Community Staking Fleet Pilot

We, @Eridian, @Stakesaurus and I, the Lido Community Lifeguards, believe supporting and directing resources to communities will spin up a flywheel where Ethereum and Lido Community Staking initiatives benefit from grassroots community interaction. This is the first step to make that happen.


Local and independent communities are one of the main pillars of Ethereum and for a good reason. They are the best way for newcomers to start their journey and for professionals to make connections and pass on their knowledge.

We can see this with the community building coming from European events like ETHCC or ETH Berlin, some of the biggest and oldest in the space. Massive coordination between LatAm communities to teach Solidity to more than 300 students in universities across more than ten cities in less than a year. Or the rise of Ethereum communities in Southeast Asia (ETHSG, ETHVIETNAM, ETHBKK), further supported by Devcon being held in Bangkok this year.

Ethereum is built with solo stakers in mind. Still, grassroots staking initiatives are lacking despite being one of the pillars of Ethereum. In an effort to support this, we’re now opening the Community Staking Fleet (”CS Fleet”) program to direct resources toward communities interested in building staking interest within them. This pilot will start with us, Community Lifeguards, working directly with a small set of communities.

Community Staking Fleet Pilot

In this first phase, we are looking for three already-established local communities to work with to understand the best way to position solo staking as one of the main points of interest alongside other popular topics like DeFi or NFTs.

To accomplish this, the Community Lifeguards will immerse themselves in the selected communities for about two months and co-run community engagement activities like setting up testnet validators, running workshops, creating and translating solo staking content, etc.

If this pilot is successful, we’ll work towards scaling up this program to more communities!


  1. Encourage the establishment and growth of staking-focused sub-communities within existing Ethereum-related communities, and thus the amount of staking-related content generated.
  2. Create awareness around Lido’s Community Staking initiatives — e.g., Simple DVT & Community Staking Module (CSM) — and provide regular updates to everyone.
  3. Grow the talent pool of new solo stakers and empower them to choose their preferred route (e.g., bonded staking, solo staking, running DVT based validators).

What’s in it for the communities?

Our approach in this pilot is divided into two primary segments, each with its dedicated budget. First, we focus on what the members of the communities will get out of this initiative, and the second describes how we’ll engage with the organizers behind these communities.

Benefits for the members of the participant communities

The main reason behind CS Fleet is to create new solo stakers around the world, so the biggest benefit for the members of participant communities is all the support they will receive from Community Lifeguards and the content and activities we’ll make with them. Additionally, they will be able to earn OATs (participation badges) and points on the Lido Galxe page, opening the door to the community of stakers in Lido, where they can find other stakers interested in running validator using the Lido protocol, exchange knowledge, and partake in the growing benefits for community members, some of which may look like:

  • Participation in CS trials like Simple DVT (if there’s another trial round) or CSM when the testnet becomes available later this year.
  • Lido swag and merchandise.
  • Free/discounted tickets to certain Lido or other Web3 events.

Please note that these are examples of what participants might access through their engagement. Availability of these benefits is subject to the capacity of other Lido DAO contributors, as they require coordination beyond Community Lifeguards.

To support this, we want to pre-approve a budget of $10,000 from the Community Lifeguards grants fund; this helps us move forward with the pilot and work on the logistics on the go.

Benefits for community organizers

There are three levels of support from the Lido DAO contributors and the Lido Ecosystem Grants Organization for community organizers who are actively involved in organizing these initiatives:

  1. Content and direct support from Community Lifeguards and Lido Community Staking team contributors—e.g., help set up validators or participate in local activities like community calls.
  2. A grant of up to $3,500 per community. Here, communities have some room to decide how they want to use it—ideally, it would be for things like:
    • Small/mid-size staking-oriented IRL high-impact community activities, like meetups or workshops.
    • Purchasing a machine for educational purposes and participation in Lido CS initiatives. This would allow each recipient to impact multiple people with a single device.
  3. Access to grants for other larger-scale community-led initiatives in the future.

