Establish a Public Delegate Platform and Delegate Incentivization Program

Hello everyone,

First of all, a huge thank you for your questions, discussions, and feedback. And, of course, for the public support from those who plan to be Lido delegates. It is very valuable to see that the proposal is generating interest in the industry.

Since the transition to the voting stage is planned for today, I have updated the original proposal based on the questions and comments in this thread. There have been no major changes, just clarifications regarding the process, which are now included in the proposal.

Additionally, considering the changes in timelines, the current proposed timeline if the proposal passes is as follows:

  1. Delegate Application Period: Applications for delegates will be open from August 9 to August 25.
  2. Delegate Rally: The delegate rally will take place from August 26 to September 18.
  3. Program Start: The first season of the incentivization program will commence on September 19.
  4. First Quarter Incentives Distribution: Incentives for the first quarter of the pilot will be distributed from December 18 to December 31.
  5. Second Quarter Incentives Distribution: Incentives for the second quarter of the pilot will be distributed from March 18 to March 31.

The full version of the updated document can be viewed in IPFS here:
CID: QmXSuaeMEs9SVSDctHCmGwmqup7s7QDTFiiXJ18kiGEM8w


Snapshot vote started

Weā€™re starting the Establish a Public Delegate Platform and Delegate Incentivization Program Snapshot, active till Thu, 08 Aug 2024 16:00:00 GMT . Please donā€™t forget to cast your vote!


Given the nature of the recent Compound governance attack, it is a timely proposal to enforce a sustainable governance process.

Definitely should be supported! Just cast my support :saluting_face:


Supportive of this proposal for more active (and healthy) delegate participation. Would like to become a public delegate under this program and participate.


Snapshot vote ended

The Establish a Public Delegate Platform and Delegate Incentivization Program Snapshot has reached a quorum and completed!
The results are:
Approve platform & incentives: 50.3M LDO
Reject the proposal: 87 LDO


:rocket: Lido DAO Delegate Program Update :rocket:

Great news! The proposal was passed yesterday on Snapshot, and although the on-chain delegation is still in progress, the application phase is now beginning.

:spiral_calendar: From August 9th to 25th, applications from delegates will be accepted to represent the community.
Screenshot 2024-08-01 at 16.08.50

After the application period closes, profiles will be transferred to the UI and the delegate rally begins. The rally will be an exciting time when delegates are actively promoted to the Lido community.

:point_right: Delegate profiles can be created here: Delegate Platform

During the pilot phase, the forum will be the primary platform for delegate profiles. All delegate activities and discussions will be there.

Yay! Letā€™s start a Pilot!


We at Blockworks Research is excited to contribute to the ecosystem and be a core contributor to the decentralization of Lido.


Thank you for the update on the programā€™s progress. We are very excited about the development of this program.

Currently, it is in the application phase, but what are the things that need to be done to participate in the program other than creating a delegate thread? Is there going to be a special application form, or is creating a delegate thread sufficient to meet the requirements?

We are curious about what kind of ā€œUIā€ will be provided separately from the delegate platform profiles on the forum.


Creating a delegate thread on the forum is indeed the application, nothing else needs to be done.

Regarding the UI, along with the launch of on-chain delegation, a UI for it will be released (likely within 2-5 days after enactment). This UI will include a list of public delegates (after the application phase all would be added) to make it easier for token holders to choose whom to delegate to, a simple version for the Pilot.


Thank you for the updates @Jenya_K , we see the Delegate platform as an excellent medium to onboard new wave of community members who can enrich the DAOs decision making process


Franklin DAO is excited to take part in the Delegate Incentivization Program. We have been big fans of Lido for a while now and are determined to contribute in a meaningful way to help the DAO continue to move forward in the right direction.

Please find our delegate platform here


cp0x supports this proposal and wants to participate in the Delegate Incentive Program.

We are confident that we will contribute to the development of Lido DAO.

Our Delegate Platform


Hi everyone!

The application period has ended. Anyone joining the platform today or later wonā€™t be added to the UI or included in communications during the rally.

Vote 178, which activated on-chain delegation, passed successfully and was enacted on Saturday, August 24th. The UI for comfortable delegation is expected to be released today, but if you canā€™t wait, hereā€™s a guide on how to delegate via Etherscan: Etherscan Voting Guide.

The rallies supported by Lido channels comms start today and will run until September 18th. Delegates who attract 2M or more voting power during this period will qualify for the Delegate Incentivisation Program (DIP). However, not qualifying for the DIP does not prevent others from participating in governance.

The Delegate Oversight Committee will need a few days to prepare the delegate lists and finalize the rally program. Delegate list will appear in the UI early next week.


Update on the Delegate Program and Rally

  1. Current Status:
    The Delegate Oversight Committee has prepared a table with all the delegates who applied to participate. This table will help you better understand who these people are and how they can contribute to Lido DAO.

  2. How to Use the Table:
    In the table, you can filter delegates by:

    • Type: Individual or Collective.
    • Engagement in Lido: Whether the delegate is already involved in governance, serves on a committee, or has received a LEGO grant.
    • Expertise: Governance, DeFi, analytics, and more.

    :point_right: Note: All information is based on what the delegates have shared about themselves. The Oversight Committee does not verify this information, so be sure to do your own research before delegating. If you are a delegate and notice any inaccuracies in your description, please DM me, and weā€™ll be happy to make corrections.

  3. Interface Update on September 3rd:
    Starting September 3rd, an updated list of delegates will be available on This will make it easier to choose and delegate on the spot.

  4. Educational Sessions in Twitter Spaces from September 9th to 18th:
    We are planning several educational sessions in Twitter Spaces, where you can:

    • Meet the delegates.
    • Discuss important aspects of Lido, such as the mission, vision, and purpose.
    • Learn about the GOOSE framework, which is crucial to set Lidoā€™s strategy.

    Details and the schedule will be posted on September 7th in this thread and on Twitter. If youā€™re a delegate and want to participate in these sessions, please DM me.


Based on the current timeline, the Delegate Oversight Committee had initially planned to finalize the list of eligible delegates for the Incentivization Program today. However, as we only have three eligible candidates at the moment, the committee has decided there is no strong reason to enforce today as the cutoff. To encourage further delegations, the eligibility window is extended until the start of the next vote, scheduled for September 26th at 4 PM UTC.

You can review the list of candidates and delegate via this link: Delegation | Lido DAO Voting UI