Organize the Lido Alliance Program as a Lido-DAO-Adjacent BORG


Title: Organize the Lido Alliance Program as a Lido-DAO-Adjacent BORG

Author(s): @lex_node / Gabriel Shapiro (for MetaLeX Pro LLP)


  • Following the approval of the Lido Alliance Proposal in May, Lido DAO contributors have worked with MetaLeX to propose the creation of a LIDO Alliance workstream, including through the incorporation of a Lido-DAO-adjacent cybernetic organization (BORG) to “legally wrap” the “Alliance workgroup” and the related assets and activities.

  • The Lido Alliance BORG Foundation consists of a memberless, beneficiary-less Cayman foundation whose purposes are restricted to furthering the Alliance Program, including submitting or facilitating the proposal of worthwhile Lido DAO Allies to Lido DAO and owning and holding assets contributed by such Lido DAO Allies in onchain multisigs.

  • The Bylaws and other legal docs of the Lido Alliance BORG Foundation provide for legal checks-and-balances between the entity and Lido DAO (explained below).

  • To complement the legal check-and-balance mechanisms expressed in the Lido Alliance BORG’s legal documents, the multisigs for holding the Lido Alliance BORG’s operational budget will use EasyTrack, which gives Lido DAO an onchain veto over spending of these assets. The assets contributed by Lido Allies will be subject to legal checks-and-balances with the DAO and held in a transparent 4/7 multisigs staffed by the BORG Personnel. The BORG personnel hope to eventually transition these multisigs to MetaLeX’s forthcoming technology stack to provide a more full-featured set of onchain checks-and-balances mirroring the prescribed legal arrangements.

  • This proposal seeks to inform Lido DAO and the broader Lido community of the details of the Lido Alliance BORG and to obtain a signal of the Lido DAO’s support for the structure through an approval of the proposal. If the proposal is approved, the Lido Alliance BORG will be incorporated as described herein.


The Cybernetic Organization (CybOrg or ‘BORG’) is a new type of web3 legal structure–a traditional legal entity that uses autonomous technologies (such as smart contracts) to augment the entity’s governance and activities. Just as sci-fi cyborgs (‘cybernetic organisms’) augment humans (natural persons) with robotic organs and limbs or microchip or optics implants, BORGs augment state-chartered entities (legal persons) with autonomous software such as smart contracts. Crucially, legal entities that are BORGs do not merely use autonomous technologies as an incidental part of their business–instead, much like a human might have a robotic prosthesis surgically attached to his shoulder, BORGs are legally governed by autonomous technologies through tech-specific rules implanted in their charter documents. DAO-adjacent BORGs, like the proposed Lido Alliance BORG, require that all or most of the BORG’s assets be held in multisig smart contracts empowering the relevant DAO to directly provide feedback to, and exert certain checks and balances against potential misconduct by, the BORG’s human managers.

The general reasons for using a DAO-adjacent BORG to ‘wrap’ DAO-related multisigs, committees, working groups and similar structures are summarized in Delphi Labs’ seminal article Assimilating the BORG.

More specifically, in the case of the Alliance working group:

  • There may be a need or desire to enter into legal agreements with Lido Allies (or related entities or individuals) in order to express and legally enforce each Lido Ally’s commitments to the Lido community and expectations of support from the Lido community. A legal entity is needed to serve as counterparty to such agreements as Lido DAO cannot enter in agreements itself as it lacks legal personality.

  • The Alliance working group may need to receive or hold tokens or certain rights in future tokens from pre-token Lido Allies—a legal entity may be needed to own/hold such rights.

  • For regulatory reasons, Lido DAO should avoid looking like an on chain ‘venture fund’ or ‘commodities pool’ that holds diversified assets, and thus such assets should be owned by a separate legal entity. (See e.g. The SEC DAO Report).

  • If unincorporated, the Alliance working group runs a risk of receiving involuntary legal classifications, which may carry personal liability for the working group members.

  • If unincorporated, the Alliance working group may lack continuity as a result of personnel turnover. A legal entity enables the working group to remain a single cohesive legal person despite personnel changes over time.

  • A legal entity can express all the rules and values that Alliance working group members should exert, and can make these rules and values transparent to Lido DAO.

  • A legal entity can give the Lido community explicit legally facilitated powers to influence the Alliance working group and program in various ways, such as by requiring Lido DAO approval for new Lido Allies and enabling Lido DAO to initiate removal of directors and co-approve new directors.

The formation of the Lido Alliance BORG also serves the approved GOOSE proposals here and here as updated with the approved ReGOOSE proposal goals as follows:

  • By defining the “Community” served by the BORG broadly, to include not only Lido DAO but also stETH holders and node operators.

