Discussion Draft for Lido on Ethereum Block Proposer Rewards Policy

Note: this is a copy of a document on hackmd which can be found (and commented on, if preferred to writing in the forum) here . It is suggested to use the hackmd version of the document to read the draft, as the table of contents and internal links make it easier to navigate.

The purpose of this document is to attempt to join the the discussions we’ve previously had in two separate topics, Ethereum MEV Extraction and Rewards - Discussion & Policy Groundwork and [Proposal] Optimal MEV Policy for Lido , into one policy document that can be considered by the DAO.

Apart from discussion, improvements, changes, and finalization of TBD/pending elements in the draft, I think that the following topics are also open and should be settled before the policy is finalized:

  • If PBS-lite infrastructure is adopted, when should it be enabled? (e.g. at Merge, slightly after the Merge)
  • Testing any required monitoring setups
  • Identifying, vetting, and testing relays before the PBS-lite infrastructure is enabled
  • Any other open topics/items identified by rest of the community

Lido on Ethereum Block Proposer Rewards Policy

STATUS: DRAFT Open for comment

A. Overview

As a DAO and a protocol, Lido on Ethereum should have a transparent, enforceable, and monitorable policy with regards to how its constituent Node Operators are expected to behave with regards to rewards that accrue from the activity of producing blocks for validators that they run as a part of Lido, namely priority fees and MEV extraction, and how the protocol will distribute the rewards that accrue to the protocol as a result of these activities.

B. Purpose

This policy aims to outline how Node Operators participating in Lido should distribute rewards obtained due to block production (including potential MEV rewards), what mechanisms or infrastructure may be used in execution of this, how rewards will be distributed, and how these activities will be monitored.

C. Scope

This policy applies to the Lido on Ethereum protocol, the Node Operators that participate in the protocol, and the validators that they operate as a part of the protocol.

D. Policy Statement

D.1 General goals

There are two key questions that this policy addresses:

  • How should validators run by Node Operators propose blocks? and
  • How should validators run by Node Operators distribute the rewards that result from block proposals?

Since the consensus within the Ethereum community is to move towards a PBS system where the building of blocks is separated from the proposal of blocks, Lido should seek to adopt an approach as close to a most likely draft of PBS as possible. Lido could become a testbed for this feature which is easier to roll back than a full-fledged implementation if something goes wrong.

On the rewards side, validators are powered by deposits from stakers, and thus stakers should always receive the lion’s share of rewards.

To that end, Lido as a protocol should:

  1. Enforce - to the technical extent possible - that blocks are not built by Node Operators, but instead built by third parties and obtained from open and transparent builder markets.
  2. Require that Node Operators ensure that relevant rewards are routed to the Lido Execution Layer Rewards vault which, as per LIP-12, will periodically be triggered to stake the rewards (less the Lido protocol fees), thereby essentially increasing staker rewards.
  3. Ensure, to the extent possible, that proposed blocks are valid and do not damage the proper and sustainable operation of the underlying protocol.
  4. Monitor Node Operator behavior (monitoring will be publicly available) and penalize Node Operators who are found to not be in accordance with the above stated goals.

D.2 Node Operator requirements

D.2.I Priority Fees

Priority fee receipt and distribution

Priority fees are sent to the fee recipient configured for a validator. In general Node Operators should ensure that priority fees should be sent to the Lido Execution Layer Rewards Vault.

In the case that the fee recipient is otherwise overridden (e.g. due the execution of a block with extracted MEV where the fee recipient points to a block builder’s address instead), a transaction within the payload should exist from the block builder to the Lido Execution Layer Rewards Vault with at least the sum-total of priority fees for that block (for transactions sourced from the public mempool), plus any additional rewards from MEV extraction.

D.2.II MEV and MEV rewards

The optimal MEV policy for Lido is to maximize staking APR and Ethereum security while minimizing MEV hiding and decreasing the power that Lido and Node Operators have over the network by virtue of running validators (i.e by separating block building from block proposal).

Maximize Staking APR

Extracting MEV is good for Lido because as a staking protocol it competes for stake from users on the one side and quality Node Operators on the other. Both are maximized when staking APR is maximized. Under an alternative policy that doesn’t maximize APR, stakers would be more likely to delegate to a different provider, and Node Operators would be more likely to circumvent Lido and market to users directly, and/or participate in Lido but attempt to extract the MEV in a hidden way and hide the rewards from Lido and stakers (i.e. “MEV hiding”).

Maximize Ethereum security

Extracted MEV helps the economic security of the protocol: “A system where validators ‘leave MEV on the table’ is one where an obvious attacker subsidy is readily available. This is self-defeating and degrades security in a pure-economic-rationality model, as it causes centralization/oligopoly.” To make blockchains maximally robust, all honest actors need to extract MEV at the maximum rate, otherwise they dramatically lower the cost for a dishonest actor to attack the system.

Minimize MEV hiding

The MEV hiding problem is defined as follows: Node Operators handle the staking in return for a fee on the overall staking reward. However, because Node Operators can receive money in direct transfers or off-chain, the actual total rewards received by virtue of running a validator can carry a lot of uncertainty. Lido can ensure that stakers get their cut of the rewards it can see, but not of the rewards it cannot see – thus, as a protocol it should attempt to ensure that all rewards are being recorded on chain.

An example MEV-hiding scenario is where Node Operators report 1 ETH reward per block to Lido (of which they receive 5%) but hide 0.5 ETH reward from Lido (of which they get to keep 100%). This is a large carrot for Node Operators at the expense of Lido and its stakers.

The ability to surreptitiously steal decreases as confidence about the true size of the reward increases. In other words, it is an oracle problem. Staying with the above example, if Lido knows the true value of the block is 1.5 ETH, the Node Operator can still try to report 1 ETH to Lido, but the theft would be easily detectable.

To resolve the MEV-hiding problem, you need a reliable oracle on the true block reward (or the block reward needs to be guaranteed in-protocol, e.g. via two-slot PBS). Until such a solution is possible in-protocol, infrastructure needs to be used to achieve similar outcomes to PBS but within the current technical limitations of the Ethereum protocol.

Minimize power over blocks

Lido’s potential to grow as a staking protocol is inversely proportional to the risk it poses potentially resulting from unchecked control over block production due to the amount of stake that runs through the protocol. By minimizing and separating the power that comes from running validators (i.e. segregating proposal and building), Lido can focus on its remit: maximizing staking rewards and cultivating an excellent validator set. The underlying problem is not that Lido wants to hurt Ethereum users but that it can’t prove that it doesn’t, or at some point won’t; this is a trust problem. Therefore the optimal course of action is to minimize how much users and the Ethereum ecosystem need to trust Lido and Node Operators.

The requirement that Node Operators source blocks from open markets effectively removes the potential for the protocol to coordinate or exercise influence over the content of the blocks being built by the Node Operators, and thus reduces the overall risk that the protocol may pose to the underlying network.

D.3 Implementation

The DAO should periodically identify and evaluate what solutions are available on the market to achieve the above-stated goals. Additionally, the infrastructure and overall solution(s) adopted should:

  • Be transparent and open (i.e. ideally open source) and monitorable
  • Be fully tested by all Node Operators prior to usage on mainnet
  • Not reduce the safety, security, or effective operation of the Lido protocol or the underlying network (Ethereum)

D.3.I Available infrastructure

As at the time of the most recent policy update, contributors to Lido have identified the following infrastructure that can satisfy the goals and implementation requirements outlined:

Infrastructure Description Implementation Details
MEV-Boost MEV-boost is an out-of-protocol implementation of PBS by Flashbots. It works by separating concerns across at least three roles:
* Block Builders (responsible for assembling block content and sending them along with bids to relays)
* Relays (responsible for aggregating, sorting, and simulating bids from builders, sending them to Block Proposers (first encrypted, then revealed once they have been accepted right before the block is published)
* Block Proposers (responsible for interfacing with relays and selecting block proposals based on the bids that have been received).

(1) There may be more actors (especially upstream of Block Builders) but they’re not especially important for this policy.
(2) It’s possible that a Node Operator may vertically integrate several of the above roles, but in the case of Lido Node Operators are asked to not run their own relays (as this might allow for MEV hiding or cheating).
See Appendix A.1
Default block-building Normal block building via the public mempool using standard / un-modified Execution Layer client software. N/A

D.4 Monitoring & Penalties


Appropriate monitoring should be implemented (or leveraged, e.g. from third parties) in order:

  • Determine whether the Node Operators are behaving as intended
  • Participants (e.g. block builders, relays) in the the block building process are acting in good faith and as expected
  • Normal validator and protocol operations are not adversely affected by the running of MEV-related infra


Node Operators who are found to be engaging in activities against the spirit of this policy and its stated goals will be subject to:

  • Potential refund requests for amounts found to be incorrectly or inappropriately not distributed to the protocol
  • Potential cessation of new stake deposits to their validators
  • Potential stake withdrawal and validators being exited (voluntarily or via triggerable exits, when possible) and off-boarding from the Lido on Ethereum set
  • Potential adverse effects on their general standing within the Lido ecosystem (e.g. having stake delegated to them in other Lido on X networks reduced, or being offboarded)

D.4.I Infrastructure and Availability

Monitoring with regards to Node Operator block rewards performance and possible MEV extracted may be made available through two avenues:

  • Infrastructure managed by contributors to Lido; this infrastructure should be open and publicly accessible
  • Infrastructure managed by third parties which includes Lido-related data; contributors to Lido should work with these third parties to ensure data related to Node Operators is easily accessible so that it may be in integrated into third party analytics and reporting tools

For details about monitoring implementations for different proposed infrastructure solutions, please see the relevant Appendix per infrastructure.

D.4.II Monitoring & Penalties Specification

Lido should monitor, record, and assess non-compliance with this policy. Monitoring and follow-up actions should include at least the following:

  • Assessing whether the correct fee recipient has been configured by the Node Operators for the validators that they operate
  • Assessing from which source proposed blocks by ethe validators have been received (and if that source is appropriate)
  • Assessing the general availability of the allowed sources for block bids around the time of each block being proposed
  • Assessing, in cases where blocks were not constructed via chosen MEV infrastructure, whether the block proposed contained transactions not available in the public mempool
  • Recording, on a per-block basis, the most valuable known block bids offered via accepted MEV infrastructure (and block bid sources, e.g. relays), i.e. the reference block
  • Recording, on a per-block basis, the blocks actually produced by the validators and their total value, i.e. the actual block
  • Analyzing, on a per-block basis and historically, the difference between the reference block and the actual block for each Node Operator participating in Lido

Some leeway should be given to Node Operators for potential network problems, faulty relays, or buggy software outside their control. It should be enough for the Lido DAO to punish gross misbehavior when a Node Operator is deviating more than ALLOWED_VALUE_DEV% from the reference block, on a frequency basis more than ALLOWED_FREQ_DEV% of the time over a rolling time window DEV_WINDOW. These parameters can be reviewed and tweaked via governance, if needed.

MEV Monitoring & Penalty parameters

Variable Value Description History
ALLOWED_VALUE_DEV TBD In percentage terms, how much less value an actual block must contain compared to the respective reference block in order to be considered inappropriate
ALLOWED_FREQ_DEV TBD In percentage terms, how often a Node Operator may deviate from the reference block within window DEV_WINDOW before being considered in breach of policy
DEV_WINDOW TBD In proposed blocks, the length of the rolling window

D.5 Currently prescribed solution(s)

This section will be reviewed by the DAO and updated on an at-least yearly basis and more often if needed. It details which block production solutions may be used by Node Operators at the current time.

Applicability period: YYYY/MM/DD - YYYY/MM+6/DD 
Unless otherwise overriden by a more recent DAO vote

Lido should aid Ethereum in moving towards its stated goal, PBS. To that end:

  1. Validators operatoed by Node Operators participating in the Lido protocol should produce blocks via the MEV-Boost infrastructure as detailed in Appendix A.1, by obtaining sealed blocks from the maximum possible number of relays (to be determined by each Node Operator based on their own risk and legal assesment) from Lido’s “must-include list” and an optional number of relays from the “allow list”.
  2. If using MEV-boost infrastructure leads to any operational failures/difficulties (e.g. failing to produce valid blocks, blocks at all, received rewards being incorrect, or lack of availability of appropriate relays), the Node Operator may fall back to building blocks via the “Default” block-building method.
  3. Blocks produced by the validators will be monitored as per Monitoring & Penalties section and the monitoring section of the relevant Appendices.
  4. Node Operators acting in violation of the policy are subject to penalties as described in the Monitoring & Penalties section.

E. Definitions

Block builder

The agent responsible for assembling the potential contents of a block (i.e. the set of transactions that makes up the “payload” of a block). In Proof of Work Ethereum it’s the miner. In Proof of Stake Ethereum it’s the validator, but this activity can separated from the validator via PBS, in which case builders need to submit bids for blocks to be included to the block proposer for inclusion.

Block proposer

The agent responsible for proposing new blocks in a blockchain. In Proof of Work Ethereum it’s the miner. In Proof of Stake Ethereum it’s the validator.


Originally “Miner Extractable Value” as applied to Proof of Work blockchains, the more all-encompassing “Maximal Extractable Value” terminology is now used to refer to the potential value that may be extracted from activity of the selection, ordering, and insertion of transactions into a block by block proposers.

Node Operator

An organization/entity/person that operates validators. In the context of Lido, ones that do so as a part of the Lido protocol.


Proposer Builder Separation, see: State of research: increasing censorship resistance of transactions under proposer/builder separation (PBS) - HackMD and https://members.delphidigital.io/reports/the-hitchhikers-guide-to-ethereum/ (section “In-protocol Proposer-Builder Separation”)

Priority Fees

See Gas and fees | ethereum.org


See Proof-of-stake (PoS) | ethereum.org . In the context of Lido, validators operated by 3rd party Node Operators for the Lido protocol.


A user/organization/etc. which holds (w)stETH.

F. Related Documents and References

I. Revision History

Version Date Description
0.1 Aug 10, 2022 Initial policy creation

Appendix A - Detailed MEV Lido Implementations

Appendix A.1 MEV-Boost

MEV-boost is an out-of-protocol implementation of PBS by Flashbots. It works by separating concerns across at least three roles:

  • Block Builders (responsible for assembling block content and sending them along with bids to relays)
  • Relays (responsible for aggregating, sorting, and simulating bids from builders, sending them to Block Proposers (first encrypted, then revealed once they have been accepted right before the block is published)
  • Block Proposers (responsible for interfacing with relays and selecting block proposals based on the bids that have been received).

(1) There may be more actors (especially upstream of Block Builders) but they’re not especially important for this policy.
(2) It’s possible that a Node Operator may vertically integrate several of the above roles, but in the case of Lido Node Operators are asked to not run their own relays (as this might allow for MEV hiding or cheating).

A.1.I Configuration

<Insert any specifics RE: MEV boost configuration here>

A.1.II Relays

In MEV-Boost relays can be configured at a per-validator level. The expectation is that Lido Node Operators would ensure that for all validators that are being run as a part of the Lido on Ethereum protocol, the appropriate list of relays is regularly updated and correctly configured.

Currently, MEV-boost software run by the Node Operator is not able to evaluate and assess (e.g. via simulation) whether the reward in the block received from the block builder is correct, so it cannot drop “bad” or “underpaid” blocks.

As an immediate practical solution, Relays will basically need to be trusted to do this, which is in part why Flashbots aims to build a monitoring + reputation system for relays.

As a result, if using MEV-boost, Lido should adopt the following requirements with regards to use of relays by Lido Node Operators:

  1. The Lido DAO, either directly or via an appointed committee/sub-group, will maintain two lists of MEV-Boost relays:
    1. A “must-include list” of relays - DAO-vetted relays that are considered trustworthy, well-operated, and reliable.
    2. An “allow list” of relays - DAO-approved but perhaps less well-known or battle-tested relays which can be trialed prior to inclusion in the “must-include list”.
  2. For validators which they run as a part of the Lido protocol, Node Operators should configure their MEV-Boost instances to connect to as many of the relays included in the “must include list” as possible, based on each Node Operator’s risk and legal assessment. Additionally and optionally, they may include any of the relays included in the “allow list”. Node Operators should not source blocks from relays not included in either list.
  3. Both the “must include list” and the “allow list” should be maintained in such a way that they are:
    1. Relatively easily amendable (in case relays should be considered for addition, e.g. via public request, or relays should be removed e.g. for bad performance), and
    2. Publicly listed and easily retrievable (by the public, by block-builders, and by Node Operators).

As a starting point, it is highly suggested that relays considered for inclusion in these lists must be:

  1. publicly available,
  2. publicly listed & maintained,
  3. open source,
  4. transparent about what (if any) transaction or address filtering they enforce.

A.1.III Monitoring

Spec is being refined as MEV-Boost specs and Relay API are being finalized, meanwhile please refer to MEV Monitoring Design - HackMD for the general gist.


