[EGG] Establishing the Community Lifeguards Initiative (CLI) Sub-Committee


  • Consolidate and fund the Community Lifeguards Initiative (CLI) as a sub-committee of LEGO.
  • Foster community development by creating helpful content and resources, representing community stakers internally and at community activities, and identifying monetary and non-monetary collaboration opportunities. Now with a dedicated community grants fund.
  • 197K USD requested every quarter, paid in stablecoins (DAI / USDT / USDC).
  • Recurring funding by LEGO, with a retroactive payment for April and May.

Basic Data

Field Description
Proposal Name Establishing the Community Lifeguards Initiative (CLI) Committee
Which of the following GOOSE goals is your proposal advancing? 2: Lido attracts the best validator set in the market.
Organization description @enti and @Stakesaurus. Community-oriented, seasoned Ethereum solo operators and current Community Lifeguards.
Proposed scope of work Represent community operators among Lido contributors, engage and create valuable resources for them, identify collaboration and grant opportunities with community staking-oriented projects, and represent Lido in community activities.
Objectives Significantly increase and diversify the operators participating in the Lido on Ethereum protocol while fostering a vibrant and inclusive community.
Quarterly Budget Request 197K USD

Review of the CLI Pilot

The Community Lifeguards Initiative (CLI) Pilot ran for roughly three quarters, with Eridian as the sole appointee for the first two quarters and Sam and Enti joining in the last quarter.

Below is a table detailing our contributions to Lido Community Stakers set against the original evaluation factors in the CLI Pilot:

Evaluation Factor Value Created
Determine the realizable potential and report on the results. Design, propose, & launch the Community Staking Fleet Pilot as a community engagement flywheel to create net new home/solo stakers continuously. // Overseeing the execution of community grants, including DVStakers - Grant Proposal and SEEDNode - Lido.
Defining metrics to measure the success of this initiative. A weekly discussion with the Lido Community Staking team has led to more refined metrics for measuring success (see the final section below).
Engagement in Lido community channels Technical support in Simple DVT trials, assisting community operators in their journey and testing SDVT integrations.
Educational content created and shared 11 Podcasts, 4 written Q&As, 3 blog posts, and 3 X Spaces on the Community Staking: Contributor Series - Lido Governance.
Attendance and participation in community events 2 virtual DVT workshops and 3 in-person presentations at events all around the world (LidoConnect '23, ETH Vietnam '24 & ETHLatam '24).
Surveying community node operator satisfaction levels Too early to conduct during the first 3 quarters as the focus was on creating a rich repository of community staking content for a majority of the initiative duration // To begin when CSM Testnet becomes available

See more in the previous quarterly reports: Report 1, Report 2, and Report 3.

This has helped attract community stakers and significantly raise awareness about Community Staking initiatives in Lido like SDVT or the upcoming CSM, which are now top-of-the-mind for a lot of the community leaders in Ethereum-aligned communities around the world thanks to the strong community orientation and relations of the CLGs.

With all the learnings from the pilot and the strong tailwinds brought by our recent work, we believe that the time is ripe to ramp up the Community Lifeguards Initiative.

Establishing the Community Lifeguards Initiative (CLI) Sub-Committee

We’re putting this proposal forward to the DAO to formalize and expand the Community Lifeguards Initiative as a LEGO sub-committee of community-oriented, seasoned Ethereum solo operators committed to developing the community of stakers in Lido on Ethereum.

This is in alignment with Goal 2 of the approved GOOSE — Lido attracts the best validator set in the market.


The Community Validation Manifesto is the committee’s raison d’être. As such, our fundamental objective is to uphold its principles and bring the Lido DAO and protocol closer to their goals through identifying, engaging with, and rewarding community contributions to staking in Ethereum and Lido.

We do this through 3 main pillars:

  • Adding value to the community by creating relevant programs, content, and resources, collecting feedback, and participating in community events.
  • Represent community operators among Lido contributors in internal discussions and collaborate with them on community campaigns and product decisions.
  • Identifying opportunities for collaboration with staking communities and projects, whether through CLI Community Grants, LEGO, or non-monetary forms of support.

The CLI’s main objective slightly differs from LEGO in that Community Lifeguards are a community task force devoted to its development, and whose mission is to be as close and integrated to the Lido and Ethereum community as possible. On the other hand, LEGO has a broader mission to support Ethereum and liquid staking in general, mainly through grant-giving.

Structure of the committee

  • Three full-time equivalent (FTE) Community Lifeguards, elected through open applications in this forum thread and accepted by a vote of committee members + Lido Community Staking contributors. Applications will remain open, provided slots are available.
  • One of the Community Lifeguards serves as the coordinator, responsible for organizing the initiative and ensuring that the committee’s goals are met. The appointed coordinator must commit to spending at least 30 hours per week on the initiative.
  • To align on the direction and keep the CLI accountable, input from Lido Community Staking contributors will be used in the committee’s decision-making process. The committee’s primary purpose is to assess CLI’s performance at the end of every quarter, which helps with goal-setting and affects their compensation.
  • Quarterly reports include the period’s progress and expectations for the following quarter.
  • Community Lifeguards should have a deep understanding of Ethereum staking, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, experience with educational content, and familiarity with Lido DAO’s vision, objectives, and technology stack.

Current members

CLI Community Grants

To better support the growing community, we’re proposing the establishment of a Community Grants fund managed by the CLI. This will give us increased agency to direct resources toward opportunities aligned with this committee’s goals.

The community grants fund will be disbursed in the following ways:

  • Programs, such as RFPs or one-offs proposed by the CLI or in collaboration with LEGO, like the Community Staking Fleet or a more structured round-based grant process.
  • Grants towards exemplary participation, value add, or small-scale community development projects in the scope of the initiative.


We are asking for a quarterly allocation of 197K USD, broken up as follows:

Amount Use of funds Approver Unspent budget
117K USD per quarter Compensation for Community Lifeguards, based on time and quality of contribution (i.e. max of 39K USD/FTE per quarter, where max would indicate exemplary performance) Community Lifeguard Coordinator + Lido Community Staking Contributors (Note the amounts constitute a maximum). Net every quarter.
60K USD per quarter For use as the CLI Community Grants fund as described above with up to 10K USD per grant (Larger grants can be approved as per normal LEGO approval requirements). CLGs + Lido CS Contributors. The process is described in the section above. Rolled out for 2 quarters. Then it’s zeroed out and starts again.
20K USD per quarter Fund for operational expenses for the Community Lifeguards, including travel accommodations or merch. Community Lifeguard Coordinator + Lido Community Staking Contributors. Net every quarter.

Scope and responsibilities

  • Design, propose, and execute community programs like the Community Staking Fleet to facilitate and empower the community.
  • Identifying opportunities for CLI and LEGO grants (e.g., community staker meetups or tooling) and facilitating the grants process for such initiatives, from proposal to execution and grant completion.
  • Identifying opportunities for collaboration with other Ethereum staking projects and fostering new initiatives within the community.
  • Represent community operators among Lido contributors and collaborate with them on everything from marketing to product feedback and technical support during testnet trials—e.g., SimpleDVT, CSM.
  • Participating in community events, webinars, and AMAs as Lido ecosystem and staker community members.
  • Create relevant content and resources for community stakers.

Measures of Success

The success of this proposal can be gauged using the following metrics along with their relevant Net Promoter Score (NPS):

Metric Base Target
Number of communities onboarded. 3 communities onboarded with at least 1 community staking activity executed or planned each. // NPS ≥ 50%
Number of new discord joiners with the community staker role. Measured as a growth % in each quarterly report. 30% QoQ growth up to 1000 members; 10% QoQ growth thereafter. // NPS ≥ 50%
Number of new home/solo stakers participating in the CSM or Simple DVT — measured through growth during quarterly reporting. 150 home/solo stakers onboarded onto CSM within first 6 months of launch. // NPS ≥ 50%
Number of new individual node operators created by the CLI, including those who do not end up participating in the CSM. 300 new node operators created in total. // NPS ≥ 50%

To be able to accommodate changes and the needs of the community, we will keep the community updated on our goals and metrics in every quarterly report.

Vote and operations

LEGO will serve as a manager for CLI funding. If this proposal is approved, the CLI will get recurring funding from LEGO with a retroactive payment for April and May.

Funds will then be sent to the CLI multisig 0x6faCCcE132d5C397068807Ca73883d3df198dFF4 at the beginning of every quarter, provided the committee fulfills its responsibilities.

Should any significant changes to the structure and budget for the CLI be needed, a new proposal will be put forward to the DAO at least one month in advance. This contemplates budget extensions and the dismantling of the committee.

This is a 3/5 multisig with the following signers

@Alex_L: 0x3786C091Ed68d5B58EFAE5193e54c043Bde3b8f6

@Izzy: 0x783EA934d543CD1ccfd920639A7539a0BD3895e2

@dgusakov: 0x992Ce4eEc8288274f60880c7770DdA265fCCe610

@Aleksandra_G: 0x9795d01Aa9F4F80E95828049921B179fBA2Fe6b5

@enti: 0xfcfbafa0d5f5512C65DbB4C073fE4Ee6Dc3c4779


First of all, I’d like to say that it’s was wonderful to be given the opportunity to serve as a Community Lifeguard over past quarter.

Despite the short amount of time served, we left strong impressions with communities in our respective markets and many of them are currently deeply engaged with us in co-creating ways to promote ETH solo staking through the CSM. By keeping our ears to the ground, we’ve also identified key activities that will move the needle and you will notice that these are now reflected in highly quantifiable KPIs.

I believe that it is now time to ramp up our efforts, formalise our processes, and attract the best talent to create value for the Lido DAO & Community.

Please feel free to ask any questions or share any thoughts and we (@enti @Stakesaurus) look forward to addressing them!


I’ve been really glad to see the impact that the CLGs have made over the last year both in terms of inputs into making Community Staking aspects of the Lido protocol but also in terms of growing and educating the wider staking community. I think continuing and formalizing the initiative into a sub-committee with a dedicated budget makes sense.

While the amounts requested may seem high, I imagine that the intent is to operate similar to LEGO (and the previous quarters of the CLI) where realistically there will be large amounts of budgeted funds unspent at the end of the cycle, as a large portion of the budget has to do with grants and expenses, which are largely exogenous in nature.

Given that CSM is around the corner, I think it’s very important to keep leaning into and supporting Community Staking, and the Community Lifeguards are the strongest way to do that!


Have personally interacted with both CLGs and I can say with certainty that both CLGs are committed and passionate about educating people on solo staking - which will in turn grow Lido DAO’s set of validators and further decentralizing the DAO.

I think it also makes sense that CLI gets spun off as a sub-committee since CSM is coming. Having CLI as a sub-committee just gives the CLGs more autonomy and the budget to grow CSM. Therefore I am fully supportive of this proposal.


We are delighted to see that the Community Lifeguards Initiative (CLI) continues to progress smoothly. Both @enti and @Stakesaurus are doing excellent work, and we have no doubts about the value and the operation that this initiative will provide.