  • By emphasizing pro-decentralization/autonomy values in the “Principles” BORG personnel must use for decision-making.

  • By fostering the creation of alliances with other key players in the ETH ecosystem for a broader use of Lido staking systems.

  • By including a “Guardian” role on the BORG multisig that is focused on security.


  • The Lido Alliance BORG is an exempted limited guarantee foundation company incorporated in the Cayman Islands. The BORG does not have any members or beneficiaries, but rather is governed by a relatively change-resistant ruleset embodied in its legal documents (see here) and the associated multisig smart contracts.

  • Cayman foundation companies are a popular choice for DAO wrappers, protocol ‘foundations,’ and other crypto-/DeFi-/web3-related entities. The same features that make such entities useful in those contexts also render them suitable for a DAO-adjacent BORG such as the Lido Alliance Program, i.e.:

    • Tax-free status within the Cayman Islands;

    • “Memberless” structure so that the entity need not be ‘owned’ by any person(s) and can therefore be operated for non-profit, community-aligned purposes;

    • Limited liability for managers and service providers of the entity (except in the event of fraud, crime, or the knowing and intentional breach of the entity’s rules or applicable laws);

    • Governance customizability capable of accommodating novel smart-contract-based rules and mechanisms; and

    • A jurisdiction with a longstanding commitment to fostering digital asset endeavors and an ecosystem of law firms and other service providers deeply embedded in the crypto ecosystem.

  • The Lido Alliance BORG is requesting an initial budget of $125,000 for 2024, as part of the st2024 v2 EGG request approved in July and is expected to require a yearly budget of $250,000 from 2025 to operate, which will be requested through subsequent EGG requests. The budget includes director fees, local law firm fees, contributor compensation and any other operational expenses, following the EGG budget requests framework.

  • The Board of Directors of the BORG is responsible for running all aspects of the Lido Alliance program and is in charge of the BORG overall. The Directors must sit on all multisigs of the BORG. The initial Directors of the BORG would initially be @adcv and dsm of @steakhouse. Any future Directors would be approved by Lido DAO and the Board. An individual Director can be removed either by the Board itself or by Lido DAO. An individual Director may also unilaterally resign.

  • The Guardians of the BORG are additional members of the BORG’s multisigs appointed by the Board. They generally should follow the Board’s instructions but may refuse to sign a multisig transaction based on security or compliance considerations. The initial Guardians of the BORG would be shik_happens, mac3w, jenya_k, olga_k, alex_l

  • All Lido Allies must be approved by the Board and Lido DAO, and the BORG would hold all tokens contributed by Lido Allies in the Alliance Multisigs, which will (at minimum) be 4/7 multisigs consisting of the Directors and the Guardians. Lido DAO’s co-approval is required for all usages of the Lido-Ally-contributed tokens as a security measure–this requirement is initially imposed by virtue of the BORG’s Bylaws, and Lido contributors and MetaLeX hope to create additional onchain enforcement of these rules as well, though the technical ability to do so may vary from chain to chain. The addresses and other details of all Alliance Multisigs must be published by the BORG for the Lido community. Operational funds would be held separately at the discretion of the Board and are currently expected to be held in 3/5 multisigs (also using EasyTrack on a quarterly schedule). Mentioned EasyTrack set is requested to be added with a following configuration for the operational multisig:

  • AllowedTokensRegistry: 0x4AC40c34f8992bb1e5E856A448792158022551ca
  • TopUpAllowedRecipients: (address TBD)
  • AllowedRecipientsRegistry: (address TBD):
    • allowedRecipients: 0x606f77BF3dd6Ed9790D9771C7003f269a385D942 (ops MS address);
    • limit: 250,000 * 10^18 (i.e. $250K);
    • periodDurationMonths: 3
  • The permitted purposes of the BORG are to further the Lido Alliance Program as it was approved by Lido DAO.

  • The BORG Personnel (including the Directors and Guardians) do not owe any direct duties to Lido DAO or Lido community members, but owe duties to the BORG entity, and the BORG entity’s purposes are restricted to fulfilling the Lido Alliance Program, which benefits the Lido DAO and broader Lido community.

  • Alliance Multisig Members have obligations to identify material conflicts of interest and, in certain circumstances, disclose them to the Lido community.

  • Lido DAO approval would be required for any liquidation of the entity or any amendment of the entity’s documents that adversely affect the Lido community or any sub-constituency thereof.

  • The BORG has a ‘supervisor’, which is a statutory role in the Caymans intended to monitor a foundation company’s compliance with the entity’s own rules. The initial supervisor, intended to be temporary, is MetaLeX Pro LLC, the same law firm that led the creation of the BORG in consultation with various Lido contributors. This role is currently un-compensated and MetaLeX has committed to perform the role without additional compensation for up to three months. The final supervisor is expected to be a “Lido OpsBORG” or similar entity, which is currently in ideation phase and will be separately proposed to Lido DAO once various details are finalized.