Total Budget

The total ask for this pilot amounts to $20,500, which will be taken from the Community Lifeguards Initiative budget. It’s split between $10,000 for participant benefits and $10,500 for community grants, as described above.

Bear in mind that this budget constitutes a maximum. We’ll work with LEGO for approvals and distribution for each request and keep the DAO updated with constant updates in this forum thread.


We’ll coordinate with the communities and support them in creating staking-related activities. Some examples are:

  • Info sessions on Lido’s Simple DVT and Community Staking Modules.
  • Solo staking and Simple DVT workshops.
  • Facilitate community participation in Simple DVT and CSM trials.
  • Translation of solo staking, Lido Simple DVT, and Lido Community Staking documentation into local languages to be used as an ongoing “Lido Community Staking Playbook.”
  • Facilitating members to use and adopt the “Community Staking Playbook.”
  • Co-create hackathon-style challenges for solo stakers (“Community Staking Challenges”).
  • Assist with signal-boosting content created by the Lido Community Lifeguards around these activities.
  • Solo staker meetups — Sharing best practices on how to scale up, improving performance and security.

The Role of Community Lifeguards

As a task force designated to both grow and represent the solo stakers in Lido, there’s no better way to do that than to work with the communities and get a better grasp of their needs and experience. To support this experiment, we will:

  • Assist the communities in setting up and maintaining validators in testnet.
  • Participate in community activities (i.e., do a workshop on setting up a DVT cluster)
  • Meet regularly with community organizers to plan activities, evaluate progress, and keep a logbook of these calls for a pilot report to the DAO.


Phase 1 (Pilot) — Q1’24

  1. Identify an initial set of 3 communities to work with — i.e., one each in Europe, LATAM, and SEA.
  2. Measure direct participation + conversion.
  3. Publish learnings from the pilot cohort.

Phase 2 — Q2’24 - Q3’24

  1. Expand the set of partnered communities.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible, the community must:

  • Be Ethereum-aligned. This includes university clubs and local Ethereum communities.
  • Have been active for at least one year.
  • Have a proven track record of organizing activities.
  • Commit to IRL activities and regular calls for the two-month duration of the pilot.

Applications will be evaluated based on:

  • Maturity of the community by looking at their size, frequency of events, etc.
  • Location of the community. We’re targeting one community per Lifeguard, and the 3 of us are in different regions (Europe, SEA, and Latam)—we’ll pick a combination of communities that can accommodate the different time zones.
  • At least 200 active community members are on their main platform.

Due to the nature of this pilot, starting dates will be decided with the selected communities.

How to apply

To be considered for participation in this pilot with your community, please apply using this Google Form by March 15th.

This pilot is for us to learn! Feel free to reach out with suggestions or alternative ways to accomplish our goals.


Thanks for the proposal @enti, @Stakesaurus and @Eridian! I believe that what you are proposing is crucial for the Lido Community Staking initiatives. Let’s be open to the local communities by supporting them and listening to them.

As a technical leader of the group of Lido contributors (aka CS team) I would like to indicate my support to the initiative and highlight that CS team is ready to help with the educational or explanatory content preparation and presentation.


GM Lifeguards! While I fully support the mission of the CS Fleet, I have to admit I disagree with the plans for executing it and the message it sends.

I respectfully think that dedicating economic resources to this is a distraction of the overall goal. Given the accessible nature of the technology and the resources to create a DVT, I strongly believe these kind of activities should be funded retroactively as results become available on-chain and in a tangible form, if funded at all. It all starts with coordination and transparency, not with money.

An example of this can be the Ethereum México DVT we’re currently running to test different Holesky validator setups using tools like Dappnode and Obol. The program will operate three different validators in the Holesky testnet:

  • Chichén Itzá - 3/4 configuration - Currently Active
  • Teotihuacán - 5/7 configuration - Coming Soon
  • Monte Alban - 7/10 configuration - Coming Soon

This was done with very few resources, mostly the valuable time of community members who want to gain experience as node operators.