However, the ratio between the grant amount ($60,000) and the labor costs ($117,000) seems imbalanced. Generally speaking, the funds under management should be significantly higher than the operational costs to maximize the impact of the total budget. One potential solution could be to allocate a larger portion of the budget to grants over the course of the program.

We would appreciate hearing your thoughts on this ratio and understanding the rationale behind the current budget allocation.


Hello @Tane. Thanks for engaging! I’ve actually been pretty stoked with all the high-quality comments you guys have been putting out on all the recent posts. I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into it.

This is something that perhaps we could have clarified better. The CLI is not a grants committee, quite the contrary (hence we have kept the funds we manage low).

I like to think of us as community developers. Most of our time is spent providing technical support to community operators on CS-relevant modules (SDVT for now), creating content and other resources, and representing Lido at community events and the community within Lido contributors, among other things.

That said, we learned in the pilot that having a small fund to support community initiatives would go a long way, but we don’t want it to end up being a workload that prevents us from performing our other duties.


Thank you so much for your kind words. As we aim to contribute significantly to the Ethereum ecosystem, with Lido being a crucial part of it, we are thrilled to see our initial activities being recognized.

We appreciate your clarification, which makes perfect sense. Initially, we misunderstood CLI as a CSM/SDVT-focused grant team spun out of LEGO, but now we understand its true meaning and purpose.

We fully support this proposal and are excited to see the progress. We appreciate your great work and look forward to collaborating further to advance the Lido-Ethereum ecosystem.

1 Like

Snapshot vote started

Please get your wallets ready to cast a vote :white_check_mark:, the [EGG] Establishing the Community Lifeguards Initiative (CLI) Sub-Committee Snapshot has started! The Snapshots ends on Thu, 04 Jul 2024 16:00:00 GMT.


Snapshot vote ended

The [EGG] Establishing the Community Lifeguards Initiative (CLI) Sub-Committee Snapshot vote concluded!
The results are:
Approve Community Lifeguards: 55.6M LDO

@dgusakov is looking to join the CLI multisig with the address 0x992ce4eec8288274f60880c7770dda265fcce610

Signed message


@Aleksandra_G is looking to join the CLI multisig with the address 0x9795d01Aa9F4F80E95828049921B179fBA2Fe6b5

Signed message


Hey, I’m verifying my address here explicitly for convenience - 0x3786c091ed68d5b58efae5193e54c043bde3b8f6

1 Like

Verifying my addresses explicitly for reference 0x783ea934d543cd1ccfd920639a7539a0bd3895e2


And quoting Enti’s address verification here to have everything in the same place:


2024 - Q2 Community Lifeguard Report

Here we come with another report to the community. First of all, thanks to everyone for the continued support of the Community Lifeguards Initiative—we’re proud to say that this is no longer a pilot, and the proposal to establish the CLI as a sub-committee passed!

During Q2, we executed both selected communities for the CS Fleet pilot, supported SDVT operators in their journey, and primed the community for a successful launch of the Community Staking Module, which is now live on testnet.

Continue reading to see all that in more depth.

The Community Lifeguards Initiative sub-committee

After a successful pilot, we posted a proposal to the Lido DAO to establish the CLI as a sub-committee of LEGO, and we’re happy to say it passed—see it on Snapshot!

The scope of the CLI has not changed much at its core. Still, we have clarified the structure and commitment of the members, added a small budget for community staking grants (more on this later), operational expenses, and ways to measure our success in the long run using NPS.

You can read more about the proposal in this forum post: https://research.lido.fi/t/egg-establishing-the-community-lifeguards-initiative-cli-sub-committee/7527


Our north-star metric for Q2 was the growth of Lido Community Stakers, measured by the number of people with the @community-staker role on Lido’s discord.

We are proud to share that this number has grown by 80% to 721 (up from 400 at the end of Q1’24), beating the initial target of 600 by 30%.


We launched 2 new activities to build momentum in the community, starting with bi-weekly roundtables where we sit down with the whole community in a very relaxed and open conversation. We have conducted two sessions on topics like SDVT, CSM, Preconfs, or stake-relevant EIPs on Pectra. We’re happy to say the attendance has been solid so far, with 20-30 participants highly engaged throughout the hour.

Another thing we did was our first-ever meme competition for the launch of the CSM; winners got tickets to the St.ETHCC church-themed party and a seat on Early Adoption for Mainnet! Here’s one of the winners :slight_smile:

Community Staking Content (podcasts, blog posts, and more)

Community Staking Fleet

The Community Staking Fleet Pilot reports are out. Find out the work @Sam and @enti did on the ground and what are the next steps:

CSM Guide

In preparation for the Community Staking Module, @Sam did an amazing job putting together an in-depth guide to help home stakers be set for success when using the CSM, no matter if they’re just getting started or are seasoned operators. Lido CSM | ETH Home Staking Collection.

Satisfaction Survey

To better understand the value of our contributions and where we can improve, and as part of the measures of success for the Community Lifeguards, we conducted a satisfaction survey with 59 respondents. We subtracted the percentage of those who voted 5 (promoters) from the percentage of those who voted 1-3 (detractors), giving us a total Net Promoter Score (NPS).

These are the results:

  • The majority of participants interacted with us in the Lido Discord Server, followed by IRL encounters and interactions in the forum.

  • NPS for “How would you rate the quality of events (workshops, presentations, etc) from the Lido Community Lifeguards?” was 36.54%
  • NPS for “How satisfied are you with the quality of interactions and support provided by the Lido Community Lifeguards?” was 69.49%
  • NPS for “How likely are you to recommend the Lido Community Lifeguards as guides to someone interested in Ethereum staking?” was 66.10%
  • Aggregated NPS for the survey is 57.38%, above our base target of >50%.

In the additional comments section, we received some wanting more community-building activities for SDVT testnet participants; this is part of the reason we started doing the community roundtables and plan to experiment with other activities in the future.


Simple DVT

This quarter, we began contributing a good portion of our time supporting operators in the Simple DVT trials.

It’s been a very exciting ride helping everyone get their nodes and clusters up and running to fulfil all their duties.

@enti joined a small cohort to test SafeStake out, and we’re both looking forward to the beginning of the upcoming SSV trial.

Community Staking Module

Although it just recently launched on testnet, we’ve been on the lookout for any questions or concerns regarding the Community Staking Module to help early testers succeed and to collect feedback for the team, if any.

Lido DAO Contributor Meetings and Discussions:

This is not something the community sees, but we spend a fair amount of time on calls, some regular syncs between ourselves or with Lido contributors and some impromptu others with relevant parties (we also shared some good memories at the offsite!). These meetings cover various topics, from CSM-related decision-making to presenting community ideas and initiatives.

As always, we do our best to give feedback from the POV of a solo/home staker.


Understanding the Community Staking Grants:

With the establishment of the CLI, we included a budget to support the community staking relevant grants. These grants, capped at $10,000, support the growing community of operators participating in the Lido protocol.

A Community Staking grant might be a good fit if any of the following apply to your project:

  • Community Resources: You are building guides, tutorials, and other relevant community resources and would like to be supported.
  • Community Event-related: sponsorship requests for community events focused on Lido and Ethereum staking.
  • Integrations: You have a product or service used by independent operators and want to get a grant to support Lido Community Staking tech (e.g., integrating CSM or SimpleDVT) in your project. We understand these often exceed $10,000, but we are happy to facilitate the process with LEGO.

If you’re looking for support for your community staking idea or project, feel free to reach out to us.

Grants given in Q2:

Tané, a Web3 investment and research firm run by crypto-native product builders, received a $10,000 grant for community education in Japan.

As a thought leader in the Japanese Web3 community with strong engagement metrics across audio and written content formats as well as in-person events, Tané is well positioned to help develop Lido Community Stakers in Japan.

The deliverables for their grant include various podcast episodes and articles, a localised guide, and an in-person event in Tokyo during EDCON—You can read the complete grant here Tané - Lido community education in APAC.

We also awarded a small grant of $1,500 to ETH63 for a local meet-up in Cebu, Phillippines where @stakesaurus gave a presentation and demonstration on home staking using the newly launched CSM, while deepening Lido’s presence among Filipino Web3 communities such as GCrypto (GCash).

Updates from previous grants

SEEDLatam’s proposal is now fully completed! They worked on a detailed six-module syllabus to teach how to run nodes in Spanish and a training session for teachers and students at the National Technological University (UTN) in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

You can read their reports on this thread: SEEDNode - Lido.

Fees & Payment

For the contributions completed in Q2 2024, the CLs request that the CLI consider payment based on the individual performance of the Community Lifeguards to the Ethereum addresses:






2024 - Q3 Community Lifeguard Report

Here we come with another report to the community! During this quarter, we onboarded a new Community Lifeguard, created a ton of new content, participated and organised 10 community activities, and supported the launch of the CSM tesnet among other things.

Continue reading to see all that in more depth.

StakeCat are now a Community Lifeguards!

With @Stakesaurus and @Enti covering Asia and Latam respectively, and our plates already getting full, we decided it was about time to bring a third CLG covering Europe to the Initiative.

Here’s a list of some of their contributions to the solo staking community:

  1. GLCStaked’s Solo Staker List (recently updated in preparation for CSM’s Early Adoption!)
  2. Solo Stakers Aren’t Going Away blogpost
  3. StakeCat grows and maintains their local communities in the UK centred around solo staking, the Lido ecosystem, DVT, and in general all things Ethereum.
  4. Pioneers in DVT adoption with one of the first Obol clusters on mainnet, and Simple DVT participants.
  5. Their experience operating AVS can be of help to guide solo stakers in the ever expanding offering of services that can be run to secure the Ethereum ecosystem.

The Solo Staker List

Stakecat jumped aboard the CLI to a running start by performing a major update to the Solo Staker List for September 2024. This list now includes the latest solo stakers and Rocketpool node operators eligible for early CSM participation.

Maintained by Stakecat, this list is usually updated either during major network milestones or on the anniversary of the merge (September 15th). While it typically takes a month to compile and update the data, extra effort was made to release it in time for CSM.

The detailed methodology available on the repository provides insight into what’s involved in updating the list, though many finer details are required to complete it. This data also offers a wealth of information on the current state of solo staking on Ethereum and will contribute to forthcoming research in this area (intended for Q4).


With the Community Staking Module testnet running, our focus this quarter was on converting existing Lido community members into CSM operators and establishing strong relationships with Ethereum-aligned communities to develop new solo stakers.

Our approach included a mix of content and synchronous activities described in the sub-sections below.

As it stands, these are the numbers at the end of this quarter:

  • 370 total registered Node Operators in the CSM testnet (this is excluding the known sybil operators). Note that this is the total amount of NOs coming from a mix of efforts from Lido contributors as it’s currently not possible to attribute provenance.
  • 7 satellite solo staking communities established with local advocates across Asia and LATAM with 512 members in aggregate. These satellite communities mainly organize themselves on Telegram and leverage the Lido CSM for their solo staking journeys.
Satellite Community Country Members Local co-host
CSM Japan Japan 92 Next Finance Tech
CSM Taiwan Taiwan 37 TABEI
CSM Philippines Philippines 37 Bitskwela
CSM x DDC Philippines 30 Davao DeFi Community
CSM Korea Korea 14 DSRV
Club de Nodos LATAM 180 SEED LATAM
Kipu Stakers* LATAM 17 ETH KIPU
Home Staking Summit Community** Singapore 101 Stakesaurus
Total 512

*ETH KIPU is a bit different in that it doesn’t work strictly as a community, but Enti is a contributor to their continuous education program that creates new node operators all across Latam.

**The Home Staking Summit Community is a neutral space where participants are free to discuss and explore all solo staking related topics.

  • 766 discord users with the @community-staker role (6.23% QoQ growth). Note: We stopped optimising for this metric beginning Q3’24 in favour of a more direct measure—Registered Node Operators on CSM testnet (and soon Mainnet).

Satisfaction Survey

Introduced on Q2, we ran our quarterly satisfaction survey to understand where we can improve. This one received 45 respondents. We subtracted the percentage of those who voted 5 (promoters) from the percentage of those who voted 1-3 (detractors), giving us a total Net Promoter Score (NPS).

These are the results:

  • Most of the respondents interacted with us IRL and in the Lido Discord server, followed by in other communities and interactions on the forum. That’s a slight shift from Q2, where Discord was at the top.
  • NPS for “How would you rate the quality of events (workshops, presentations, etc) from the Lido Community Lifeguards?” was 81.81%, significantly improving (+45.27%) over the 36.54% from last quarter.
  • NPS for “How satisfied are you with the quality of interactions and support provided by the Lido Community Lifeguards?” was 80.00%, up 10.51% from 69.49% in Q2.
  • NPS for “How likely are you to recommend the Lido Community Lifeguards as guides to someone interested in Ethereum staking?” was 73.33%, an increase of +7.23% over Q2’s NPS of 66.10%.
  • Aggregated NPS for the survey is 78.36%, well above our base target of >50%. This is +20.98% when compared to Q2’s aggregated of 57.38%.

Pretty much all messages in the additional comments section were supporting the work we’re doing. We appreciate all the kind words from the community :pray:

Community Staking Roundtables

Introduced late Q2, we’ve been hosting Community Staking Roundtables roughly every two weeks, where we sit down with the community in a very relaxed and open conversation, oftentimes inviting Lido contributors or other projects including Nimbus, Stakers Union or Obol to participate and engage with the growing community of stakers.

Community Staking Content (podcasts, blog posts, and more)

With the CSM testnet running, and mainnet around the corner we put together a few practical video tutorials to help community stakers in their journey, from CLI-based integrations to more graphical ones as well as exiting and other miscellaneous. Here’s a list of them:

Gnosis Chain Validator Community onboarding

Ongoing effort to onboard Gnosis validator community to CSM. These stakers, included in Stakecat’s Solo Staker List, are predominantly solo stakers and at-home validators, many identified as DAppNode users. Efforts to engage them included raising awareness, community calls and tutorials tailored for the Gnosis community.

Aside from being ideal participants for CSM due to their readily available infrastructure and experience, they will represent a significant portion of the ‘not already a solo staker’ cohort providing greater decentralization by bringing brand new node operators to the network.

Community Lifeguards at Conferences & Events

During Q3, the CLI sponsored and participated in 10 events across Asia and Latam. Our goals were to help push explorers into running nodes, raise awareness about the CSM testnet, and establish satellite solo staking communities with local advocates.

Below are some of our highlighted appearances followed by a table of all 12 events.

(Sponsorships are listed in a subsequent “Grants” section)

LATAM Highlight: Ethereum Argentina Staking Day

@enti participated in the first ever Staking Day in Latam, organized by Ethereum Argentina and EthStaker with a presentation on decentralizing Ethereum through liquid staking, showing various options and how Lido’s CSM is paramount to the continuous efforts to decentralize Ethereum.

You can read a full coverage on the Staking Day in Rhino Review #27.

Asia Highlight: Home Staking Summit

Together with Ethereum Singapore, @Stakesaurus co-organised the inaugural Home Staking Summit in Singapore on 16th September 2024, during the week of Token2049 and the F1 Grand Prix.

This conference brought together major players in the solo staking ecosystem (including Lido), and provided existing and aspiring home (& solo) stakers first-hand opportunities to meet and engage the key builders in the space. The Lido CSM was a hot favourite among participants!

For a cohort of aspiring home stakers, the Home Staking Summit was also the culmination of their efforts following 2 weeks of intense in-person solo staking workshops. Guided by Stakesaurus, this cohort is still actively honing their solo staking skills and even formed DVT clusters among themselves to move forward together with new friends.

Overall, we observe renewed enthusiasm for solo staking across all of our community channels (even earning Vitalik’s retweet) and will be doubling down on our community co-building efforts with local advocates!

Full breakdown

Conference Engagement Type Location Organizer(s) Date
Edcon CSM Presentation + Demo Tokyo, Japan Next Finance Tech 27-Jul-2024
Tane’ Summit CSM presentation + fireside chat with SSV Tokyo, Japan Tane 28-Jul-2024
Stakers Guild ETHCC Side Event for Solo Stakers Brussels, Belgium Lido 11-Jul-2024
Staking Day: ETH Argentina CSM Presentation + Demo Buenos Aires, Argentina ETH Argentina 31-Jul-2024
Asia Blockchain Summit CSM presentation + Demo Taipei, Taiwan TABEI 6-Aug-2024
WebX CSM Workshop Tokyo, Japan Next Finance Tech 23-Aug-2024
ETH Tokyo Solo staking fireside chat Tokyo, Japan ETH Tokyo 24-Aug-2024
Korea Blockchain Week CSM workshop Seoul, Korea DSRV 3-Sep-2024
ETH Singapore Home Staking Summit: Workshops Series Singapore Ethereum Singapore, Stakesaurus 6-26 Sep 2024
Token2049 (SG) Home Staking Summit Singapore Ethereum Singapore, Stakesaurus 16-Sep-2024
Token2049 (SG) Solo staking ecosystem mixer Singapore Lido + Stakesaurus 18-Sep-2024

Lido Staking Tribes (LST)

About the initiative

This is a movement where Web3 companies and DAOs help create new solo stakers (via CSM) from their own employees/contributors by providing funding for staking hardware.

Hardware costs are a key hurdle in driving solo staking adoption for small stakers and this holds true even when considering the boosted rewards rate available to CSM Operators. On a high level, this initiative consists of co-education and co-marketing components with the hardware provider (e.g., Dappnode) and the LST partner respectively.

Through this, we aim to bootstrap an entirely new channel of solo staker development and onboarding for the CSM.

The Community Lifeguards reached out to >40 organisations and 3 are very keen to proceed so far.

What to expect in Q4

We will be kicking this off our first cohort in October and use this as a case study to drive momentum among the other organisations in our shortlist and expanding our funnel at the same time.

More details will be announced soon!


Simple DVT

With the completion of the Obol Testnet #4 the need for support has slowed down a bit, but as the SSV Tesnet #4 picks up we are in the lookout for participating community stakers having issues with their setup!

Community Staking Module

The CSM testnet was a big focus of ours this quarter! With it being one of the ways to get into Early Adoption Mainnet, we helped all community stakers in our reach to give it a try— setting up a CSM validator is so easy it didn’t require as much continuous support from us as SDVT, for example.

Internal work

This is not something the community sees, but we spend a fair amount of our time on organizing ourselves internally (CLGs weeklys, internal documentation, etc) as well as calls, some regular syncs with other Lido contributors and other meetings with relevant parties from the ecosystem like other staking-related projects or communities. These meetings cover various topics, from CSM-related decision-making to presenting community ideas and initiatives.

Grants given in Q3

The CLI spent 23,700 USD (39.5% of our grants budget) on grants this quarter between event sponsorships, CSM Resources, integrations and regular grants.

Here’s a list of the grants we gave during this period:

  • Ethereum Argentina Staking Day.
  • Next Finance Tech.
  • Tabei Forum @ ABS.
  • Modular Crypto month-long campaign in Brasil.
  • ETHPillar CSM integration.
  • CSM Resources: In this first round of small community grants we had 10 applicants (8 of which received a grant) share their contributions to the CSM on the forum!

From translations in 3+ different languages to in-depth guides and videos on integrations and using DVT with the CSM. You can see a list of CSM-relevant resources here.

Updates from previous grants

The deliverables of Tane’s proposal has been completed. They worked on a series of community education content (podcast, writings, translated guide) covering various topics on Lido, including the CSM. Their deliverables also included a side event during Edcon (July 2024) where @Stakesaurus gave a presentation + demo on the CSM.

Read the full report here.

Operative Expenses

As described on the proposal, there’s a quarterly 20K DAI budget to spend on Operative Expenses. This quarter we used 6,869.07, or 34.34% of the entire budget of which 87.8% is payment for travel expenses from the CLGs to conferences, and the rest on software used to support our work.

What to expect in Q4

With the expected launch of the CSM in Mainnet this Q4 is a very important quarter for the Community Lifeguards, and here is a rough plan of what the community can expect from us this quarter:

  • Support the launch of the CSM: this includes ground work during Devcon & Lido Connect, as well as coordinating with the satellite communities to make sure home stakers in EA are aware of the launch and take advantage of it.
  • Assist testnet participants in their journey to mainnet: many of the 370 testnet participants are already preparing to jump to mainnet as soon as the CSM goes live, and we’re here for them!
  • Grow the amount of satellite communities by 2-3 each CLG: communities are one of the reasons we even exist; growing (and supporting!) local home staking advocates around the world is of extreme relevance to us.
  • Double down on Lido Staking Tribes: we firmly believe contributors in web3 projects are deeply aligned and invested in the success of Ethereum, hence they have all the incentives to contribute further to the ecosystem by running their own validators at home.

Fees & Payment

For the contributions completed in Q3 2024, the CLGs request that the committee consider payment based on the individual performance of the Community Lifeguards to the Ethereum addresses:





@GLCstaked_StakeCat (stakecat)



2024 - Q4 Community Lifeguard Report

Happy New Year everyone! Here’s the latest on what happened during Q4 2024. Some of the things you’ll read about are: CSM on Mainnet, helping to convert node operators, community activations, the launch of the Lido Community Staking Tribes and… Devcon!


From Q3

As the Community Staking Module (CSM) went live on Mainnet on 25th October 2024, we focused our efforts on onboarding CSM operators onto Mainnet from the main Lido community and our satellite communities.

Similar to Q3, our approach included a mix of content, async support, and synchronous activities described in the sub-sections below.

As it stands, these are the numbers at the end of this quarter:

  • 289 total registered Node Operators in the CSM. Note that this is the total amount of NOs coming from a mix of efforts from Lido contributors as it’s currently not possible to attribute provenance.
  • 9 satellite solo staking communities established (up from 7 in Q3’24) with local advocates across Asia and LATAM with 799 members in aggregate (~15% up from Q3’24). These satellite communities mainly organize themselves on Telegram and leverage the Lido CSM for their solo staking journeys.
Satellite Community Country Members Local co-host
CSM Japan Japan 89 Next Finance Tech
CSM Taiwan Taiwan 38 TABEI
CSM Philippines Philippines 38 Bitskwela
CSM x DDC Philippines 25 Davao DeFi Community
CSM Korea Korea 14 DSRV
Club de Nodos LATAM 301 SEED LATAM
Kipu Stakers* LATAM 17 ETH KIPU
Home Staking Summit Community (Singapore)* Singapore 103 Stakesaurus
[New] Solo Staking Boleh (Malaysia) Malaysia 60 Stakesaurus
[New] Solo Stakers Guild @ TBW 2024 Taiwan 24 AWS Taiwan, ETH Taipei
Total 799

*The same footnotes from the Community section of Q3’24’s report apply here.

Satisfaction Survey

As usual, we ran our quarterly satisfaction survey to understand where we can improve. This one received 47 respondents, up by 2 from the 45 respondents in Q3. We subtracted the percentage of those who voted 5 (promoters) from the percentage of those who voted 1-3 (detractors), giving us a total Net Promoter Score (NPS).

These are the results:

Question Q3 NPS (%) Q4 NPS (%) Change (%)
How would you rate the quality of events (workshops, presentations, etc) from the Lido Community Lifeguards? 81.81 76.19 -5.62
How satisfied are you with the quality of interactions and support provided by the Lido Community Lifeguards? 80.00 72.34 -7.66
How likely are you to recommend the Lido Community Lifeguards as guides to someone interested in Ethereum staking? 73.33 74.47 +1.14
Aggregated NPS 78.36 74.33 -4.03

Pretty much all messages in the additional comments section were supportive of the work we’re doing. We appreciate all the kind words from the community :pray:

Community Staking Roundtables

Introduced late Q2, we’ve been hosting Community Staking Roundtables roughly every two weeks, where we sit down with the community in a very relaxed and open conversation, oftentimes inviting Lido contributors or other projects including Nimbus, Stakers Union or Obol to participate and engage with the growing community of stakers.

With big events like Devcon, and festivities like Christmas or the New Year, we have been less consistent with Roundtables. We’ll come back to regular programming in Q1 2025.

Santa, I want to become a Solo Staker

Other Community Staking Content (podcasts, blog posts, and more)

Crypto is a digital world, and thus we started to work more on online content and activities, here are some of what happened during the quarter:

Community Lifeguards at Conferences & Events

Q4 was another quarter packed with in-person CSM activations via conference appearances, workshops, and community meetups.

Check out the the details below!


Conference Engagement Type Location Organizer(s) Date
ETH KL 2024 1) Presentation: “Building Home Staking Communities in Malaysia with Lido CSM” 2) 2-day workshop + networking mixer. Day 1, Day 2 Malaysia ETH KL, Equities Tracker 4-6 Oct 2024
muChiangMai pop-up city 1:1 talks and roundtables Chiang Mai, Thailand The Mu 7-28 Oct 2024
MEV Shanghai 2024 Presentation: Lido’s progress on NO set diversification (e.g. SDVT + CSM) Shanghai Panta Rhei 15-16 Oct 2024
Blockchain Scotland Presentation: The Future of Ethereum Staking: Democratising validation with DVT and Lido CSM. Edinburgh Blockchain Scotland 17 Oct 2024
DVT Summit Panel: Home Stakers Panel Bangkok SSV
Devcon 2024 1) 4-day Node Operator Community Hub 2) Lido Community Staking Luncheon with community leaders across the world Bangkok Devcon 12-15 Nov 2024
Lido Connect 2024 1) Community Staking Roundtable in person 2) Node Operator Perspectives panel 3) DVT workshop Bangkok Lido 14 Nov 2024
Taipei Blockchain Week Panel: “Empowering Users to Participate in Web3 Economies” Taipei TABEI 12-14 Dec 2024

Solo Stakers Guild

Stakesaurus began experimenting with regular in-person solo staking workshops followed by networking mixers for the various satellite communities that the Community Lifeguards have worked to establish over the past 10 months.

This represents the next phase of our community activation strategy with conversion as the north-star and may be held either during conference periods or off-cycle.

We named these the **Solo Stakers Guild—**drawing inspiration from the success of the Lido Stakers Guilds held during ETHCC and Token2049 last year—and will be a staple format for our in-person activations through 2025!

Name Location Local Contributor(s) Date
Solo Stakers Guild #01: Solo staking with DVTs Singapore N/A 10 Oct 2024
Solo Stakers Guild #02: Obol Techne & Lido CSM Singapore SG Builders 26 Nov 2024
Solo Stakers Guild #03 @ PJ Malaysia Equities Tracker 5 Dec 2024
Solo Stakers Guild #04 @ TBW 2024 Taiwan AWS Taiwan, ETH Taipei, TABEI, imToken 13 Dec2024
Solo Stakers Guild #05: Lido CSM with Obol setup for Mainnet prep Singapore N/A 19 Dec 2024


One of the Solo Stakers Guild hosted by Sam

Enti moderating the Node Operator Perspectives panel during Lido Connect

StakeCat presenting CSM to Blockchain Scotland at Edinburgh University

Lido Community Staking Tribes (LCST)

[Previously known as Lido Staking Tribes]

As promised in Q3’s report, we officially launched the initiative this quarter!

Drop, a cross-chain liquid staking protocol and Lido Alliance Member, is the first participating organisation, with Dappnode as the staking hardware provider.

Check out the full announcement post on the Lido blog here.

Collaborative Marketing

The first of three waves of collaborative marketing efforts for our first participating organisation began in December, receiving substantial engagement on the X (Twitter) accounts of Lido, Drop, Dappnode, and Stakesaurus.

The launch announcement was also picked up by quite a number of crypto media platforms!

Progress of Participants

4 Drop contributors are participating in this initiative and all of them have received their custom co-branded home staking hardware proudly sponsored by Drop with preferential pricing generously offered from Dappnode.

Check out the sleek designs shared by the participants themselves!

The Lido Community Lifeguards and Dappnode team also conducted the first of three workshops for all participants in December to kick start their journeys of becoming solo stakers via the Lido CSM.

The participants will be referring to Stakesaurus’ playlist of short videos covering Dappnode’s newly released CSM package to complete their Holesky testnet setup over the next few weeks.

Next Steps

We will hold the 2nd workshop by the middle of Jan’25 to review the participants’ Holesky setups and provide live troubleshooting support. Thereafter, we will monitor their performance as CSM Operators and solo stakers on Holesky for 2 weeks before the Mainnet transition phase, which will be initiated by the 3rd workshop.

We will also be executing the 2nd wave of our collaborative marketing efforts in January and onboarding the next cohort of participating organisations in our pipeline.

Stay tuned for our announcements soon!


With the CSM finally on mainnet, we switched gears and made a big focus on supporting home stakers in the Early Adoption list (testnet users, Gnosis Chain stakers, etc) to get their first validators up on Ethereum Mainnet.

In this process we saw individuals, groups and communities alike set up validators with very different setups, from using the vast available integrations to DVT and beyond.

On another note, given the growth of the independent node operators in Lido, a lot of the technical support work for Simple DVT and CSM is being taken care of by Chimera Advisors.

Internal work

This is not something the community sees, but we spend a fair amount of our time on organizing ourselves internally (CLGs weeklys, internal documentation, etc) as well as calls, some regular syncs with other Lido contributors and other meetings with relevant parties from the ecosystem like other staking-related projects or communities. These meetings cover various topics, from CSM-related decision-making to presenting community ideas and initiatives.

Grants given in Q4

Updates from previous grants

  • Next Finance Tech & Tabei Forum @ ABS: These were small grants given to Japanese and Taiwanese communities respectively for co-organising activation events for CSM in Q3’24. We have since established satellite CSM communities in these 2 countries with continuous engagement them to onboard them as CSM Operators.
  • ETHPillar CSM integration: The ETHPillar CSM option is growing in popularity among existing solo stakers who want an easy way to add-on validators via the CSM to their existing setup. Coincashew has also released a subsequent update to further streamline the user experience for solo stakers.
  • Modular Crypto month-long campaign in Brasil: Last quarter Modular Crypto, a Brazilian media and education platform, received a grant for a Lido-focused campaign. It included multiple kinds of content, including blog posts, podcasts and even a workshop.

This lays out the foundation for Brazil (and portuguese-speaking countries broadly speaking), which we believe to be strategically important as ETHLatam was announced to be held there in 2025, and recent economic and political changes are setting crypto up for success in the country.

  • CSM Resources: In this first round of small community grants we had 10 applicants (8 of which received a grant) share their contributions to the CSM on the forum!

StakeCat is stepping down from the Lifeguards initiative:

After almost two quarters as Community Lifeguards, StakeCat is stepping back to focus on growing as a professional node operator. Over this time, they’ve been championing CSM, connecting with the Ethereum home staking community and collaborating with Lido contributors. While their priorities have shifted, they aren’t going anywhere and we can expect to keep hearing from them.

Operative Expenses

This quarter we used $8,154.67 (40.77% of the total $20K budget), an increase of about 18.71% over the past quarter’s 6.8K. As seen on the screenshot below, most was used for travel expenses, followed by miscellaneous expenses and software subscriptions.

What to expect in Q1 2025

  • Bigger presence online with more workshops—you can subscribe to our events calendar here Lido Community Lifeguards · Events Calendar
  • We’re doubling down on Lido Community Staking Tribes! Projects are eager to educate their contributors and support the network.
  • Onboard a new wave of CSM operators after EA is over.

And lots more!

Fees & Payment

For the contributions completed in Q4 2024, the CLGs request that the committee consider payment based on the individual performance of the Community Lifeguards to the Ethereum addresses:








The results are very impressive! CLI is a real thing that brings a huge impact to Ethereum staking. Very grateful for your contribution guys!:yellow_heart:

I want to say a special thank you to StakeCat for being a part of this adventure.


What an amazing Q4 report to wrap up an equally amazing first year of the CLI. Huge congrats to the efforts of @enti and @Stakesaurus who have shepherded these efforts over the last few quarters and the incredible work they’ve done to empower lower communities to join the Ethereum staking ecosystem. Bravo!

Sorry to see StakeCat go, but I believe they’ll go on to do even grander things with the new focus on becoming a professional node operator. Their experience in evolving from independent stakers to a full fledged professional organization is the kind of maturation I’m keen to analyze and figure out how to support other groups and teams to do as well!


Just echoing what has been mentioned and acknowledging the efforts of the CLI into fostering engaged communities all over the globe. Shoutout @enti’s to his commitment into the Club de Nodos and expecting more of those debates coming in 2025!