Proposal to incentivize two new wstETH liquidity pools

In line with our liquidity diversification plan, two new wstETH liquidity pools are finally set to launch over next week: wstETH<>wETH on Balancer v2 and wstETH<>DAI on SushiSwap. These pools are meant to boost stETH productivity across DeFi, remove blockers for future integrations and allow Lido to get a more sustainable and reliable price feed.

We propose incentivizing liquidity pools as follows:

  • Balancer v2
    wstETH<>WETH LP: 100,000 LDO for the first month (+ 10,000 BAL from the Balancer side)
  • Sushi
    wstETH<>DAI LP: 200,000 LDO for the first month (+ up to 13,500 SUSHI from the SushiSwap side)

If approved by the community, funds allocation will be included in the upcoming Thursday’s omnibus votings.