Community Staking Module

Thank you @micho for sharing the feedback here. @Izzy and others have shared their thoughts on other elements of your post but to address your specific point here on the fee split, while 7.5% is “just a number” at this point I think it directionally does make sense for the fee split to be higher than the curated NO set, given the profile of NOs in the CSM. Simple reason being that there’s known economies of scale for running validators & aggregating stake within a single operator – which is to say to even approach the same type of economics (margins) as a large operator like those you’d find in the curated set, solo/home-stakers ought to be paid more on a %-basis.

You can kinda see similar logic at work here in Staking Router Module Proposal: Simple DVT which has a proposed 8% / 2% fee split (DVT cluster operator / DAO).