Thanks Vasiliy and LEGO for this grant initiative and RFP!
Here’s @fredo’s and my proposal - the Ethereum Censorship Monitor. You can find a hosted frontend with visualizations and a bit of educational content at (sorry about the name ) and the source code here. There’s also an API and a low-level Grafana Dashboard.
Our proposal fulfills all criteria for the first grant:
- Tracks the current and historical metrics of service degradation for censorable transactions
The metrics of service degradation are tracked in real-time and historical data is available back to Dec 7th, 2022. [Please note that slight modifications to the methodology have been made since and there were brief periods of outage.]
The dashboard shows live censorship data in the past week.
- Tracks the impact of Lido and Lido’s node operators on service degradation
Among others, the dashboard compares the biggest staking pools. Specifically for Lido, there is a breakdown by node operator available.
- Provides API, or, preferably, an open dataset to work with
We provide an easy to use REST API that makes the censorship data publicly accessible. Check the documentation with examples in the readme on GitHub. We are also down to sharing the raw data with interested parties for their own analysis.
- Is likely to be maintained long term (low complexity, low cost of maintenance, other sources of funding are a plus)
Required maintenance capacity is low and can initially be supported by Brainbot technologies AG who also funded the initial development of this project. Long-term maintenance (6m+) as well as future improvements, optimizations, and additional features may require additional funding.
- Tracks the impact of Lido and Lido’s node operators to service degradation compared to the other staking pools and operators in staking pools, where applicable
The dashboard compares the major staking pools.
- Is open-source
Please find the code on Github.
The methodology and more details are further explained in the Readme.
List of links I can’t add because of forum rules: