Dear Lido Node Operators,
I hope you are as hyped about the CSM mainnet launch as I am
In addition to the start of CSM’s Early Adoption phase, enactment of on-chain vote 180 has also brought some changes under the hood of Lido on Ethereum. With this post I would like to present to you a proposal for a new version of the Standard Node Operator Protocol (SNOP) regarding Validator Exits.
Since the improvements of Staking Router 2.0 include some new concepts and individual approaches of the now three active Staking Modules (SMs), of which only the Curated Module existed at the time of the discussion and voting on the current version of the document, it feels like it is time to update the documentation on the underlying mechanisms and expectations towards Node Operators (NOs) who use Lido to run validators.
My intention was to give the document a logical structure that can be easily expanded, to coherently describe the key concepts and mechanisms around validator exits, both in Ethereum and specifically to Lido, to define NO expectations w.r.t. the usage of the protocol, and the possible consequences of non-conformance as per the rules of each SM.
The main changes include:
Refactoring of the structure in an attempt to create a template structure for all SNOPs, and re-organization of some ancillary content to appendices
Extension of the scope to NOs using the Simple DVT Module and/or Community Staking Module
Definition of the terminology specific to SDVTM and CSM
Introduction of the validator exit order of SR 2.0
Introduction of SM stake share limits and explanation of their effect on exit priority
Introduction of NO target limits and explanation of their effect on exit priority
Clearer description of mechanism through which an NO validator exit request status of delinquent can recover to an in good standing status
Clearer explanation, on a per-SM basis, of validator exit requirements and penalties for non-conformance as per the protocol code
The draft contains a wealth of knowledge from the original and input from various of my co-contributors, for which I would like to express my sincere gratitude.
Now I would like to ask the community for its feedback and suggestions to bring the SNOP to a state suitable for a Snapshot vote seeking token holder ratification.
The draft of the document can be found here:
A GitHub diff-view between V1 and the proposed V2 can be accessed here:
As suggested next steps, I propose a discussion and incorporation of ideas from this thread, the presentation of the draft during two Node Operator town hall calls with the possibility of direct exchange on November 22, one at 9 AM and one at 5 PM UTC, to accommodate NOs from all time zones, and the review of the final proposal by LDO token holders as part of the voting process.
Many thanks and I wish you all a fantastic week.