Community Staking Grants #2: CSM Tooling

After a great first round of Community Staking Grants dedicated to CSM Resources, and now that the CSM is live on Ethereum Mainnet with +200 operators, the Community Lifeguards Initiative sub-committee is opening up the next grants round as a Request-For-Proposals for community contributions of tooling that help node operators in the CSM understand and use the protocol.

Scope of this round

Any useful CSM-related tooling contribution is welcome, but here are some ideas on our wishlist:

  • Reward calculators for NOs
  • Monitoring tools (includes contributions to the CSM Sentinel)
  • Informational dashboards about CSM (e.g. using something like Dune), and dashboards that help NOs navigate and use the module (e.g. local grafana dashes)
  • Support for CSM in other community-run tools (e.g., Rescue Node)

If what you’re working on doesn’t fit the scope of this round, or exceeds the amount of funding available but would like to be considered for a grant, please refer to the regular Community Staking grant process.


Up to USD $10,000

Note that this constitutes a maximum, and asks should be reasonable to be considered. This RFP is to incentivize small/mid-sized tools, and not meant to support larger tools like the Request for Proposal | CSM and SDVTM integration did.

It is possible that we request support from LEGO to fund these proposals if the amount requested ends up being more than the 30K DAI total budgeted for this round.

How to apply

To apply for funding, please comment on this thread with your proposal, a few lines about you/the team, contact info and an address on Ethereum Mainnet.

Please DM the Community Lifeguards (enti, Sam, GLCStaked) for any clarifying questions or concerns regarding the round (i.e., checking if your proposal is in scope or if the funding ask is reasonable). The members of the Community Lifeguards Initiative will be processing grants on a rolling basis until February 14th, 2025.

Judging criteria

Grants will be selected using the following considerations:

  • All contributions must be open source
  • Overall quality (e.g., code follows best practices and it’s easy to read)
  • Usability of the contribution
  • Uniqueness and novel value of the contributions (e.g., providing monitoring or data not available in other tools)

Helpful resources

Here are some helpful resources to get your work started:


Hi everyone!, I’m kayvee.

Looking through Lido’s Community Staking Module’s community and seeing the need for a rewards calculator for Node Operators, I am developing a comprehensive CSM Rewards Calculator that helps operators visualize returns and understand capital efficiency compared to traditional staking.

Calculator Demo:

GitHub Repository:

  • Telegram: sholance

  • X: kayvee_x

  • Ethereum Address: 0xe7235ecdd630303c4525afd395b243c77ee35996


Thanks for your submission @kayvee . This rewards calculator tool with its simple UI will be useful to generate initial interest from Web3 users who are less technically and financially adept to begin exploring solo staking via Lido CSM.

I’ve reached out on Telegram to suggest a couple of suggestions/improvements so that it can be maximally useful and to make sure the information displayed is accurate.


Hey folks! Great initiative.

The validator-swarm is a CLI tool for managing CSM validators. We built this tool to scratch our own itch during the CSM testnet phase, which allowed us to scale our operation to +100 validators.

We’re also heavily relying on it for managing the lifecycle of our operation on CSM mainnet, as a swiss army knife for managing our CSM operation as well as a daemon for monitoring and notifying us of exit requests.

More about it in this other post.

The tool can also be found in the NO Resources & Tooling page in the Lido wiki.


Ethereum address: 0x5E7B4B48D1C36eed092fbDB3642370b733E57C52

CSM Tooling Grant Proposal: Validator and entity monitoring via Integration

Proposal Overview

This project integrates validators and entities using the Community Staking Module (CSM) into, providing monitoring capabilities. The integration contemplates the analysis and processing of the CSM smart contract to fetch the public addresses that have interacted with the module to then tag the validators to its associated operators and present them along with the data currently provided and supported by Migalabs Goteth indexer, which includes:

  • CSM specific section
  • Blocks proposed.
  • Number of validators under operator.
  • Validator current Balance.
  • Rewards.
  • Validator Attestation Rates.
  • CSM Validator/Operator Performance compared to the other Lidos NO and the overall network.

This work should take about 12 weeks and should cost $8K paid in DAI.
Address: 0x492d683a51613aBcef3AD233149d69b7FE60FBd7


Hello @kayvee @firstset @leobago. Thank you all for the proposals! These all were approved by the committee and disbursed today in this transaction.


Merry Christmas, and happy holidays everyone!

Over the holidays, I moved the CSM rewards calculator to, and tried crunching the numbers for a bit more accuracy. More improvements to come! and a big thanks to Lido through CSM for the Support and initiative.

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For transparency, we’re still in conversation with some builders that intended to apply, but that due to our discussions didn’t submit their application here on time. We’ll make an exception for those if they end up applying.


I developed a Dune dashboard to provide insights into Lido CSM, tracking key metrics and activities across the module.

Current Features & Data Tracked:

  • Node Operators — Total number of node operators/active validators in the module.
  • Key Generation — Key generation events by CSM node operators.
  • Deposits — Deposits from Lido to the Beacon Chain on behalf of depositors for CSM module.
  • Total ETH Staked and Active Validators — Aggregated ETH staked through the CSM (data updated Q24hr 12:30 UTC).
  • Node Operator Tracking — Node operators can track their keys through various lifecycle stages: bonding, key submission, deposit to the Beacon Chain, and withdrawal.

I will be able to maintain the dashboard for as long as needed, and will add more features in time.


This work should cost approximately $700.

Telegram: @Smeee23
Ethereum Address: 0x401CEeC585187AB86837B857f75d57e12F16aad0