This would be a mistake, as funds could be much more sustainable becoming staked ETH in itself with proof of operation being the best alignment of incentives around participants.

While the educational material and follow up from the Lido Community Lifeguards are important, the elegibility criteria should stick to on-chain activity based in the results of using this material, as well as the validator’s metrics. This way the program overall will be much more efficient and not underestimate competence from node operators in the geographic regions that will participate.

Fund use can be better optimized through an LSD for an operational DVT community validator that will support local communities, public goods or whatever the community agrees on. Don’t you agree that this could be more impactful in the longer run?

Having mentioned this, we at the Ethereum México community will be happy to get involved in the most constructive way possible with this idea, as we’ve been preparing ourselves for a few months now to become a network of reliable community node operators.

Have a great day and congrats on this proposal @enti @Eridian @Stakesaurus! We look forward to helping the Lido community achieve their goals around SDVT and CSM.


Hi Chuy! Nice to see you around here and congrats on the Mexico DVTs :slight_smile:

This is just a small-scale pilot that we want to use as a way to start engaging with communities and understand what’s the best way to onboard new solo stakers to Ethereum—actually, this is the kind of feedback we’re looking for!

Note that there’s a lot of room to suggest how the retroactive grant of $3,500 is used, and even then, there are other opportunities where stakers can be involved, like Simple DVT, the Lido Ecosystem Grants Organization or even us the Lifeguards if you guys have an idea worth discussing to see how can we support it.

For now this is just one of the ways we thought would be interesting to support communities in growing the pie of solo stakers, but we’ll surely open other avenues in the future. Any other feedback or questions are more than welcome. Looking forward to see Ethereum Mexico apply!


We at Cryptoversidad want to express our eagerness to participate in the Community Staking Fleet initiative. Having been dedicated to fostering a deep understanding of blockchain technology, we see this as a good opportunity to expand our efforts into the Staking realm!


We at the Ethereum México DVT :mexico: project have applied to the program’s pilot. We look forward to proudly representing the region of LatAm by contributing with our experience and the results of our Holesky DVT.

LFG! :rocket:


gm gm! We at The Panama DAO are very excited for this initiative and hope to be part of this pilot! Just sent our application!



Franklin DAO is a student led group consisting of undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Pennsylvania. We are extremely excited about this initiative and have submitted our application to be part of the community staking fleet pilot.

We believe that our industry experience, active governance participation (in other DAOs) and technical expertise make us a strong candidate to learn and further propogate the solo staking initiative within our DAO, throughout the University, and into the greater Philadelphia Ethereum community. This is also a great opportunity to get involved in the Lido ecosystem after observing its growth over the past three years. We look forward to participating should be selected as a member of the pilot’s cohort.


I am happy to see FranklinDAO apply here. It is worth mentioning that FranklinDAO already supported Lido through their governance involvement in Compound DAO. The following on-chain proposals were created by them:
wstETH as collateral on USDC market (Mainnet)
stMATIC as collateral on USDC market (Polygon PoS)

They are keen to bring wstETH as collateral on ETH market (Base) and USDC market (Arbitrum) proposals onchain after the current proposal hopefully gets voted in.
Their support was always present and it is a pleasure working with FranklinDAO contributors.


Quick update here, applications for the pilot are now closed! At the time of the deadline we received more than 10 applications, most from Latam and SEA.

We will go through all communities and make a decision shortly.

On another hand, given Eridian is stepping down from the initiative (applications are open for a new Lifeguard!), and that there were no applications from European communities, we will only proceed with 2 communities right now. If this program deems useful to the Lido DAO, there will be a continuation where we hope to cover more regions.


Would love to see you guys also participate in Simple DVT! Staking Router Module Proposal: Simple DVT - #30 by KimonSh


Applied! Super excited for this initiative


Gm gm team
Just wanted to drop a quick message to express our excitement about this pilot. We’re eagerly waiting to hear back and are pumped about the opportunity to potentially collaborate with Lido and the community lifeguards. Any updates on when we might expect to hear back?
Can’t wait to hopefully kick off this journey together! Cheers from The Panama DAO

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First off, a huge thank you to everyone who applied and showed interest. It was really tough to choose—we received a total of 15 applications, each perfectly aligning with the profiles we were looking for. After thorough feedback and discussions among the Lifeguards and Lido contributors, we’ve reached a decision. :partying_face:

As a quick reminder, given Eridian’s departure as a Lifeguard and the absence of applicants from the EU, we’ll initially be working with just two communities.

@Stakesaurus and I will be working with Bitskwela and The Mu Buenos Aires!

Bitskwela is a web3-native education project based in the Philippines with an enormous community. This presents an incredible opportunity to create and translate content for a highly localized program in a country already experiencing significant crypto adoption.

The Mu is a developer-focused pop-up city taking place in Buenos Aires until April 30th, co-hosted by Ethereum Argentina and with multiple local community partners helping them. This is a rare chance to connect with one of the oldest and most robust web3 communities.

In this pilot, our aim is to demonstrate the impact of educating new leaders and solo stakers by supporting communities with a modest budget and hand-holding them. In the process, we considered various factors, including community size, expertise or specific timelines, like with The Mu.

For the rest of communities, this is just the beginning. Your interest boosts our confidence and motivates us to keep exploring avenues for collaboration, whether through a follow-up to this pilot or other programs.

We’ll start working with both chosen communities ASAP and will outline the deliverables soon. Stay tuned to this thread for updates!


Opportunities & Challenges of Growing Home/Solo Staking in Southeast Asia


Hi everyone, Sam (@Stakesaurus) here – the Community Lifeguard (CLG) covering Southeast Asia (SEA)!

Thank you again for your overwhelming interest in participating in the Community Staking Fleet Initiative.

As we kick things off with Bitskwela and The Mu this week, we would like to share a small series of analyses on the SEA and Latin American (LATAM) landscapes with 2 goals in mind:

  1. Allow current & future collaborating communities to understand our view of the region and the thought process behind the home/solo staking activities we want to co-create
  2. Invite on-the-ground feedback from communities in different regions to refine our approach and explore creative ideas for increasing the number of home/solo stakers together

I will first present SEA below as the region I’m most familiar with and @enti will subsequently share his analysis on LATAM.

Why SEA?

First, let’s look at some key statistics describing SEA and understand why this region is an ideal spawning ground for new home/solo stakers.

Statistic Figure What this means
No. of countries 11 High jurisdictional diversity
Population 686,150,000 Large pool of potential home/solo stakers
Internet penetration 70% - 80% Familiar with basic internet tech → good starting point for Web3 adoption → funnel into Ethereum node operations
Internet consumer penetration 50% - 60% Comfortable with online transactions → good starting point for Web3 adoption → funnel into Ethereum node operations
E-wallet penetration 25% Comfortable p2p transactions → good starting point for Web3 adoption → funnel into Ethereum node operations
Social media penetration 60% - 90% Ideal for building digital-first communities to scale quicker
GDP per capita US$6070 Proxy for disposable income per capita → >10x lower than the US at $70,000 → Income from running ETH validators is more significant → Provides motivation to pick up Ethereum node operations as a skillset.

Key benefits of expanding the home/solo staking community in SEA:

  1. Greatly enhance the jurisdictional diversity of the Ethereum validator set.
  2. Digitally native and tech-savvy population — e.g. Familiar with basic internet tech, comfortable with transacting completely online, familiarity with digital monies — provides a good starting point for Web3 adoption, which translates to a larger top-of-funnel for conversion into new Ethereum node operators (home/solo stakers).
  3. A high proportion of low-income earners (relative to the US) means that the additional income from running Ethereum validators is more significant for users in SEA. This provides greater motivation to pick up Ethereum node operations as a skillset.

