MATIC staking on Polygon

Hi. I have MATIC on polygon network. If I want to stake on Lido, do I need to bridge my MATIC to etherium?
When I connect my wallet, it can’t see my MATIC, and when I switch the network to polygon, say it’s unsupported. Cheers

Natively, u should stake ur matic on Ethereum while u could swap matic to stMATIC on Polygon. If u hold stmatic by directly staking or swapping, u can get staking reward. Optionally, try stakeall to stake from Polygon but dyor first.

Last, u could get the answer more quickly from the offficial discord than the forum.

Thanks for your reply.
When I tried staking it natively, it wasn’t there in Lido, but when I swapped it to etherium chain, it was.
Does that seem right?