SEEDNode - Lido

Hello, Lido community!

:purple_circle: Our goal is to catalyze the decentralized adoption of nodes in Latin America, emphasizing the importance of education and active community participation.

About SEED Latam

For over 3 years, SEED Latam has fostered knowledge and critical thinking about Web3 through education, community, and active governance participation with the aim of making a positive impact in the Latin American region.

At SEED Latam, we are committed to promoting the adoption of decentralized technologies and strengthening education in the Latin American region. Our vision is to forge an inclusive and sustainable digital future, and we believe that universities play a fundamental role in realizing this vision, as well as collaboration and cooperation with the community.

:black_medium_small_square: Details of the proposal:

The program is structured into various phases. In an initial introductory stage, we will establish an initial resource center designed to provide basic information. Subsequently, we will progress towards the development of technical content and the implementation of Liquid Staking.

  1. Educational Hub: Development of a series of educational resources and documentation in Spanish aimed at training individuals and organizations in Argentina on nodes.
  2. University Collaborations, Support, and Monitoring - Decentralization of Nodes in various locations across Latin America.
  3. Community Events - Opening communication channels and exchange spaces for community growth.

1. Educational Hub:

Creation of a series of educational resources aimed at training individuals and organizations on nodes:

  • Development of detailed guides, step-by-step tutorials, and technical documents in Spanish.
  • Design and production of instructional videos.
  • Establishment of communication channels to share knowledge, materials, provide follow-up, and offer support during the learning process.

If we move forward, we will provide you with the agreed-upon content and resource schedule, customized to align with the collaboration proposal’s requirements.

2. Decentralization of Nodes: A Node at Your University

In the initial phase, we propose to involve three universities or academic institutions (Buenos Aires, Mendoza, CĂłrdoba). Subsequently, we aim to expand the program to decentralize to multiple strategic locations across LATAM.

We invite universities from the interior of Argentina to join a research project and take a leading role in this initiative that aims to promote the decentralization of Ethereum nodes. The proposal for the university includes:

  • Technical Support: We ensure a successful node implementation through technical assistance.
  • Monitoring, Guidance, and Ongoing Support
  • Tools and resources for issue resolution.
  • In-Person Workshop
  • Study Material: Access to a resource hub.
  • Support Network: Contact with members of the SEED Latam team for study material inquiries.

3. Community Strengthening:

  • Open specific channels for technical communities to communicate and collaborate together.
  • Offline and online educational events with influencers and stakeholders from the Lido ecosystem: Interviews, workshops, Community Calls, in-person meetups.
  • Provide stepped training, from basic concepts to advanced levels of knowledge, so the community understands and engages in liquid staking.

:black_medium_small_square: Phase 1: Educational Hub

In the first phase, the objective is to create all the contents that will be applied in the universities in a period of 4 months.

Details about the proposal:

  • Content creation agenda:

    • Module 1: Foundations
      • Basic concepts and their relevance in education.
      • Principles of decentralization, security, and transparency.
      • Examples of use cases in the educational field.
    • Module 2: Node Preparation and Configuration
      • Selection of suitable hardware for nodes.
      • Installation of the operating system and necessary software.
      • Initial configuration of the node.
    • Module 3: Node Maintenance and Security
      • Maintenance routines and node updates.
      • Security practices to protect the node and its data.
      • Resolution of common issues.
    • Module 4: Connection and Participation
      • Connecting the node to the network.
      • Participation in the consensus process.
      • Validation of transactions and blocks.
    • Module 5: Educational Applications of Nodes
      • Exploration of specific use cases in education.
      • Development of projects and applications related to the university.
      • Opportunities and challenges.
    • Module 6: Practical Node Implementation Project
      • Configuration of the node on hardware provided by the university.
      • Integration of nodes in a simulated educational environment.
      • Practical tests and demonstrations.
  • Diffusion of content created on SEED Latam’s social media platforms and collaboration in the dissemination of relevant news in Spanish aimed at the SEED Latam community.

  • Twitter Spaces featuring prominent guests from the Lido ecosystem.

  • Hosting two online workshops to summarize and delve into previously published modules.