For monitoring, here are the metrics that Manifold Finance collects as part of the relay we are operating / block producer post merge:

When we upgrade to the latest Grafana version next month we can make these boards public, for now we have to publish them via snapshot. Can provide admin access to Lido via GitHub OAuth


I wanted to voice my appreciation for this policy draft. This provides clarity on what’s expected of validators in the post-Merge world.

I am supportive of this policy and hope that the DAO can signal support for this as well.


A proposal with an updated version of the proposed policy has been put forth for consideration by DAO members. The proposal can be found here:

The full text of the policy is available both in the updated hackmd document (hackmd stores changes so those can be retrieved if needed) and pinned on IPFS, here: Lido on Ethereum Block Proposer Rewards Policy - HackMD

Changes made:

  • Some spelling / grammar / etc mistakes
  • Adding some references to other relevant Lido Improvement Proposals
  • Updated section D.5 (new text is below)

D.5 Currently prescribed solution(s)

This section will be reviewed by the DAO and updated on an at-least yearly basis and more often if needed. It details which block production solutions may be used by Node Operators at the current time.

Applicability period: Merge date - 2022/10/31
(Unless otherwise overriden by a more recent DAO vote)

Summary: Post-Merge soft-rollout of MEV-Boost

Lido should aid Ethereum in moving towards its stated goal, PBS.

From any time following the Merge (slated to occur between 10-20th of September), Node Operators have roughly six weeks (until the end of October 2022) to test and implement MEV-Boost such that blocks produced are sourced from DAO-vetted relays (see LIP-17 for details about where the vetted relay information will be stored and how they may be retrieved by Node Operators). This period constitutes a soft-rollout so that Node Operators may properly test and configure their infrastructure prior to the policy being fully in effect.

The below summarizes the prescribed solution to work towards within the soft-rollout period:

  1. Validators operated by Node Operators participating in the Lido protocol should produce blocks via the MEV-Boost infrastructure as detailed in Appendix A.1, by obtaining sealed blocks from the maximum possible number of relays (to be determined by each Node Operator based on their own risk and legal assessment) from Lido’s “must-include list” and an optional number of relays from the “allow list”.
  2. If using MEV-boost infrastructure leads to any operational failures/difficulties (e.g. failing to produce valid blocks, blocks at all, received rewards being incorrect, or lack of availability of appropriate relays), the Node Operator may fall back to building blocks via the “Default” block-building method.
  3. Blocks produced by the validators will be monitored as per Monitoring & Penalties section and the monitoring section of the relevant Appendices.
  4. Node Operators acting in violation of the policy are subject to penalties as described in the Monitoring & Penalties section.

Prior to the end of the soft-rollout period, the DAO will review and update (via a vote) this policy, in order to:

  • re-confirm or amend the prescribed solution if deemed necessary and set the new applicability period for the policy;
  • stipulate the values for the MEV Monitoring & Penalty parameters; and
  • indicate the finalized Monitoring Mechanisms.

Adequately addressing MEV is key to the health of the Ethereum network and to ensure Lido stays differentiated. We believe this proposal presents a comprehensive and sensible approach in line with the goals of Ethereum, Lido, stETH holders, and node operators. Thanks for putting together this pioneering work to anyone involved!


A must-include list does not seem to be the best approach given the current relay provider topology.

A must-include list causes 2 problems:

  1. It significantly raises the barriers to entry for new builders, further cementing one or a few relayers/builders as the defacto block builders for the entire network.

    • This is not only a negative externality for the Ethereum ecosystem, but also a long term cost to stETH holders and Lido by reducing competition among relayers/builders.
  2. The incumbent relayer (flashbots) has determined that it is required to censor transactions at the base layer as a relayer.

    • If censoring relayers are included on the must-include list, Lido is forcing all stETH holders and node operators to centralize on a policy of supporting censorship at the base layer of Ethereum.

    • In the alternative, if only non-censoring relayers are included on the must-include list, Lido is forcing node operators, who may feel at-risk legally, to either shut-down or take on legal risks.

A better solution is to have an allow-list, as proposed, and require a minimum number of relays from that list to be used. This aligns better with Lido goals for decentralization and mitigates the above issues.


This is good input! I think the proposal as is currently crafted addresses these concerns, unless I’ve misunderstood them.

