Discontinuation of Aragon UI use


Lido contributors suggest discontinuing the use of Aragon UI (mainnet.lido.fi). The user interface will enter a ‘no support period’ untill the end of the year. If no significant and reasoned objection arises during the period, the UI is proposed to be shut down.

This is a call to encourage all users to switch to new platforms: vote.lido.fi and operators.lido.fi for a seamless experience, as well as a call to invite suggestions for any features that could enhance interaction with the Lido protocol, if needed.


The DAO continues to evolve and enhance its governance processes, and the tools should reflect a commitment to transparency and accessibility. The Aragon UI has served well, but as the DAO moves forward, Lido contributors recognize the need for more efficient platforms.

After careful consideration within Lido contributors from several workstreams and workgroups, it was decided to advise the DAO and community to discontinue the use of Aragon UI and suggest using alternatives, such as

These platforms are designed to enhance user experience and be an efficient way for interaction with the protocol.

If you have any questions or feedback regarding this transition, or you have any needs that are not covered by this two UIs, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!


when can we expect UI for on-chain voting delegation (similar to Snapshot UI)?

also Github md instructions do not match with contract for delegation (etherscan).


Hello @notjamiedimon!

The on-chain DAO vote intended to on-chain delegation launch is planned for Aug, 13-16th.

Could you elaborate more on it?


i’ve set DM since i can’t attach links here!

The updated UI would be up on vote.lido.fi in case the vote for enabling onchain delegation passes

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Hi @notjamiedimon! I truly appreciate your dedication to reviewing the project documents. Thank you very much for your efforts! We have gone through several iterations to improve the code, and I’m pleased to inform you that we have updated the LIP in accordance with the latest version of code: lido-improvement-proposals/LIPS/lip-21.md at develop · lidofinance/lido-improvement-proposals · GitHub


Hi @zuzu_eeka!

Thank you for bringing this up. As for the UI, the currently used tools provide good UX for users and we do not have any reason to object to the discontinuation of the Aragon UI.

We would like to see a little clarification; would this change lead to stopping using the Aragon Framework, or is it just a UI update and Aragon Framework is being used from the voting app? We assume the latter, but if not, we believe this DAO process document needs to be updated.

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Hi @Tane!
Yes, undoubtedly the Aragon framework will continue to be used, the post is only regarding the UI part


I wish I could say I will miss Aragon, but sometimes it loads so long and works poorly with VPN, so appreciate Lido contributors effort to make the process more easier and user friendly :pray:

For the internal purposes I regularly use the table with Curated NO keys stats.

Is there anything similar within operators.lido.fi? I know there is a separate card per each operator (https://operators.lido.fi/module/1), but maybe a general view for all operators?

Definitely not a roadblocker for this transition, but in case it is available somewhere, I will appreciate an instruction / link how to find it.


Hi @irina_everstake , thank you for request.
We are going to introduce new compact table view for operators soon.

I will post here prototype, once we start work on it.


awesome! thanks a lot, really appreciate this :pray:


Hi @irina_everstake, as promised here is a link to the new operator’s page with compact table view.


@Maksim_Kuraian, so much appreciated :pray:

UPD: Export to .csv is the feature I can only dream about. And thanks for adding filtering options!