Proposal for improving the voting frontend

Having experience in voting on various platforms and in connection with the increase in delegates and the development of delegation in Lido, I would like to have a more convenient interface for voting:

  1. It is possible to add sorting of votes by vote power.
    It is often necessary to see who makes the main contribution to the vote or to see whether a certain delegate has voted, knowing his VP.
  2. Add the ability to sort by the voting option (For, Against, Abstain).
    This is necessary to quickly find delegates who voted in some way and read their justifications.
  3. Accordingly, it is necessary to add the Abstain option to the vote. For example, this may be necessary if the fact of voting is needed (if this is an active delegate receiving rewards for this), but has some kind of conflict of interest, which does not allow him to honestly vote For or Against.
  4. Ability to download a voting file (as implemented in Snapshot. This is convenient for subsequent analysis
  5. When clicking on a delegate in the voting list - add a link to his Delegate Thread.

I have listed all the functions that I use on other voting platforms and that would be useful to the entire community

If anyone has any other suggestions, please add them.
Ultimately, I unfortunately don’t know who is responsible for the frontend at Lido, it would have been good of Lido to suggest who is responsible for this and formulate their opinion - can this be implemented in the near future?