Tané Delegate Thread





tanegov.eth / 0xB79294D00848a3A4C00c22D9367F19B4280689D7


Tané is formed with a group of crypto-native product builders, based in Tokyo, Dubai and New York. We are backed by SoftBank, and Japanese tech giants like DeNA, GREE, MIXI, and closely work with the big Japanese enterprises and have great relationship with Japanese crypto communities.

Our investment arm has invested in and supported various innovating projects that contribute to the decentralized society enabled by the new blockchain technology. Our network operation entity started directly contributing to the ecosystem by being node operators for the core infrastructures and protocols that make Web3 move forward and contributors to the DAOs that manage them. We have been active as delegates in Arbitrum, Optimism, Uniswap and more.

Takeshi, Head of Network Operations, who worked for Twitter as a senior software engineer and for SmartNews, a Japanese unicorn startup that provides a news aggregation mobile app with 30M MAU as a product manager, is the main representative of the account.

Contact Information

X (Twitter): https://x.com/tanelabs
Web: https://tanelabs.com
Discord: tksohishi
Telegram: takeshi55555


We believe we can contribute to the Lido DAO in many and unique ways, help Lido achieve its goals and make Ethereum the coordination and value layer of the Internet.

Governance-focused node operator

We believe Lido and other protocols that need node operators should appreciate the importance of the governance more and incorporate some form of Proof of Governance for the selection of them. With that direction in mind, we consider it critical and inevitable for node operators to appropriately participate in the governance, not just on the protocol upgrades but also on the meta-governance and DAO operations. We are aiming to be the one that promote the movement and the leading operator with the technical capability as a node operator and governance capability as an active delegate.

Tech-savvy delegate

Our unique experience and expertises in the tech industries as product builders (entrepreneurs, software engineers, and product managers) should be able to contribute to critical feedback and comments on technical upgrades and issues to be discussed and implemented by collaborating with Lido contributors and external parties.

Japan representative

There are many users and traders using crypto products in Japan, but there are no prominent delegates who actively participate in and contribute to DAO governance from Japan yet. We are aiming to be the one who represents the Japanese users and token holders by being active in the governance, leveraging the partnership with Japanese enterprises and making meaningful impacts on the protocols and the ecosystem.

Values and Decision-Making Approach

We have established our Delegate Core Values as below and demonstrated our delegate activities and decision makings based on them.


We value integrity a lot. We believe integrity is the most important virtue even in the industry that values trustless and permissionless. In fact, even though we should aim for governance minimization in the end, the protocols should still need governance and it requires capable and sincere participants. We should be the one of them.


Diversity is one of the most important values to achieve decentralization. We are very unique in various perspectives including the geographical diversity (Japan and Asia). We also value diversities provided by other actors and are willing to appreciate them and collaborations with them.


We believe in the progressive decentralization. While considering the decentralization is the ultimate goal for crypto/blockchain projects to achieve, we sometimes value practicality and approaches that get things done rather than getting stuck in pursuing the “decentralization” too much from the start.


We believe transparency is the vital trait in the decentralized systems. We communicate our findings, feedback, opinions, disagreements and praises in a clear and constructive manner. We believe transparent communications should lead to better discussions and decisions to thrive.

Public Acceptance

We accept the Lido Public Delegate Code of Conduct and commit to being fully aligned with Purpose/Mission/Values of Lido DAO. We particularly appreciate the Lido’s stance on being aligned with Ethereum values and commitment to achieving them together.


Our investment arm, as a separate entity, has invested in a number of crypto startups but as of the time of writing this profile, we don’t believe there are clear COIs in terms of contributing to Lido DAO. We are also active in the other DAOs, Arbitrum, Optimism (S6 Grants Council member), Uniswap and more in the future.

We will update our voting activities and rationales behind them in this thread. Please reach out to us anytime when you have any opinions/comments/feedback.

You can also check out our voting activities related to Lido from our internal tracker.

Waiver of Liability

By delegating to Tané, you acknowledge and agree that Tané will participate on a best-efforts basis and will not be liable for any damages related to participation in the Lido Protocol or its DAO.


Lido Alliance application: Mellow

Summary: Mellow is a restaking protocol that uses stETH as collateral, allowing users to choose LRT based on their risk preference. In this proposal, Mellow will provide 10% of its token supply to Lido Alliance in exchange for several supports including growth and liquidity bootstrapping.

Vote: Onboard Mellow to Lido Alliance

Rationale: We believe that as a member of the Lido Alliance, Mellow can contribute to the growth of the Lido ecosystem by expanding the utility of stETH.

Lido Alliance application: Drop

Summary: Drop, a cross-chain liquid staking protocol, enables staking across multiple blockchains while keeping staked assets liquid. In this proposal, 10% of their total token supply is offered to the Lido Alliance in exchange for support in growth and liquidity bootstrapping.

Voting: Onboard Drop to Lido Alliance

Reasoning: As DeFi activities centered around LST expand beyond the Ethereum mainnet, partnerships like this, which address cross-chain compatibility, help meet the growing needs of LST-based DeFi activities. Therefore, we vote in favor of this proposal.

LIP-23: Negative rebase sanity check with a pluggable second opinion

Summary: This proposal can reduce the risk of attacks by malicious oracles through changes to the parameters of the oracles used by Lido. In exchange, DAO voting will be required to verify correct information in the event of a serious incident.

Voting: Yay

Rationale: As this proposal will lead to further strengthening of the robustness of the Lido protocol, we vote in favor of it.

Expanding the Simple DVT Module

Summary: With this proposal, the target share of the DVT module will be increased from 0.5% to 4%. Also, the new set of node operators called Advanced Node Operators (ANO) will be introduced.

Voting: For

Rationale: This not only enhances the decentralization and security of Lido’s Node Operators but also improves the economics for Node Operators participating in DVT. Therefore, we support this proposal.


LIP-22: stETH on L2 — wstETH on Optimism bridge endpoints upgrade (Snapshot)

Vote: Yay

Rationale: Currently, wstETH is deployed on various L2 networks. In addition to this, this is a proposal to make stETH available on L2 as well. By utilizing existing bridges and wrapping wstETH on L2, stETH can be used on L2 networks. Ensuring that stETH maintains the same utility on L2 as it does on L1 is crucial for user experience.

[EGG] Establishing the Community Lifeguards Initiative (CLI) Sub-Committee (Snapshot)

Vote: Approve Community Lifeguards

Rationale: This proposal suggests organizing CLI as a subcommittee of LEGO with a budget of approximately 200k USD per quarter. CLI aims to invigorate community activities and increase the number of contributors, such as community stakers, by managing community programs, creating content for community stakers, and identifying and supporting grant opportunities. This initiative is crucial for enhancing the decentralization of Lido and expanding a diverse base of contributors.

Proposal: The Decentralized Validator Vault (Snapshot)

Vote: Implement the vault strategy

Rationale: This is a proposal to establish a vault with additional incentives provided by Obol, SSV and the DVT modules of Lido. This initiative aims to encourage stakers to deposit into SDVT validators, thereby expanding the share of SDVT. We support this proposal as SDVT is one of the most critical efforts to enhance decentralization in Lido’s staking and this proposal would surely promote this initiative faster.

[EGG] st2024 v2: Continuity Grant Funding to Achieve GOOSE Goals (Snapshot)

Vote: Approve EGG request


This proposal outlines the major grant requests for the half-year period as follows:

  • 24.6m DAI + 180k LDO in grant continuity for the Lido Contributor’s Group
  • 7.1m DAI in grant continuity for the Liquidity Observation Lab
  • 400k DAI for the Community Lifeguard initiative

These are essential initiatives for achieving the goals set by GOOSE and reGOOSE, and we support this proposal.

Vote #175 (Onchain)

Vote: Yes


See the one for “st2024 v2” above and the below for “Expanding the Simple DVT Module”


Appoint Entity to Respond to Pending Class Action Litigation Against Lido DAO (Snapshot)

Vote: Appoint Dolphin CL, LLC


We voted for this proposal, as it protects Lido DAO from a potential default judgment, which could have serious negative consequences, including potential web infrastructure takedowns, delisting of LDO from trading venues, and creating precedents that could be used in future legal actions against Lido DAO or similar entities.

Vote #176 (Onchain)

Vote: Yes


Since we approved the EGG request including the 180k LDO transfer, we approve the transfer in this onchain voting and same for the Expanding the Simple DVT Module request.

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LIP-25: Staking Router 2.0 (Snapshot)

Summary: The proposed Staking Router v2.0 upgrade aims to streamline operations and increase decentralization. Key improvements include automating security processes, enhancing validator management, and preparing to introduce permissionless staking modules.

Vote: Yay

Rationale: We’ve been supporting Lido’s staking decentralization, and we consider this proposal necessary to achieve that.

Establish a Public Delegate Platform and Delegate Incentivization Program (Snapshot)

Summary: This is proposal is about establishing a public delegate platform and a six-month Delegate Incentivization Program. The initiative aims to increase voting participation, improve governance discussions, and enhance protocol safety by activating new token holders through delegation.

Vote: Approve platform & incentives

Rationale: As stated in the updated scorecard, there are a lot of points to be improved in Lido DAO’s governance. As we saw success of similar delegate programs in other DAOs, we believe introducing a program to invite publicly declared delegates to increase quality delegates and incentivizing them based on particular conditions to improve the voting process in the Lido DAO should be a huge step towards better decentralized governance.

Decision on Rated Labs’s position in the Oracle Set: rotate or remove and change the quorum (Snapshot)

Summary: A change in Lido’s Ethereum Oracle set is proposed, with MatrixedLink seeking to replace the departing Rated Labs. This transition would maintain the existing composition of the oracle set while introducing a new participant familiar with Lido’s infrastructure.

Vote: Rated Labs → MatrixedLink

Rationale: While there have been several interests from potential oracle operators, we agree to choose MatrixedLink for the rotation on this occasion as they are one of operators that have experienced the Oracle testnet run and look for more improvements to be introduced with Second Opinion Oracle project.

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Should the Lido DAO recognize the wstETH Bridge Endpoints on Mode as canonical? (Snapshot)

Summary: The Mode team proposes that Lido DAO recognize the wstETH bridge endpoints on Mode as canonical. If approved, Lido DAO will control the wstETH contract endpoints on Mode as a proxy administrator, but its authority is limited to upgrading the proxy contract and does not include management of the native bridge.

Vote: Recognize

Rationale: Expansion of wstETH to Mode is favorable, as Mode could potentially be a DeFi hub of the Superchain ecosystem and bring huge utility to wstETH. The only concern was the security. After reviewing the assessment provided by the working group of Lido on Ethereum protocol contributors, we do not see any issues with using this bridge.

Should the Lido DAO recognize the wstETH Bridge Endpoints on BNB as canonical? (Snapshot)

Summary: This proposes Lido DAO recognition of wstETH bridging to BNB. The plan includes proxy admin rights for the DAO and emergency pause functionality, aiming to establish a secure, multi-verifier bridge system.

Vote: Recognize

Rationale: Unlike previous bridge proposals, this one uniquely combines Wormhole and Axelar, rather than utilizing a canonical bridge for a specific rollup or chain. While TheDZhon’s suggestion to add more bridges with a 2/3 threshold would undoubtedly enhance security in the future, the current proposal seems to provide adequate security measures for the time being.


Vote #177 (Onchain)


While this is an omnibus vote that includes 10 motions, there are 3 key topics.

  1. Oracle member rotation

A change in Lido’s Ethereum Oracle set is proposed, with MatrixedLink seeking to replace the departing Rated Labs. This transition would maintain the existing composition of the oracle set while introducing a new participant familiar with Lido’s infrastructure.

  1. Node Operator name & reward address update

This is the administrative change, required after Galaxy acquired CryptoManufaktur, one of Lido’s node operator. This change contains the update of on-chain name (From CryptoManufaktur to Galaxy) and the update of the reward address.

  1. On-Chain Delegation

This proposal aims to approve the implementation of On-Chain Delegation.

This will allow LDO holders to delegate their voting power to designate addresses as their delegates, while maintaining ownership of LDO token itself.

Here’s the details

Vote: Yes


  1. Oracle member rotation

While there have been several interests from potential oracle operators, we agree to choose MatrixedLink for the rotation on this occasion as they are one of operators that have experienced the Oracle testnet run and look for more improvements to be introduced with Second Opinion Oracle project.

  1. Node Operator name & reward address update

This is a highly administrative matter, and we don’t have any particular objections to it. This kind of administrative approval should not need snapshot or on-chain vote. As Izzy mentioned in the forum, setting up Easy Track for this kind of case would be helpful.

  1. On-Chain Delegation

Having good governance is the key for DAO to be successful. However, there have been several proposals that were rejected due to the lack of the amount of votes. This implementation will enable delegating onchain voting power for LDO holders and thus more voting power can be utilized for the governance. This is an important step for strengthening Lido DAO governance.

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Vote #178 (Onchain)

Summary: It’s a revote of Vote #177 that was rejected due to missing the quorum.

Vote: Yes

Rationale: Same as the one made for Vote #177.


Should Galaxy continue in the Curated Module set following the acquisition of CryptoManufaktur? (Snapshot)


Following Galaxy’s acquisition of CryptoManufaktur, this proposal is to decide whether Galaxy should continue as a Node Operator in Lido’s Curated Module.

CryptoManufaktur has been part of Lido’s Curated Module and thus proven to meet the criteria to be in the module. The central discussion is whether this acquisition changes the quality of the node operation for Lido in terms of human resources, client choice, jurisdiction, etc.

Vote: For


As shared in the Snapshot page, the responses from both CryptoManufaktur and Galaxy indicate that there will be no significant changes in the key factors listed above, at least for the short term. This strongly suggests that the quality of the node operation by Galaxy will remain consistent with what CryptoManufaktur has been providing.

Additionally, as a topic to be discussed in the future, we believe there’s a need for implementing a routine assessment of existing Node Operators in Lido’s Curated Module. This process would serve two crucial purposes:

  1. To track any changes that may occur to Galaxy (or any other operator) in the mid/long term and regularly check their eligibility as a Node Operator in Lido’s Curated Module.
  2. To identify and potentially remove Node Operators from Lido’s Curated Module that are no longer meeting the initial selection criteria, either due to changes in their operation or failure to keep up with the latest best practices of node operation.

This proposed assessment process would ensure the ongoing quality and reliability of Lido’s Curated Module.

Organize the Lido Alliance Program as a Lido-DAO-Adjacent BORG (Snapshot)


This proposal aims to establish a legal wrapper for the Lido Alliance. Certain aspects of Lido Alliance operations require legal agreements, and thus need a legal entity associated with Lido DAO. The proposal suggests creating a Lido-DAO-Adjacent BORG (Blockchain Operated Regulated Governance) structure. This approach allows us to avoid giving Lido DAO itself a legal entity (which could be risky) while still achieving the necessary legal framework.

Vote: Approve the Lido Alliance BORG


We recognize the strategic importance of the Lido Alliance and the need for a legal structure to facilitate agreements in its operations.

The BORG structure provides a balanced approach, offering legal capabilities without directly exposing Lido DAO to potential legal risks.

At the same time, we’d love to contribute to gradual improvements such as increasing transparency and appropriately handling such projects as Lido DAO.

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Change Easy Track limits for PML & ATC (Snapshot)


The proposal seeks to modify Easy Track restrictions for Lido Contributors Group multisig addresses, adjusting quarterly limits for Pool Maintenance Labs and Argo Technology Consulting. These changes support the Continuity Grant Funding initiative and address shifts in actual spending, though actual funding still requires separate DAO approval through Snapshot voting.

Vote: Support the change


We support the proposal since it aims to adapt to the actual budget consumption without overhauling the budget entirely. That said, while it’s acceptable to have some buffer in the budget, there may be value in properly defining reasonable limits for what can be approved through Easy Track. At present, the flexibility appears quite generous, perhaps even excessively so.

Lido Community Staking Module Mainnet Release Setup (Snapshot)


The proposal seeks approval to launch the Community Staking Module (CSM) on the Ethereum mainnet, including endorsement of its implementation, parameters, and delegation of management responsibilities.

Vote: Approve CSM mainnet release


We support this proposal as it represents a key initiative for Lido DAO, and there have been no significant issues preventing its deployment to the mainnet. Additionally, the proposed parameters ensure high security and offer a competitive user experience, including a low bond requirement and reduced gas costs.

Increase the Proposal Threshold for Snapshot (Snapshot)


This proposal aims to increase the Snapshot proposal threshold for Lido DAO from 1,000 LDO to between 5,000 and 15,000 LDO. The goal is to reduce spam and encourage higher-quality proposals.

Vote: Do Nothing


We are against this proposal as the current services provided by Snapshot handle spam at a reasonable cost while providing other essential functions. Increasing the threshold would suppress minority voices in governance and place additional strain on the DAO Operations Workstream. The predictable savings are not worth compromising inclusive participation and overburdening our operations team.

Vote #179 (Onchain)


This is the omnibus vote of the two proposals below. We voted for both of the proposals in the Snapshot Votes, in which they are approved.

  1. stETH on L2
    This proposal aims to make stETH available on L2 networks alongside existing wstETH deployments. By leveraging current bridges and wrapping wstETH on L2, we can enable stETH usage on L2s. The goal is to maintain stETH’s L1 utility on L2s, ensuring a consistent user experience across networks.

  2. Organize the Lido Alliance Program as a Lido-DAO-Adjacent BORG
    This proposal suggests setting up an Easy Track to fund Lido Alliance Operational Multisig. In its Snapshot vote, it is already approved to create a legal entity called BORG (Blockchain Operated Regulated Governance) to support Lido Alliance operations.

Vote: Yes


  1. stETH on L2
    We support this proposal as it enhances the accessibility of stETH across L2 networks, leveraging existing wstETH infrastructure. This expansion will provide users with a consistent experience across both L1 and L2.

  2. Organize the Lido Alliance Program as a Lido-DAO-Adjacent BORG
    We support setting up an Easy Track for the Lido Alliance Operational Multisig to simplify operations. The approved BORG entity provides a legal framework for agreements without exposing Lido DAO to legal risks. This structure keeps Lido DAO decentralized while supporting the Alliance’s needs, with its Easy Track improving fund management.

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Lido Alliance application: Bolt (Snapshot)


Chainbound proposes that the Lido Alliance adopts Bolt, their preconfirmation protocol offering near-instant (250ms) confirmations for Ethereum transactions, enhancing validator revenue. They suggest a 6.5% token allocation to Lido, split into strategic (3.5%) and KPI-based (3%) portions.

