Liquify Proposal for CSM and SDVTM integration

Liquify would like to apply with the proposal to CSM and SDVTM integration

About Liquify

Founded in 2021, Liquify LTD is a UK based bare metal Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) company servicing institutions and foundations with nodes, validators, RPC endpoints, snapshots, Graph nodes, monitoring solutions and other custom tools.

Our utmost focus is decentralisation and quality of service - we go an extra mile being fully bare metal running all our own infrastructure in tier 3 and 4 data centres spread out globally (Asia, US East and West, and Europe).


As a node operator running over 60 different chains we understand how crucial for new Node Operators to have a streamlined and seamless process of setting their node up and managing it.

We want to drive DVT adoption as we align with Lido’s approach to give Operators easy access to engage with Lido Community Staking Module (CSM) and Lido Simple DVT Module (SDVTM), that will help:

a) secure the network by increasing the number of different Node Operators participating in running validators;
b) enhance geographic, client, and infrastructure diversity of the validator set for validator resilience, redundancy and reduction of slashing risk.


As the participant of Lido x Obol Simple DVT testnet transitioning into mainnet Liquify has been determined to keep supporting DVT bringing our decades of infrastructure management expertise.

We have a team of full-stack developers in-house and self-hosted servers allowing us to customise and optimise the services we built and support them long-term.

For example, we have been running the community-favourite THORChain dashboard for over a year now constantly adding new features and improvements.



The goal is to establish a streamlined workflow that serves Node Operators as the simplest solution for engaging in Lido’s SDVT and CSM modules using Liquify’s infrastructure and experience to build a UI that will aim at simplicity combining all Lido’s requirements.

Integration specification

Every tier is included in the proposal according to Lido’s specification to offer full functionality. Please find the details below for every Tier.

Tier 0. Software Setup Helper - CSM & SDVTM

Software set-up. Liquify will facilitate management of the following tools:

  • EL and CL nodes;
  • MEV-boost;
  • Validator client;
  • Web3signer;
  • Monitoring tools (Grafana).

Tier 1: Operator Statistics

Front-end. Dashboard GUI with login and account management functionality and following information available for the end-user for Node Operator performance and key technical information including:

  • Statistics, bond and rewards;
  • Keys;
  • Queue info;
  • Exit requests;
  • Configurable alerting with integration to main communication channels: Slack, Telegram.

Tier 2: Operator Manager

Back-end functionality available:

  • Manage bond;
  • Manage keys;
  • Reward claim;
  • Setting up a dedicated manager and reward addresses.

Tier 3: Full-featured Operator UI

Having all the Tiers combined we deliver a GUI including the functionality described above alongside a node operator comparison dashboard with search and sort filters on key metrics including: total bond, up-time, age, earnings, location, ISP etc.

Budget overview

Budget-wise we would like to apply for $120,000.00 which could be paid in stablecoins on the milestone basis.

Budget will cover basic updates, bug fixes and maintenance for 12 months but any functionality changes and/or updates requiring significant resources shall be discussed on a case by case basis.


  1. Preparation stage and technical specification - Est. effort: 2 weeks - Budget allocation: 20%
  • Draft detailed technical specification of the project;
  • Prepare PoC of the design with a stubs that illustrate the whole flow;
  • Prepare design mockups;
  • Host workshop with Lido team to confirm all the above.
  1. Implementation - Est. effort: 16 weeks - Budget allocation: 50%
  • Implement software features;
  • GUI implementation;
  • Implement alerting system;
  • Dashboard;
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.
  1. Public Launch - Est. effort: 2 weeks - Budget allocation: 30%
  • Final testing;
  • Performance improvements;
  • Marketing activities.

Thank you for taking your time to review our proposal!


For clarity, this is basically a “Validators as a Service” proposal right (i.e. the infrastructure (nodes+software) would be run by Liquify)?


This is infra tooling to meet proposal goals and allow smooth onboarding for new NO but the nodes can be hosted anywhere. Rest is hosted by Liquify.


Can you elaborate on it?

Rest is hosted by Liquify.

Also, I’m wondering where the proposed integration will be implemented. Is it an open-source software, or is it a Liquify platform? If the latter, can it be used by the stakers to run the validator on their own infra or only on Liquify?

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Fully open-source.

The first part is “1 click deployment” to spin up CL & EL clients, grafana/prometheus stack for monitoring and alerting. This can be deployed on any machine will be an ansible playbook.

Liquify will host the analytics/cluster monitoring dashboard to give much cleaner and easier way to navigate cluster monitoring and visibility. This will be hosted on our infra (similarly all the code will be open source, so other 3rd parties can deploy it if they wish).

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Can you spot a link to the repo?

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Updating the post with the link here: Liquify · GitHub

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Can you spot the actual repo with the tool? I can not find it

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I can actually help you if you have not find it yet

Not sure I’ve got your question correctly, but we haven’t built it yet so there’s nothing to share at this point

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Hi @RomanC and thank you for this application!

Unfortunately, LEGO council is not yet ready to support it with a grant, considering higher estimated costs and relatively long timeline for SDVTM integration, comparing to other applicants.


Got it, thank you, Alex, appreciate your time reviewing our proposal.


Hey Liquify! I would like to inform you that the LEGO committee voted on the CSM integration proposal, and decided to not proceed at this time, as it wanted to focus on own-hardware based integrations for the time being, in spirit of community staking.

As the scope of the CSM increases and its target share is increased, it may make sense to also have integrations that leverage infrastructure as code for robust node deployment to cloud or even bare metal, and at that point the integration can be re-considered.

Thank you for your support and proposal!

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Thank you for the feedback! Will keep in touch, happy to support once the timing is right.