ProRelGuild Delegate Thread

Delegate information:

ProRelGuild consists of four members who are actively contributing to Lido DAO and paving the road to stETH adoption, growth, and industry-wide collaborations. This small but versatile guild is strong in technical and non-technical terms.


Contact Information
Telegram: @apegen or @DeFiYaco

Guild already has 930k LDO delegated for Snapshot voting. We’re looking to increase the delegation and start utilizing the new feature of on-chain delegations. Our objectives are driven by Lido first. Everything else comes second approach.

We strongly believe that for Ethereum to be decentralized, future-proof, and censorship-resistant, Lido middleware must outperform every other solution.

Given this approach, we’re not afraid to vote “no” to anything that we find non-beneficial for the DAO, staking middleware or related products and integrations.

Values and Decision-Making Approach
The Guild does not seek compensation for participating in this program and encourages delegate diversification by distributing the funds to net new delegates to create a stronger governance process.

Decisions happen while the guild has its regular syncs. As we want to be innovative in terms of governance approach, the plan is to introduce quarterly delegator calls to brief delegators on the status and discuss all things Lido where you’re free to express uncensored opinions.

Public Acceptance:
ProRelGuild accepts Lido DAO delegate Сode of Сonduct (link) and Aligned with Lido’s Vibe (Purpose, Mission, Vision)

Guild members angel invest, so if there is a vote that would be a conflict of interest, it will be disclosed beforehand, with a specific vote abstination.
Each individual in the guild owns LDO tokens.

Voting history: here