  1. It significantly raises the barriers to entry for new builders, further cementing one or a few relayers/builders as the defacto block builders for the entire network.
  • This is not only a negative externality for the Ethereum ecosystem, but also a long term cost to stETH holders and Lido by reducing competition among relayers/builders.

I’m not sure I see the raising of barriers to entry here – can you explain further? The vetted relay lists would not be static and the two type approach is exactly to allow new entrants in an easy and low-friction manner.

Additionally, it is heavily encouraged that relay providers wishing to be included in the DAO’s vetted lists are open – meaning that they accept blocks from any builder who wishes to submit them. My understanding currently is that most of the known relay providers at this time (4 of them) have plans for this to be the case within the coming few months. Apart from that, I don’t see how this raises the barrier to entry for new builders or relayers; in the suggested model in the very worst case if builders feel that they are not reaching Lido validators then they could set up a relay and apply to be added to the allow list (which accomplishes the same thing an “only allow list” would).

  • In the alternative, if only non-censoring relayers are included on the must-include list, Lido is forcing node operators, who may feel at-risk legally, to either shut-down or take on legal risks.

If enough (in number and “type”) relays are available in the must-include list to allow node operators to make the selection they need to (e.g. as laid out in section D.5), this isn’t an issue. Same applies for previous point as well. The DAO, Node Operators, relay providers, and the general staking community have every incentive to ensure this is the case.


I’m not sure I see the raising of barriers to entry here – can you explain further?

Thanks for elaborating on this one. My concern was based on the premise that practically it would be quite hard for competing relays to be added to the must-include list, and in particular that they would need to demonstrate that they offered high paying blocks vs. existing relays to be included. If governance is relatively open with the must-include list (assuming relays can demonstrate trustworthiness and reliability) then I agree that this isn’t an issue. In fact if Lido is open to adding trustworthy/performant relays that don’t yet have the private order-flow to build high-value blocks, it could be a huge boost for relayer/builder competitiveness.

If enough (in number and “type”) relays are available in the must-include list to allow node operators to make the selection they need to (e.g. as laid out in section D.5),

It’s not clear to me from the document that node-operators could choose to not use censoring relays from the must-include list. Can you clarify, would node-operators be penalized if they only used non-censoring must-include relays?


It’s not clear to me from the document that node-operators could choose to not use censoring relays from the must-include list. Can you clarify, would node-operators be penalized if they only used non-censoring must-include relays?

Based on how the policy is currently structured possible penalties would only be considered if by doing this the Node Operator ended up consistently under-performing relative to the Reference Blocks (see Section D.4.II). Specific parameters for determining that performance band haven’t been suggested yet; it’s probably best to wait to see some data from production before doing so.

This lines up with the currently prevailing/popular enshrined PBS proposal where block proposers would be selecting for most valuable blocks without an ability to discern what kind of tx filtering (or not) the builder is doing.


V1.0 of the Policy has passed via Snapshot.



For the Chinese-version, check it out. (想看中文翻译的,可以看这边)


Exciting to see that this passed! In response to the “Monitoring & Penalties” section, what’s the plan for Lido to procure the monitoring infrastructure? It seems like building this software is a non-negligible lift, and there are only ~4 weeks until the soft roll out period conclude. cc: @Izzy


Development of monitoring infrastructure by Lido contributors began following the merge on the Goerli testnet, so it’s well underway. In case that additional or supplemental monitoring or analysis is needed – we’ve seen that quite a few resources are coming up in parallel (e.g. rated.network) that offer a minimum-viable alternative in cases where “native” monitoring is down or needs to be augmented.

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Just to state, the fact that the codebase is open source does not in fact provide any assurance that it is being ran unmodified. Additionally, making said codebase available for inspection should be treated as the same from a qualitative perspective vis a vie Lido.

Do you mean that making the codebase available for inspection should be treated (by Lido) equally as publishing the code openly?

I can see the point here, but I’m not sure it’s fully correct. I entirely agree that code being open doesn’t in any way provide assurance that that’s the code being run – but at least external observers can then use the data & monitoring APIs and any other data transparency tools (which I agree are more important in this respect than the code being open) to check how data is being handled against the theoretical code base. In the case where only privileged access is given however, the DAO would need to come up with a process by which it appoints persons who will undertake this effort on its behalf vs allowing anyone to do it. The outcome may be the same ala “DAO gets comfort over the codebase” but the route is substantively different.

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