LEGO: Expand LEGO Council by adding Isidoros Passadis

Isidoros Passadis, Master of Validators for the Lido DAO, is willing to join LEGO as a council member. His domain would be all things node operators and ensuring the values of the Lido Grants Organisation are aligned with both that of the Lido DAO and the staking ecosystems within which Lido functions. Isidoros has had a tremendous impact on the operations of Lido and his addition to the LEGO Council would be a net-positive.

If this proposal passes:

  • Isidoros will be added to LEGO council and, consequently, LEGO Gnosis Safe multisig as 7th member, with multisig’s becoming 4-of-7 one;
  • Isidoros will be allocated an individual budget of 15,000 LDO out of LEGO’s communal budget.

If it’s rejected:

  • No changes to the status quo.

Proposed LEGO council composition

LEGO will be comprised of 7 individuals with a range of backgrounds and experience each responsible for a specific segment of Lido.

The LEGO Council:

Proposed LEGO budget changes

Allocate 15000 LDO out of the communal LEGO budget, controlled by the multisig, to Isidoros personal budget. Lido’s treasury is not affected.


The change required doesn’t touch Lido’s on-chain treasury or core smart contracts, but is not within LEGO’s council authority, so a Snapshot vote is created.


Strong and unwavering support for this proposal. After months of having the pleasure of working with Isidoros and spending time with him in person during ETH Amsterdam (Devconnect), I can say that he would be an excellent addition to the council.


I don’t think we have any better person to join LEGO Council, can’t support this proposal enough


Would really love to see Isidoros in the LEGO Council!


Strongly support this. Izzy has been an incredible addition to the Lido team, and having his expertise around Lido’s validator strategy will be useful for LEGO to make grant decisions. He has already been involved with some of LEGO’s largest grants so this addition feels overdue.


Izzy would be a fantastic addition to the LEGO council, given his deep understanding of the problem-space and the needs and values of the ecosystems in which Lido operates.

I fully support this proposal.