Challenges in SEA

Next, let’s understand the challenges of scaling the home/solo staking community in SEA.

Highly fragmented market

Despite our close proximity, SEA is not a homogenous market. Each country has its own language, culture, regulations, infrastructure level, disposable income, and even physical landscape constraints.

Because of this diversity, Web3 communities in this region are numerous. This means a one-size-fits-all go-to-market/distribution strategy to grow the home/solo staking community is not likely to work.

The approach to scalable community engagement will instead need to be hyper-local and self-organising in nature.

High proportion of users with low disposable income

Meme coins, points/airdrop farming, and other fast-moving narratives capture a disproportionate amount of mind share of users in SEA.

To be fair, this challenge is not exclusive to SEA, but it is amplified because of the low disposable income per capita. With lower capital to start with, it is more difficult for users to make meaningful income from running Ethereum validators. Even with Liquid Staking Technologies lowering the minimum staking requirement for node operators to as little as 1 ETH, many users will still be excluded by the financial barriers to entry.

However, there is a strong emphasis on education across Southeast Asia, especially in countries heavily influenced by Confucian values — e.g. Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, and Indonesia.

This is evident in 2 trends:

  1. Large spending on education – ~15% of public spending and $60 billion in private education spending
  2. Large and fast-growing education technology market in SEA – some statistics here and here

We leverage this culture by co-creating and funding educational initiatives on Ethereum node operations by working with communities across the region.

Poor understanding of Ethereum solo staking

It is often assumed that operating Ethereum validator nodes (even with small stakes) should be left to institutions. This assumption arises from a misunderstanding of the degree of infrastructure and expertise required. For example, many people still think they will be slashed for simply going offline.

There are 2 causes for this in SEA:

  1. Education gap: No large-scale educational efforts have targeted non-technical users in SEA. ETHStaker resources (Reddit, Discord, website) are rarely discovered by users in this region because of a lack of motivation, which stems from a poor understanding of the benefits and requirements of solo staking.
  2. Language barriers: A large proportion of SEA’s population are not native English speakers/readers, which impedes the large-scale knowledge transfer of technical skillsets such as Ethereum node operations.

As a result, translation efforts into respective local languages in each country will be required to scale the home/solo staking community in this region.

English Proficiency Categorisation in SEA by EPI Scores

Country EF EPI | EF English Proficiency Index | EF Global Site (English) Population of South-Eastern Asia (2024) - Worldometer
Singapore Very high proficiency 6,014,723
Malaysia High proficiency 34,308,525
Philippines High proficiency 117,337,368
Vietnam Moderate proficiency 98,858,950
Indonesia Low Proficiency 277,534,122
Myanmar Low Proficiency 54,577,997
Thailand Very low proficiency 71,801,279
Cambodia Very low proficiency 16,944,826
Brunei Un-ranked 452,524
Laos Un-ranked 7,633,779
Timor-Leste Un-ranked 1,360,596
Total or Average Moderate to low proficiency 686,824,689

Solutions for SEA

By observing the challenges in SEA, we can derive that the general strategy will consist of 3 factors:

  1. Self-organising hyper-local community initiatives
  2. Co-creating educational content in both English and respective native languages with local communities
  3. Structured grant funding process or incentives for the initiatives above

You will also notice that these 3 factors have been included in our suggested activities in the Community Staking Fleet proposal.

Share your thoughts!

The CLGs are but 3 individuals with our own biases and blind spots. Hence, we would like to invite communities in SEA to share your thoughts and experiences from operating on the ground.

Are there better ways to engage the SEA communities? Do you view the opportunities and challenges of encouraging home/solo staking in this region differently? Are there emerging trends that you’d like to share?

Drop your comments below, and let’s grow home/solo staking in SEA together!


