Hi folks,
I made three votes today (04/10/24). None of which are controversial and therefore the post will be relatively short.
The first regards the Lido Community Staking Module Mainnet Release Setup: (Snapshot). Discussion.
I’ve voted to approve the CSM Mainnet Release Setup. There is a previous accepted vote about CSM itself and therefore in this case I decided to review the original post just to check for any recent objections about the Setup that might be cause for concern, but did not encounter any.
Next is Change Easy Track limits for PML & ATC: (Snapshot). Discussion.
The nuts and bolts:
Lowering the PML limit from 6M to 4M USDC/USDT/DAI per quarter
Increasing the ATC limit from 1.5M to 7M USDC/USDT/DAI per quarter
This seems sensible to me and therefore I voted to approve. An update on limits that have not changed since 2022 and need to be updated. I also note no objections in the discussion.
Finally a slightly different one. Increase the Proposal Threshold for Snapshot: (Snapshot). Discussion.
This is by no means a misguided proposal. The limit does seem to be quite small. However, the problem does not appear to be pressing or common, as mentioned by numerous community members. In cases like this I vote with caution and choose Do Nothing.