Vote: Onboard Bolt to Lido Alliance


Preconfirmation has been a hot topic around Ethereum staking and was also consider the initial scope in the reGOOSE, thus we consider the alliance with the leading protocol reasonable from the Lido perspective.

However, it is still unclear to what extent Lido DAO should support preconfirmation, and this should become clear after thorough research such as this Nethermind’s research on preconf’s economic viability. We will review the progress of the protocol development and support the growth as an Ethereum/Lido-aligned node operator.

Integrate CSM into the Decentralized Validator Vault (Snapshot)


This proposal aims to integrate the new CSM into Mellow’s Decentralized Validator Vault, where the Simple DVT module is already integrated with. This also means that a certain portion of the points provided by Mellow, SSV, and Obol will also go to the CSM cluster.

Vote: Yes, vote for the integration


Currently, we believe Lido should grow both SDVT module and CSM, and this proposal is reasonable because the point incentives provided for SDVT’s growth can also be utilized to incentivize deposits to CSM. In the future, it would make sense to have a separate vault for CSM, following the roadmap of the Staking Router development, and let the market decide which staking module to be in favor.

Should the Lido DAO recognize the wstETH bridge endpoints on Zircuit as canonical? (Snapshot)


The proposal asks Lido DAO to officially acknowledge wstETH token bridges on Zircuit, an AI-enabled Layer 2 rollup. Approval would grant Lido DAO proxy admin rights for the wstETH contract.

Vote: Recognize


We voted to recognize this bridge as canonical after checking the audits were done for these implementations. This should lead to the further expansion of stETH.
Since the safety and effectiveness of code audits can vary depending on factors such as the auditor, reviews and checks like those performed by @TheDZhon are extremely helpful in enhancing security.

Vote #180 (Onchain)


This is the on-chain proposal mainly regarding the mainnet deployment of the Community Staking Module. It includes three proposals that were previously approved in Snapshot votes.

The actual voting scripts and proposal details are summarized in Staking Router 2.0 + Community Staking Module voting script - HackMD.

Vote: Yes


We supported all three of the proposals listed above. Especially, approving CSM is an important step toward enhancing the decentralization of Lido and Ethereum, and we didn’t find any issues with supporting them. We also acknowledge that the audits have been done by Ackee Blockchain and MixBytes. Everything seems on track, so we support this proposal as we have before.


GOOSE 2024 cycle: Lido DAO goals for 2025 (Snapshot)


The GOOSE 2024 proposal aims to establish Lido DAO’s goals for 2025 by adopting Hasu’s GOOSE-2 Submission. Hasu’s submission emphasizes creating a robust market for validators, expanding the product line for Lido’s staking ecosystem, and aligning governance strategies with LDO token incentives to ensure sustainable growth.

Vote: Adopt Goals


We generally agree with the overall direction of Hasu’s proposal, and thus voted for this proposal.

However, we still have a concern regarding the main focus of goal #1, Strengthen LDO’s Role in Governance.
We acknowledge the importance of strengthening alignment across the DAO through revisions to the LDO token design.
But given the presence of other challenges and the likelihood that implementing changes to the LDO token design will take considerable time, we do not believe it should be prioritized as the most critical theme in governance at this stage.

Should Alchemy continue in SDVT and LoP following the acquisition of Bware Labs? (Snapshot)


The proposal suggests permitting Alchemy to continue Bware Labs’ node operations in Lido following the acquisition.

Vote: FOR


We do not see any reason to discontinue their operation because

  • As communicated by LNOSG, they have evaluated that the transition will be smooth and without issues.
  • Bware Labs itself announced the continuity of its operational structure after the acquisition.

Should Nansen continue in SDVT following the acquisition of Stakewithus? (Snapshot)


This is the vote to allow Nansen.ai to maintain node operations in Lido on Ethereum Simple DVT unchanged following its acquisition of Stakewithus.

Vote: FOR


Similar to Bware Labs’ case, we do not see any reason to discontinue their operation because

  • As communicated by LNOSG, they have evaluated that the transition will be smooth and without issues.
  • Its operational structure after the acquisition will be the same as before the acquisition.

Should Pier Two continue in the Curated Module Set following the acquisition of Numic? (Snapshot)


The Lido Node Operator Sub-Governance Group (LNOSG) proposes allowing Pier Two to continue as a Node Operator after acquiring Numic, despite previous security incidents. Pier Two would first conduct a trial run on the testnet and, upon successful completion, gradually ramp up operations on the mainnet.

Vote: FOR


We voted for this proposal, because

  • Even when an incident has occurred, it is proper to take corrective measures and gradually resume operations.
  • This principle remains universal, even in the case of acquisition.
  • By thoroughly testing through a trial run on the testnet, a certain level of safety can be ensured.

That being said, we believe it’s worth regularly reviewing and discussing the possibility of replacing curated NOs — not just those with prior incidents — to neutrally consider if there are other NOs more suitable for the curated set.

Reevaluation of Lido on Polygon state (Snapshot)


Faced with challenges like limited growth and low adoption, the proposal suggests two options:

  • conduct a comprehensive analysis and adjust the fee structure for Lido on Polygon at an estimated cost of $1.5 million,
  • proceed to sunset the operations by mid-2025, allocating $100,000 for technical maintenance and user support during the transition

Vote: Sunset Lido on Polygon


  • The future direction of the Polygon POS chain, especially its position within Polygon’s AggLayer, is unclear.
  • Growth is difficult due to factors beyond the control of Shard Labs and Lido DAO.
  • Instead, the entire Lido DAO could focus on businesses that leverage stETH, which has some huge advantages in the market.

Establish the Network Expansion Committee (NEC) (Snapshot)


This proposal seeks to establish a Network Expansion Committee (NEC) within Lido DAO to streamline and formalize the process of expanding (w)stETH tokens to new networks. The NEC would have the authority to recognize bridging endpoints and token denominations as canonical, enhancing efficiency without sacrificing security or transparency.

Vote: Approve NEC


With a high degree of operational maturity, it is reasonable to improve efficiency through the introduction of an optimistic governance process. As a participant in governance, we support this proposal and will carefully monitor to ensure that the committee functions correctly within this framework.

Vote #181 (Onchain)


This is a comibined vote of 3 topics below.

  1. Change Easy Track limits for PML & ATC
    The Easy Track limits for two multisig addresses within the Lido Contributors Group (PML & ATC) are being updated to reflect the changing funding needs and token redistribution requirements.

  2. TMC-4: Increase Stonks execution limits
    This proposal aims to increase the stETH-to-stablecoin conversion limit from 9,000 to 12,000 stETH, ensuring Lido maintains sufficient stablecoin reserves for operational needs through an automated and non-custodial process, while minimizing risks and operational overhead.

  3. Simply Staking Node Operator Reward Address change
    This is the proposal to update the reward address of a node operator in the curated module, Simply Staking.

You can find more detail of this vote #181 here.

Vote: Yes


  1. Change Easy Track limits for PML & ATC
    We support this proposal as having flexibility in budget limits is reasonable. That being said, we feel the scope of approval may be overly generous compared to current operational requirements.

  2. TMC-4: Increase Stonks execution limits
    The proposed change appears to be a reasonable decision to improve operational efficiency, especially given that no issues have arisen with Stonks so far.

  3. Simply Staking Node Operator Reward Address change
    We have reviewed this proposal and found no issues, including any discrepancies with the specified address.


EastTrack Motion in Septemeber

We found no problem with all the EasyTrack Motions in this September as listed below.

Motion Description
#703 Changed reward address of a Lido x Obol Node Operator
#704 Set 5 Lido x Obol Node Operator vetted validators limit to 10
#705 Set 12 Lido x SSV Node Operator vetted validators limit to 20
#706 Added 9 Lido x SSV Node Operator
#707 Set 5 Lido x SSV Node Operator vetted validators limit to 10
#708 Set 1 Lido x Obol Node Operator vetted validators limit to 10
#709 Topped up Stonks for stETH ⇨ DAI pair with 100 stETH
#710 Topped up Stonks for stETH ⇨ USDC pair with 1,000 stETH
#711 Topped up Stonks for stETH ⇨ USDC pair with 400 stETH
#712 Changed 1 reward address of Lido x SSV Node Operator
#713 Funded 310 stETH to ATC, one team of the Lido Core Contributors Group
#714 Distributed rewards to a Rewards Share Program participant, amounting 29.13 stETH
#715 Onboarded new participant of the Rewards Share Program.
#716 Funded 503 stETH to reWARDS multisig
#717 Set 5 Lido x Obol Node Operator vetted validators limit to 50
#718 Set 1 Lido x Obol Node Operator vetted validators limit to 0

EastTrack Motion in October

We found no problem with all the EasyTrack Motions in this October as listed below.

Motion Description
#719 Topped up Stonks for stETH → DAI pair with 500 stETH, Stonks for stETH → USDC pair with 500 stETH, and Stonks for stETH → USDT pair with 500 stETH.
#720 Funded 384 stETH to ATC, one team of the Lido Core Contributors Group
#721 Increased Launchnodes staking limit to 12582
#722 Set 5 Lido x SSV Node Operators vetted validators limit to 50
#723 Set 12 Lido x SSV Node Operators vetted validators limit to 40
#724 Set 12 Lido x Obol Node Operators vetted validators limit to 20
#725 Funded 666 stETH to reWARDS multisig
#726 Set 9 Lido x SSV Node Operators vetted validators limit to 5
#727 Distributed rewards to Rewards Share Program participants, amounting 118.63 stETH as a whole
#728 Distributed rewards to a Rewards Share Program participant, amounting 21.66 stETH
#729 Distributed rewards to a Rewards Share Program participant, amounting 26.44 stETH
#730 Funded 1,500,000 USDC to ATC, one team of the Lido Core Contributors Group
#731 Increased Simply Staking staking limit to 11000
#732 Set 13 Lido x Obol Node Operators vetted validators limit to 40
#733 Topped up Stonks for stETH ⇨ USDC pair with 750 stETH, and Stonks for stETH → USDT pair with 750 stETH.
#734 Funded 125,000 USDC to the Lido Alliance Ops
#735 Funded 1,000,000 USDC to PML, one team of the Lido Core Contributors Group
#736 Funded 746,286.25 LDO to TRP Multisig, that is controlled by the TRP (Token Reards Plan) Committee members.
#737 Set 5 Lido x Obol Node Operators vetted validators limit to 200
#738 Added one Rewards Share Program participant
#739 Funded 500,000 USDC to RCC, one team of the Lido Core Contributors Group
#740 Topped up Stonks for USDT ⇨ USDC pair with 2,000,000 USDT, and Stonks for USDT → DAI pair with 2,000,000 USDT

EastTrack Motion in November

We found no problem with all the EasyTrack Motions in this November as listed below.

Motion Description
#741 Set 12 Lido x SSV Node Operators vetted validators limit to 60
#742 Set 5 Lido x SSV Node Operators vetted validators limit to 200
#743 Funded 580 stETH to ATC, one team of the Lido Core Contributors Group
#744 Topped up Stonks for stETH → DAI pair with 400 stETH, and Stonks for stETH → USDC pair with 800 stETH
#745 Increased Ebunker staking limit to 10000
#746 Added one Rewards Share Program participant
#747 Distributed rewards to a Rewards Share Program participant, amounting 0.001 stETH
#748 Distributed rewards to a Rewards Share Program participant, amounting 54.06 stETH
#749 Distributed rewards to a Rewards Share Program participant, amounting 8.192 stETH
#750 Funded 95 stETH to reWARDS multisig
#751 Funded 44,296.78 LDO to LEGO multisig
#752 Funded 200,635.92 DAI to LEGO multisig
#753 Set 5 Lido x Obol Node Operators vetted validators limit to 500
#754 Set 13 Lido x Obol Node Operators vetted validators limit to 60
#755 Set one Lido x Obol Node Operator vetted validators limit to 40
#756 Increased SenseiNode staking limit to 9050

Extend On-Chain Voting Duration (Snapshot)


To ensure broader participation and improved security, Tané and Lido DAO Ops contributors propose extending the on-chain voting duration: 72 hours for the main phase and 48 hours for objections.

Vote: Extend duration to 3+2 days


As Tané, we are pleased to contribute to the Lido DAO through making this proposal with Lido DAO Ops. By extending the voting duration, as outlined, we believe it will reduce the burden on participants, enabling safer and more efficient governance.

Lido Alliance Grant Proposal (Snapshot)


The proposal seeks 300k DAI to expand the Lido Alliance to 8+ members by 2025, supporting stETH adoption and fostering collaborations that align with Lido’s vision.

Vote: For


This proposal aligns with GOOSE-2 vision of diversifying product lines to expand stETH adoption, leveraging external resources through the Lido Alliance. Projects like Mellow Protocol already demonstrate strong growth potential, and the budget appears reasonable.

Update Lido on Ethereum Standard Node Operator Protocol - Validator Exits (Snapshot)


This update introduces a standardized approach to validator exits, detailing exit rules, penalties, and recovery processes for Node Operators across Curated, DVT, and Community Staking Modules.

Vote: For


This appropriately aligns the Standard Node Operator Protocol (SNOP) with the evolving landscape of new Staking Modules, ensuring policies remain relevant, particularly regarding exit processes.
Clarifying the recovery process for Node Operators (NOs) to return to in good standing should reduce participation barriers and encourages broader engagement.

CSM: Enable Permissionless Phase and Increase the Share Limit (Snapshot)


This proposes transitioning CSM to a fully permissionless phase and increasing the share limit from 1% to 2% to enhance decentralization.

Vote: For


This is a significant step towards improving decentralization for both Lido and the broader Ethereum ecosystem. Allowing CSM to become fully permissionless while carefully managing risks is a sensible and desirable approach to expand its scale and impact.

[EGG] Multi-EGG Continuity Grant Funding (Snapshot)


The Multi-EGG proposal includes a 3-month, 11.1M DAI grant for Lido’s Core Contributors to advance dual governance and validator modules, alongside 8.5M DAI for ecosystem liquidity incentives and 2M DAI for the bug bounty program.

Vote: For


We believe that the requested amount is reasonable compared to previous grants and it aligns with Lido’s goals. Delivering dual governance and permissionless CSM is essential, and we look forward to seeing these milestones achieved and the next initiatives proposed.

Vote #182 (Onchain)


This Vote #182 is a reattempt of Vote #181. The reason for the reattempt is that the quorum was not reached, and the proposal did not pass.
Details can be found in the post about Vote #181.

Vote: Yes


Same as Vote #181.

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LEGO: Proposal to replace Tim Beiko with Eric Siu and update council members rotation rules (Snapshot)


This proposal replaces Tim Beiko with Eric Siu on the LEGO Council because Tim can no longer commit sufficient time to council activities. It also seeks to streamline future member rotations by allowing changes without an additional Snapshot vote under certain conditions.

Vote: For


We agree with the proposal to replace Tim Beiko with Eric Siu and to allow the council to make such personnel changes without requiring DAO approval, as long as the process is transparent.

We believe it is important for the DAO to retain the authority to exercise personnel rights over the council. The introduction of a notice period is meaningful and helps ensure proper transitions. As noted by @Alex_L, this notice period is expected to be properly implemented.

However, one concern is that this was not explicitly stated in the Snapshot proposal. We hope that future proposals will clearly specify such details to maintain transparency and clarity.

Should Solstice continue in the Curated set following the acquisition of Bridgetower? (Snapshot)


This proposes preserving Solstice’s role in Lido on Ethereum’s Curated set following Bridgetower’s acquisition, because the same team continues to manage validators on the same Swiss infrastructure.

Vote: For


We see no reason for concern regarding this transition, given that the on-premise setup and the core team appear to stay exactly the same, indicating no decline in operational quality nor negative impact on Lido’s geographical decentralization.

Should Attestant continue in the Curated set following the acquisition by Bitwise? (Snapshot)


Attestant BVI Limited was acquired by Bitwise, but there are no changes to the infrastructure or team. The proposal is to let Attestant continue operating as before, as the Lido Node Operator Sub-Governance Group sees no cause for discontinuation.

Vote: For


The proposed changes do not appear to introduce any concerns regarding operational quality or compromise the network’s geographical diversity. Consequently, there is no compelling reason to oppose Attestant’s continued participation under the new ownership structure.

Establishment of Lido Labs BORG Foundation as a Lido-DAO-Adjacent Foundation (Snapshot)


The Lido Labs BORG Foundation is proposed to lead research, development, and governance for Lido’s protocol, differing from the Ecosystem BORG Foundation’s focus on cross-chain integrations and institutional alliances. By focusing on core technical improvements, Labs aims to strengthen the underlying structure of stETH.

Vote: Support the proposal


We see a clear advantage in establishing a dedicated entity for managing protocol development and governance, as it creates a single, accountable structure for critical activities. We believe this will foster transparent decision-making and reduce operational risks for contributors and the community.

Establishment of Lido Ecosystem BORG Foundation as a Lido-DAO-Adjacent Foundation (Snapshot)


This proposes forming the Lido Ecosystem BORG Foundation to concentrate on institutional outreach and ecosystem expansion, setting it apart from the Labs BORG’s focus on protocol research. By driving (w)stETH adoption and partnerships, it complements the technical efforts spearheaded by Labs.

Vote: Support the proposal


Establishing the Ecosystem BORG Foundation clarifies accountability by consolidating decisions around external partnerships, cross-chain integrations, and institutional outreach within a single entity. This separation from protocol-focused tasks makes it easier to trace responsibility for strategic ecosystem decisions, benefiting both Lido DAO and external partners through greater transparency.

Vote #183 (Onchain)


This vote combines the two topics below, both of which were approved on Snapshot.

  1. CSM: Enable Permissionless Phase, Increase the Share Limit and Increase the Priority Exit Threshold
    This proposes transitioning CSM to a fully permissionless phase and increasing the share limit from 1% to 2% to enhance decentralization.

  2. NO Acquisitions: Bridgetower is now part of Solstice Staking
    This proposes preserving Solstice’s role in Lido on Ethereum’s Curated set following Bridgetower’s acquisition, because the same team continues to manage validators on the same Swiss infrastructure.

Vote: Yes


  1. CSM: Enable Permissionless Phase, Increase the Share Limit and Increase the Priority Exit Threshold
    We reaffirm our support for this proposal, consistent with our previous stance on Snapshot. We believe that fully opening CSM to the public will significantly enhance both Lido’s and Ethereum’s decentralization.

  2. NO Acquisitions: Bridgetower is now part of Solstice Staking
    We continue to support this proposal, just as we did during the snapshot. We see no negative impact on operational quality or on Lido’s geographical dispersion, given that the operational structure will remain the same.

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