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) on their node, it will cost extra. If they don’t mind occasional downtime, they can pay less. If an AVS wants to add additional slashing conditions, it will incur additional costs. This system hinges on the accountability of node operators to run the requested hardware and fulfill orders on-demand. In line with the performance incentive thresholds in the CSM, validators who do not meet the client’s requested performance levels can be disproportionately penalized as a punitive measure.

The open validator market we propose leverages Lido’s existing infrastructure. The key point is that this strategy offers products to restaking platforms, institutions, and custodians while enabling automation, competition, and decentralization.

A thoughtful skeptic might worry that this approach could push solo stakers out of the market. However, this is not the case because those paying more should receive more customizable solutions, while those customers paying less won’t qualify to participate in the open market of validators. This creates a base validator set (analogous to a base fee) to handle standard requests and a priority validator set (similar to a priority fee) to manage top-tier requests. Finally, this system should still enable socialized rewards across modules, which we believe are essential for reducing module-specific risks.

We must note that further research on the demand for such a system and its potential efficacy would be prudent before integration.

Blockworks Advisory Opinion On:

  1. Opinion 1
  2. Opinion 2
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Lido Governance Manual
As a system of governance expands it becomes a challenge to observe, operate, and control. This report serves as a solution and a foundation: offering the Lido community – encompassing institutional/solo holders, lido contributors group, ethereum, and node operators – an objective, consolidated, and transparent view of its operational history, current structure, checks and balances, separations of power, critical milestones, major integrations, KPIs, and evolution.

After a thorough analysis of hundreds of proposals, forum posts, GitHub documents, and medium articles, we conclude that while information for Lido DAO is public, it is scattered. The result is that the Lido community stakeholders’ civic duty to ensure the integrity, efficiency, and efficacy of Lido DAO could be improved by collating, organizing, and imaging this information.

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