Community Staking Fleet: Bitskwela @ Manila, Philippines

The Community Staking Fleet Pilot is over! This is our first time formally engaging as Community Lifeguards with local crypto communities, and it has been vital to understand the current state of community stakers on the ground and what the next steps should be.

I’ll start by sharing my experience with Bitskwela with a little extra context because I think what’s happening there is very interesting and deserves attention.

@enti will follow shortly after with his.


If you’re interested in the rough outcomes of the pilot only, feel free to jump to the next section :slight_smile:

5 key data points make the Philippines fertile grounds for crypto adoption.

  1. A fast-growing nation with a young and highly tech-savvy demographic—with GDP growth of 7%, a population median age of 25 years, and a 73% social media penetration.
  2. Its population of 117M are adventurous and adopts overseas trends (& regulatory stances) rapidly.
  3. Progressive regulatory position on cryptocurrencies—e.g., regulatory sandboxes for Philippine peso-based stablecoins.
  4. Large and pro-crypto distribution channels—e.g., Local eWallets such as GCash and Maya have roughly 70% and 50% market penetration, respectively.
  5. The emergence of generative AI is putting pressure on the country’s business process outsourcing industry, which currently contributes ~7% of GDP

Probably the most notable trend culminating from the above is the massive emergence of play-to-earn guilds and scholars between 2020 to 2021, driving crypto penetration in the country to 20% during that period.

Amidst the allure of money, however, it is easy to be sucked into spending all of one’s time farming points/airdrops and trading meme coins. These activities do not scale as artificial incentives dry up sooner or later.

Bitskwela wanted to take a different approach.

Believing that education is the great equaliser, a group of friends still in university set out to create long—and short-form content focused on core blockchain concepts and provide it for free to anyone who wants to learn.

Check out their repository of educational resources for yourselves!

Bitskwela — Learn Crypto in English, Tagalog, Cebuano, or Ilocano :pencil2:

Over time, this community grew to almost 50k on TikTok and 12k on Facebook, the two main social channels Filipinos use.

Bitskwela did not rest on its laurels, however. It proceeded to expand its educational efforts to traditional institutions and government agencies, holding regular sessions and conversations to help improve crypto adoption and regulatory protection in the Philippines.

Today, many Web3 projects work with Bitskwela to reach the Filipino population from an education-first approach.

And so did Lido recently, through the Community Staking Fleet Pilot.

Lido x Bitskwela

Bitskwela proposed a bold education campaign that serves fluent and non-fluent English speakers in the Philippines.

(Despite popular opinion, ~50% of Filipinos actually do not have good English proficiency)

There were 3 main components to their proposal:

  1. An in-person event symbolising the “arrival” of ETH home staking education and opportunities to the Philippines through coordinated efforts by ETH projects and local communities.
  2. Adaptation and translation of Stakesaurus’s open source guide on ETH solo staking into Tagalog, the majority local language of the Philippines.
  3. Series of short form content to drive engagement to both items above.

In-Person Event

The in-person event titled “Make the most out of your ETH” was well-received.

There were a total of 85 signups and 38 attendees (~45% conversion rate) against a target of 30, with a post-event rating of 4.8/5.0 by participants on Luma.

The event started with a conceptual walkthrough on ETH staking and solo staking that was simplified for laymen. Then, it showcased how the Lido CSM can be a powerful tool to increase access for aspiring solo stakeholders significantly.

Participants were highly engaged, and many misconceptions about solo staking (e.g., slashing by simply going offline, expensive hardware, and electricity requirements) were clarified. Everyone also received exclusive Lido x Bitskwela t-shirts that were printed locally!

We then moved into a solo staking workshop showing how participants could practice using Google Cloud credits for free.

The third segment saw a panel discussion with Web3 & fintech projects/organisations in the Philippines (e.g., GCash, Pendle, Router Protocol, Blockchain Council of the Philippines) on how ETH staking can be a legitimate source of supplementary income for Filipinos.

And finally, we wrapped up with networking for the attendees, refreshments, and group photos to commemorate a successful event.