  • If an “Adverse Event” occurs, Lido DAO may directly appoint an “Emergency Supervisor” for the BORG. “Adverse Event” is defined to include egregious violations of law or the BORG’s own rules by the BORG or BORG Personnel in connection with the BORG’s activities, certain crimes independently committed by BORG Personnel (whether or not related to the BORG’s activities), and sustained deadlocks within the BORG’s governance/decision-making. The Emergency Supervisor would have broad powers under the BORG’s Bylaws and Caymans law, including the power to investigate the Adverse Event, bring lawsuits against BORG personnel in the name of the BORG and to remove and appoint Directors. The Emergency Supervisor role is intended to be temporary and the Emergency Supervisor must resign once the Adverse Event is handled or, in any event, the Emergency Supervisor’s tenure is automatically terminated after 12 months if not renewed by Lido DAO. Lido DAO also has the power to directly set the compensation of Emergency Supervisors.

  • The BORG Personnel are indemnified by the BORG entity, within certain customary limits. This indemnification would be paid solely out of operating funds and not any of the Lido-Ally-contributed assets, unless Lido DAO approves to use additional funds of the BORG to indemnify the BORG personnel who acted on behalf of the BORG.

  • The BORG Personnel would not have personal liability to the BORG for their BORG-related activities except to the extent they engage in gross negligence, willful misconduct, or fraud.

  • The BORG Personnel must satisfy various eligibility criteria including not being subject to sanctions, not having previous egregious criminal convictions, and being reasonably sophisticated regarding blockchain technologies.

Additional Reading / References

Voting & Discussion

Note: The Lido Alliance program has already been approved by the Lido DAO. This proposal solely concerns the manner in which the Lido Alliance program is to be carried out.

The Lido community is invited to weigh in on the proposal. This proposal will be followed by a Snapshot vote with the link published here, when ready.

By voting YES in the Snapshot vote, you indicate support for funding and operating the Lido Alliance BORG as described herein.

By voting AGAINST in the Snapshot vote, you indicate you do not support funding and operating the Lido Alliance BORG as described herein.


Hello @lex-node!
Thank you for such a clear, detailed proposal. I’m really impressed by the thoroughness and coherence of your approach. :mechanical_arm:
I am absolutely in favor of this proposal.

I have a couple of questions, all of them pretty operational, just to make some things more clear:

  1. Regarding the approval process for future Directors:

What is the process for this approval? A snapshot vote?

  1. What is the rotation process for the Guardians? Is it a quorum within the Committee or a DAO vote?

  2. For the requirement of Lido DAO’s co-approval on the usage of Lido-Ally-contributed tokens:

How will this approval process work, and do you have an expert opinion on how frequently such approvals might be needed from the DAO?

  1. Is there any form of reporting expected for Operational funds?

  2. Additionally, I would like to mention that if the DAO votes in favor during the snapshot, there will be an on-chain vote to add the Easy Track factory to the registry of factories.


I want to support this proposal; it looks like a well-thought-out structure for the Lido Alliance’s operations.

I have questions similar to those @zuzu_eeka raised above. I’m particularly interested in how the Board will ensure transparency for the DAO. Will this value stream participate in community update calls, for example? Report with some cadence?

The text mentions several times that decisions are made by the Board and DAO. Is there a plan to expand the Board soon?

Lastly, I’d be happy to act as a guardian in the Alliance’s partner multisig with the address: 0x30E317df005B5599e372400bf360895A027120dc

Here’s the verification: Ethereum Verified Signed Message

Looking forward to the vote!


I’d like to act as a guardian in the Alliance’s partner multisig with the address: 0xcb408B2c5e45E43DF0F3B2d665873F805D435598

Here’s the verification: Ethereum Verified Signed Message


Overall supportive of the proposal and happy to join the Lido Alliance BORG’s partner and operational multisigs with the address: 0x76E0Cd4b34912Cf5381625704bCAFf232D26fFEE

Here is the verification: Ethereum Verified Signed Message


I’d like to join the Lido Alliance BORG partners multisig with the address: 0x1EAF931aabbB02Ca8A416040cF5b35C73Fff2A8a

Here is the verification: Ethereum Verified Signed Message


Hi all, in favor of this great proposal by @lex-node and happy to join the Lido Alliance BORG’s partner and operational multisigs with the address: 0xed85c7bd46dde10e1c48bbd78e9fa63076c5736c

Here is the verification: Ethereum Verified Signed Message

1 Like

I’m particularly interested in how the Board will ensure transparency for the DAO. Will this value stream participate in community update calls, for example? Report with some cadence?

There are no specific legal requirements in this regard, beyond using the multisigs and publishing their details and submitting votes to the DAO to approve Lido Allies. I suggest that the Board of Directors set a policy of periodic reporting.

Is there a plan to expand the Board soon?

I believe there is a plan to engage at least one additional Board member who will work on the alliance close to full-time. But I don’t know details beyond this.


What is the process for this approval? A snapshot vote?

Would be the typical DAO process–snapshot followed by binding onchain vote

What is the rotation process for the Guardians?

There is no prescribed rotation…they serve until removed (which can be done by Board or Lido DAO) or resign.

How will this approval process work, and do you have an expert opinion on how frequently such approvals might be needed from the DAO?

Most likely, the Board would approve a proposal and then submit it to the DAO through the usual snapshot + binding onchain vote process. Since Ally assets are intended to be held for long-term strategic alignment, it’s unlikely there will be frequent transactions in the Ally assets.

  1. Is there any form of reporting expected for Operational funds?

Not that I know of, though the Board could/should set a policy. It’s also possible for the DAO to request that the Supervisor obtains this information for the DAO (though they are not required to do so) .

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Gm! Really happy to see some ingenuity regarding legal & DAO tooling moving forward into the Lido DAO and hope it creates more efficient and effective governance and operational processes. I am not lawyer so cannot speak to this setup but @lex-node’s a highly respected lawyer in our industry and the choice of @adcv is wise.

Very much looking forward to the day BORGs work seamlessly with Aragon and onchain ownership is processed through the parent DAO. We’re happy to work with MetaLex on ensuring this in the future.

Thanks for the proposal!


Great proposal!

And happy to join the Lido Alliance BORG’s partner and operational multisigs with the address: 0x734a30ABE434012FD413666b2210a4D1aca6ec7B

Here’s the verification : Ethereum Verified Signed Message

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adcv is joining the Lido Alliance multisigs with address 0xcc692077c65dd464caa7e7ae614328914f8469b3


Thank you for the detailed proposal and we generally support this. We have some questions:

  1. What would be the relationship between Lido-DAO-Adjacent BORG and Lido Alliance Workstream? It seemed like this BORG is a kind of legal representation of Lido Alliance Workstream, but is this right?

  2. How will we choose/evaluate the board of director of this BORG?


Snapshot vote started

The Organize the Lido Alliance Program as a Lido-DAO-Adjacent BORG Snapshot has started! Please cast your votes before Thu, 05 Sep 2024 16:00:00 GMT :pray:

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Yes. The people who work on the Lido Alliance Workstream work for the BORG, and the BORG is the entity that ‘owns’/conducts the Lido Alliance Workstream by hiring those people. The “legal wrapper” metaphor is not far off the mark–the BORG “wraps” this “workstream”.

How will we choose/evaluate the board of director of this BORG?

The initial directors are as proposed above (high-rep, well-known within Lido community) and future directors would require Lido DAO co-approval. So it is up to Lido DAO participants what questions to ask and how to evaluate the candidates!


@lex-node, hello and thanks for such a rigorous proposal, as well as taking into account many aspect within Lido DAO operations and community.

My question is regarding the signers of Lido Alliance Allies/Partners Multisig address. I can see some potential Guardians has joined recently the forum. Are these Lido DAO or MetaLeX contributors or have enough knowledge on this initiative and broader goals within it?

I have hone through their X / Twitter profiles, but tbh this does not help a lot.


Very interesting and detailed description. I think this is the future.
However, I have several questions:

  1. There is a lot of information about how the organization will function, but the question is what goals it has. Not general and fundamental ones - they are described. Let’s imagine that BORG already exists - what will they do? I mean that it might be worth defining at least the first steps for several months, what BORG will do, with KPI.
  2. If BORG will interact with other organizations - it requires real world funds. How will they convert cryptocurrency into USD?
  3. How is the organization’s budget of $250,000 calculated?

@irina_everstake hey there! just jumping in here as one of the Guardians on the multisigs. I can confirm that all the Guardians on the multisigs are infact DAO contributors. Personally, I have been a DAO contributor for a few months now and most of my work is primarily off-chain operations for the ATC/PML service companies of the contributor groups. The other Guardians have been contributors for much longer. I have sufficient knowledge about the initiative and can ensure accountability of the alliance workgroup in my role as a Guardian for the multisigs in the BORG. Hope this gives you some clarity :slight_smile:


yes, all the participants are sourced from Lido community AFAIK. fwiw there are also representations each participant must make in the legal docs that they are knowledgeable in blockchain tech etc.

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thanks for the clarification! Just wanted to double check as it was not clear

Thus full support from my side :raised_hands: