Renew GateSeal for the Withdrawal Queue and Validator Exit Bus Oracle

GateSeal drill report
As proposed, the GateSeal drill took place on June 5th.
The drill’s goal was to check the Committee’s liveness and readiness, i.e., to ensure that the Committee members understand their responsibilities in case of emergency and have their keys at hand.
During the drill, the GateSeal Committee members were alerted of a presumed vulnerability in the Lido smart contracts. They had to act accordingly: communicate to get all the signers online, decide on the required actions, and apply the GateSeal by creating, checking, and sending a SAFE transaction from the Committee multisig.
The drill was successful, and all the signers were within reach and responsive. All the planned activities, from start to finish, took slightly under 25 minutes, meeting expectations regarding the GateSeal Committee response time. In the case of an actual emergency, the response time can be even better because of some specific technical imperfections of the testnet setup (e.g., lack of proper call data decoding in the SAFE UI).
After the drill, the GateSeal on the Holesky testnet was lifted, and the testnet setup resumed its regular functionality.
Huge thanks to all the participants and Committee members! We can sleep a little better from now on (but not everyone at once, please).