Translated solo staking guide

A Tagalog version of the ETH solo staking guide is now live on the Bitskwela website and listed as 1 of their 6 current core courses (for free).

Activation via short-form content

An activation strategy consisting of a series of short TikTok videos, Facebook and Twitter posts, and a media article complemented our strategy to introduce home staking to the Philippines by maximising reach.

Below, Bitskwela has compiled a list of these content, along with their reach and estimated Earned Media Value.

](Bitskwela x Lido Community Fleet l Tracker - Google Sheets)

Lido Community Staking Podcast: Bitskwela

Additionally, as part of the community engagement efforts by the Community Lifeguards, we have begun a series of podcast interviews showcasing the communities—allowing the Lido DAO and community stakers to get to know these local communities better.

Takeaways & Recommendations

Takeaways Recommendations
Solo staking is an extremely new topic in the Philippines. Although this presents a challenge in terms of driving adoption, it also provides an opportunity to shape the narrative optimally—e.g., learning how to solo-stake = self-improvement and acquiring a monetisable skill set Ramp up localised home staking campaigns by tapping on Bitskwela’s network of KOLs and influencers in the Philippines. - Lido Community Lifeguards provide content input, while Bitskwela provides creative input.
Given the abundance of opportunities and preferences of specific social media channels such as Facebook and TikTok, Filipinos are highly sensitive to friction throughout the user journey. E.g., Discord + Galxe might not be the best way to get started. It would be worth exploring dedicated user journey flows or other workarounds for this market. Funnel interested individuals into a friction-minimised satellite community maintained collaboratively by Bitskwela and Lido Community Lifeguards.
Coordinated education efforts simplifying both the technical aspects and the incentives involved in solo staking (and using the Lido CSM), which will help drive adoption in this market. Include Ethereum home staking (leveraging on Lido CSM) as a module in Bitskwela’s upcoming online lectures on Web3 across universities and other events nationwide.
A solution that bifurcates the bond provider and the node operator trust-less-ly will be a good fit for the Filipino market due to its similarities to the Play-to-Earn Scholarship model. Spearhead initiative for Philippines-based student blockchain (or IT in general) organisations to spin up self-hosted staking hardware, potentially leveraging existing university resources. Thereafter, working with organisations with ETH treasuries to serve as the CSM bond providers.

Thanks for this run-down Stakesaurus! Agree with everything you laid down.

On the execution side of things, happy to personally share that the activations were a good success as a starting point, as shared by Stakesaurus above. Definitely a battle though in terms of execution, given home staking being a fairly new concept to the local communities.

Building on Stakesaurus’ post, I’d like to dive a little deeper into the recommended next steps.

  1. Awareness is still hugely needed. Before we can see progressed adoption of home staking locally, it’s still apparent that the Philippine community still has ‘warming up’ to do. On top of our recent activations, a huge percentage of local users are still unaware of what ‘home staking’ is. This would be possible by doubling down on our awareness verticals, as proven by my team in the previous months.

  2. More accessible community. In the Philippines, Discord isn’t used as often as compared to Facebook and Telegram, especially for crypto users. We recommend that for the Philippine market, we focus our efforts on growing the existing ‘Lido Philippines Home Staking Community’ Telegram channel we built last month.

This would also need to be paired with constant communications not only from Bitskwela but also from active Home Stakers from other countries in an effort to ‘inspire’ and engage locals.

  1. Bitskwela can also tap into its network of schools and universities in the Philippines to onboard IT-inclined organizations onto home staking. This would be a brand new effort for any player, which the reaction cannot be fully predicted, but is worth attempting. These then would be attached to future efforts of matching these spun up nodes with bond providers.

Overall, the Philippines definitely has potential to be a good user base for this sort of vertical, just need the resources, support, and capacity to get at it head on. The aforementioned points I mentioned would take several phases to execute. Excited for a constant communication with Lido Governance on how we can make our vision a reality for the Philippines.