  • Hosting an in-person meetup as the culmination of Phase 1.

  • Establishment of a dedicated channel on the SEED Latam Discord to encourage interaction and discussion around the content.

  • Inclusion of the Lido logo on the official SEED Latam website.

The content will be uploaded to a web platform to facilitate access for individuals and also to progress to Phase 2, where we will have in-person contact and collaboration with universities. All articles will be available both in English and Spanish. This positions us to expand beyond Latin America in the future, aiming for a global implementation down the road.

Next steps:

Phase 2:

Node Implementation workshop in academic Institutions:

  • Visit to 3 universities in Argentina
  • Workshop Objectives: Installation of nodes and understanding of their functioning

All of our previous proposal (Q1) serves as the foundation for implementing a second phase in the future that encompasses all of the following content:

Phase 3:

In this phase, our focus will be on the implementation of liquid staking as a measure to strengthen active community participation and promote node decentralization.

  • Month 1: Preparation and Development:
    • Collaboration with Lido for technical integration.
    • Development of educational and promotional materials.
  • Month 2: Technical Implementation:
    • Integration of the liquid staking protocol into the nodes.
    • Testing and quality assurance.
  • Month 3: Launch:
    • Official launch of liquid staking on SeedLatamNode.
    • Commencement of awareness and marketing campaigns.
  • Month 4: Monitoring and Adjustments:
    • Continuous monitoring of the performance of liquid staking.
    • Making adjustments based on community feedback.
  • Months 6: Impact Evaluation and Future Planning:
    • Evaluation of the impact of liquid staking on decentralization.
    • Planning for future expansions and improvements in the protocol.

Educations resourses:

  • Presentations and Educational Material: These will help us implement key concepts, examples, and step-by-step guides for setting up and maintaining nodes.
  • Manuals and User Guides: We will provide detailed manuals that participants can use as reference during and after each workshop.
  • Instructional Videos: Short videos overviewing specific processes, such as node software installation or common issues resolutions.
  • Technical Documentation: We plan to include technical documentation in the “Manuals and User Guides” related to node software, including setup guides and references.
  • Case Studies: These provide examples of blockchain use cases in education with detailed analyses of successful implementations.

We will provide more information about Phases 2 and 3 after progressing through Phase 1. This proposal emphasizes the initial phase

Budget Phase 1:

15.850 usd- 6 moths

Budget Phase 2/3:

To define

Our previous work:

Explore our events here.

Our Social Media



We apologize for having to repost the proposal as we were unable to edit the previous post. Despite receiving prompt assistance, the option to edit the post was not available to us.

Thanks for your support!

SEEDLatam Team


Your user level got increased so you should be able to attach links/images now. Try to attach if you want. dm if you still have the issue.

Hello @SEEDLatam, thanks for the proposal! We’re evaluating it now and will come back later with questions and/or a response :slight_smile:

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Thanks for submitting this proposal @SEEDLatam! It’s great to see educational initiatives focused on running Ethereum nodes, which in my personal experience is the first step on the path toward running validators. If you’d like any ideas for the educational content and workshops I’d be happy to help :slightly_smiling_face:


Two quick questions came up to mind:

  1. Do you guys already have some buy-in from universities?
  2. Given this is focused on universities, will the IRL meetup from Phase 1 be in a university or somehow targeted at uni students?

Anyways, the proposal looks good, I’m happy to support as well, and more so with it being in Spanish!

First of all, I’d like to say that this is a great first step to expanding the talent pool of ETH node operators and solo stakers in under-represented regions - In particular, translation work on technical docs is highly underrated. So thank you for taking this step!

2 comments/questions I have below:

  1. Not sure if this is already part of your plans but I think it would make sense to include a DVT angle in Phase 2 - e.g. Helping to put the university nodes into a DVT cluster. This will open up more possibilities for funding their own validator keys (Obol) or being assigned them (SSV).

  2. Would be good to know what is the target total reach you have in mind for Phase 1 - e.g. total followers on SEED Latam socials + expected conversion from other channels


@enti thank you for your questions and comments! We’re happy to provide further details:

1- We’ve been in discussions with several universities in Argentina, some of which were established relationships from last year. While there are more options available than those mentioned in the proposal, we’ve decided to kick off an initial pilot test with three of them. Our selection is based on their innovative vision, openness to the Web3 ecosystem, and their geographical locations across the country.

We’re awaiting confirmation on the proposal to proceed with these selected universities and move forward with the next steps. Your support would be essential in this process.

2- Yes, we’ll do our best to hold the in-person meeting at the university, provided the institution allows it, or in a nearby space so that participating students can attend. As with all our events, it’s not just about a gathering; we allocate time for talks and workshops to add value to the experience. We’re keen on fostering feedback, seeking inputs to enhance future activities.

We strongly believe in the importance of bringing Web3 technology to universities, engaging students along the way. We’re committed to building a bridge between innovation and the future professionals of Latin America.

@Stakesaurus thank you for your suggestion. First of all, we want to emphasize that we are open to possible improvements, and our team will be available to receive feedback at different stages, with the objective of refining the proposal according to the needs of the universities and Lido’s expectations.

Regarding KPIs, since this is a pilot test, we do not yet have clear metrics. However, we plan to measure conversion through participation in the events, expecting at least 50% participation in relation to the number of students in each university. Attendance and certification will be recorded onchain, thus inviting participants to be part of a decentralized process.

We aim to build a user base of at least 50 students on our Discord channel in this first stage and on the Stakers channel. After this first pilot test, we will have real data that will allow us to set more specific and achievable goals. We thank you for your support and look forward to your participation in this exciting process.

Thank you for your interest, and we’re here to help if you have any questions.

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SEEDLatam Wallet: 0x70f4b13e9a6444B6832Bb9e46dA111F0B6f46D58

Hey @SEEDLatam, I’m happy to inform the LEGO council recently approved this grant!

The transaction will be processed shortly to the provided address on Ethereum Mainnet, looking forward to see more node-running education on this side of the world :slight_smile:


Thank you so much! We deeply appreciate the opportunity and are eagerly looking forward to implement our proposal.

Hey hey, the grant was disbursed, congrats!


Thank you! We confirm that we have received the funds. We will keep you informed about any updates we make to the proposal.

Lido Community:

We would like to provide you with an update on our recent activities and the progress in content production for our first report.

Module Syllabus: (In Spanish)

Here is the detailed syllabus and the current progress status of each unit related to our content crafting efforts.

Below, we detail the current progress status of each unit. All the content is being uploaded in a special section on our supersite “Implementing Nodes in LATAM:”

  1. Ecosystem Introduction (In progress)
  • Basic concepts and fundamentals
  • Principles of decentralization, security, and transparency
  • Introduction to LIDO
  • Glossary
  1. Set up a Full Node from scratch (Completed)
  • Node Preparation and Configuration
  • Introduction
  • Hardware Selection for an Ethereum Node from Scratch
  • Installation of the Operating System and Necessary Software
  • Initial Node Configuration (ETH - Sedge Nethermind)
  1. Node Maintenance Routines. Monitoring (In progress)

    • Maintenance and update routines.
    • Security practices to protect the node and its data.
    • Troubleshooting common issues.
  2. Ethereum Consensus: POS and Liquid Staking Benefits (Completed)

    • Introduction
    • Gasper Operation
      • Validators and Attestations
      • Activation Queue
      • Time Management
      • Block Proposer
      • Finality
      • Fork Choice Rule
    • Rewards and Penalties
    • Staking Options
    • Conclusions
  3. DVT: Current Status and Future Potential (Completed)

    • Introduction
    • Implementation in Ethereum Nodes
    • DVT Operation
    • Differences between Implementations
    • LIDO Proposal
    • Conclusions
  4. Field Work (Projected for Execution - (Completed))

A- Videos:

B- Execution of Content in Academic Institutions / Community


  • June 29: We will conduct a training session for university teachers and students at UTN, Buenos Aires, Argentina. This is a milestone for the LIDO community, bringing the content generated in this proposal to academic institutions for the first time. Although this was proposed for a second phase, we believe it is important to demonstrate with real metrics the tangible local impact, establishing close ties with the academic community before moving forward.

Following the scheduled event, we will conclude this phase by preparing a comprehensive report that includes the finalized agenda and an assessment of our impact.

Thanks for your support!

SEEDLatam Team


Lido Community:

We are pleased to present the final report. All content has been successfully developed and uploaded to our site. This report outlines the completed modules, their current status, and the implementation of our content in academic settings:

Module Syllabus

The detailed syllabus and progress status for each unit are available in Spanish on our supersite under the section “Implementing Nodes in LATAM.” Below is a summary of the completed units:

  1. Ecosystem Introduction (Completed)**
  • Basic concepts and fundamentals
  • Principles of decentralization, security, and transparency
  • Introduction to LIDO
  • Glossary
  1. Set up a Full Node from scratch(Completed)
  • Node Preparation and Configuration
  • Introduction
  • Hardware Selection for an Ethereum Node from Scratch
  • Installation of the Operating System and Necessary Software
  • Initial Node Configuration (ETH - Sedge Nethermind)
  1. Node Maintenance Routines. Monitoring (Completed)

    • Maintenance and update routines.
    • Security practices to protect the node and its data.
    • Troubleshooting common issues.
  2. Ethereum Consensus: POS and Liquid Staking Benefits (Completed)

    • Introduction
    • Gasper Operation
      • Validators and Attestations
      • Activation Queue
      • Time Management
      • Block Proposer
      • Finality
      • Fork Choice Rule
    • Rewards and Penalties
    • Staking Options
    • Conclusions
  3. DVT: Current Status and Future Potential 2 (Completed)

    • Introduction
    • Implementation in Ethereum Nodes
    • DVT Operation
    • Differences between Implementations
    • LIDO Proposal
    • Conclusions
  4. Field Work (Projected for Execution - (Completed))

A- Videos:

B- Execution of Content in Academic Institutions / Community

To conclude, this past weekend, on June 29, we conducted a training for teachers and students at the National Technological University (UTN), Buenos Aires, Argentina, where we implemented all the generated content.

Event Feedback and Impact Analysis

Registration Process

The registration for this event was conducted through an online form. This method allowed collection of participant information for mapping and follow up/updates purposes.

Attendance Statistics

  • Total Participants: 19
    • Registered: 17
      • Tech University Teachers: 8
      • Tech University Students: 4
      • Community Members: 5
    • Unregistered: 2

Attendance Rate: 100%

This high attendance rate demonstrates strong interest and commitment from participants.

Participant Feedback

Positive Aspects

  1. Content Quality: Participants found the material very positive and understandable.
  2. Interactivity: The interactive nature of the session was well-received, promoting engagement and active learning.
  3. Structure: The chronological flow of information was well received, indicating a well-organized curriculum.

Areas for Improvement

  1. Session Duration: Recommendation to split the content into two classes to prevent information overload.
  2. Delivery Format: Suggestion to offer online classes for increased accessibility and flexibility.

Engagement Metrics

  • Time Invested by Participants: 3 hours (14:30 hs - 17:30 hs)
  • Expressed Interest in Follow-up Sessions: High

Impact and Future Outlook

  1. Continued Engagement: Participants showed strong interest in attending the second part of the program, indicating successful knowledge transfer and value creation.

  2. Second Training: Already in talks with the University for the second part of the course with updates, particularly in relation to Distributed Validator Technology (DVT).

  3. Attendance Goals: The course was exceptionally well-received, achieving a 100% attendance rate in its first iteration. Building on this success, we are setting our goals for future events:

    • Current Attendance: 19 participants
    • Target for Next Session: 40 attendees

    With the network effects of our successful initial event, established communication channels, and valuable learnings from this experience, we are confident in aiming for significantly larger participation.

  4. Community Building:

    • Action Item: Leverage collected email addresses to start building an engaged community.
    • Strategy: Implement a follow-up plan to ensure participants join subsequent events and online platforms.

Final Report: Phase 1 (Completed)

Noa SEEDLatam


This is amazing! Keep the momentum

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