NO CryptoManufaktur is now part of Galaxy

Hello Lido community,

We are excited to announce that as of 2024-07-18, CryptoManufaktur (CMF) has been acquired by Galaxy.

The infrastructure we run for Lido will remain as-is, and the same team will continue to maintain it. Our community focus remains.

Over the upcoming months our current team of SREs plan to gain additional redundancy and support through Galaxy’s global footprint and infrastructure. We believe the combination will allow us to accelerate our ambitions to expand our scope of offerings to the community.

For more information on this transaction, read the press release

We are looking forward to continuing to serve Lido, and bringing Galaxy closer to this innovative ecosystem.

Any questions at all, do not be shy!

Thorsten Behrens


Hey Thorsten! Congratulations on the acquisition! It is especially pleasant news given that one of the aims of the Operator Set Strategy is to “take into account ecosystem participation and stewardship, and support smaller organizations which vitally contribute to validating and staking;”. CMF’s Ethereum community impact has been exemplary, as has its participation in the Lido community (including in matters of governance input and increasing protocol and overall Ethereum staking resilience via client diversification), so it’s nice to see these efforts, bolstered by participation in the Lido curated set, be rewarded.

This presents an interesting development from the perspective of curated operators, as CMF are participants in both the Curated as well as Simple-DVT modules. As there is no policy that guides these kinds of things it’s probably helpful to do a quick historical review of similar events and have a first principles discussion about what the best way to proceed may be.

Given that there are no legal agreements that control or govern NO usage of Lido on Ethereum and participation in the curated set, a DAO vote to add an NO to the curated set might roughly be understood as “this team, running nodes this way, has been allowlisted to do so”. While teams do change over time, including in how they run infra, it’s usually through a gradual process that involves both community interactions (discussions with node operators and SMEs on how to tune and diversify infra) as well as outreach (e.g. via forum discussions). Thus, the idea of “selling a seat” (or outsourcing infra operation to a whitelabel provider, contra to the Operator Set Strategy) seems to violate this principle, but something like a full buyout (infra+people) potentially doesn’t.

Historically, these are the changes that have happened in the Curated Set:

It would probably have been better to have an explicit discussion (and perhaps vote) in each of these cases, but I suggest the following from a first principles perspective:

  • it could be assessed whether as a result of the business deal there are material changes to validators operations (different people / different infra)

  • it could be assessed whether as a result of the business deal there are material changes to the organizational structure and “meta-properties” of the node operator (eg impact on geographic and jurisdictional dispersion of the operator set)

While Thorsten’s post above does answer some of these points, I think it would be beneficial for the community to have a little bit more detail and for a formal post from the acquiring team at Galaxy Digital as well.

In the cases of substantial change in either or both of the above, the DAO may want to consider whether to:

  • ask the LNOSG (or anyone else) to conduct an appraisal similar to that during onboarding rounds and offer an opinion, after which it could vote on whether the operator in its new form should remain in the curated set (or a secondary option should be explored), and/or

  • directly move to pause (i.e. disable the allocation of new validators) or stop (exit and deactivate) the operator.

My personal opinion here is that given that both of these entities (CryptoManufaktur and Galaxy Digital) are very well known, I don’t see a reason for concern (i.e. to pause or stop the operator), especially given that the team will stay on and continue to run the infrastructure. As the number of node operators utilizing the protocol grows, it’s probably good to apply a bit more rigor and a consistent framework to these cases, so I think there should be a discussion on the matter, and also suggest that at a snapshot vote can be held to clarify whether the Operator should remain and operate as-is (which seems to make sense given the nature of the acquisition and precedent), or other options should be identified, discussed, and considered.


Thank you, Izzy!

GD should be along momentarily to comment. In the meantime, let me address the two points above from my perspective.

The infra for the validators remains as-is. I am hearing you that any material change (e.g. moving into cloud instead of baremetal) needs to be discussed with the DAO first. I don’t foresee such a change.

The people running the validators remain as-is for now. There will be a change in the medium term:

  • We intend to train Galaxy staff on our operations and add them to the maintenance/escalation rotation

The geographic distribution of the nodes remains as-is. For reference, we are in EMEA and APAC, and have no plans to move the infra. This, too, would require a discussion with the DAO before making any material changes.

The jurisdictional location of the operator remains as-is as far as I know, but I’ll let Galaxy chime in on it

  • The headquarters are in the US, no change there from CMF
  • Galaxy has offices in Europe, Asia and Canada - I do not know whether this impacts jurisdiction, or jurisdiction is strictly at HQ

Thank you, Izzy! We’re beyond excited to bring Thorsten and his excellent team into Galaxy. I’m happy to shed additional light on the acquisition and plans for the future.

1. As a result of our deal, confirming there are no planned material changes to existing validator operations. As Thorsten mentioned above, the goal is to preserve and further support CMF’s Ethereum staking operations – same team, same infrastructure set-up, same commitment to participating in the Curated and Simple-DVT modules and other strategic NO initiatives.

2. Also confirming there are no planned material changes to the organizational structure of the NO. Galaxy will be keeping legacy CMF operations intact – including set-up from a geographical / jurisdictional perspective. Galaxy, while headquartered in the US, is truly global with entities and offices across North America, Europe and Asia, and so will extend CMF’s ability to deliver services where required jurisdictionally.

Our goal is to further improve the provisioning of said NO services over time, with additional maintenance, business continuity + redundancy measures afforded by Galaxy’s globally-distributed engineering, networking, and operational support teams.

We absolutely agree that CMF’s Ethereum and Lido community impact have been exemplary, and thus view this acquisition as a means of pushing Thorsten and the team’s contributions even further. Galaxy’s plan is to take the non-blockchain work off of Thorsten’s plate, so that he can spend more of his valuable time assisting with core development and strategic initiatives.

We view the acquisition of CMF as (1) a means of accelerating our technical capabilities, especially in the Ethereum staking space, and (2) a show of Galaxy’s commitment to the development of the blockchain infrastructure ecosystem at large. We are working on developing best-in-class enterprise-grade (and certified) infrastructure for the largest institutions with Thorsten + team’s help, while also celebrating Thorsten’s commitment to the EthStaker / solo-staker community.

There’s so much ahead, and we’re excited for this journey together.


Thank you both for the additional information @yorickdowne and @Zane_Galaxy.

I personally suggest that it makes sense to ask the LNOSG to discuss the above-mentioned information and consider whether additionally due diligence would be suggested in this case or not (plus any other considerations that other community participants may request). To that end, I would ask that if anyone has any other questions to ask Galaxy and Thorsten’s team that they do so (or submit them to the LNOSG via lnosg_AT_lido_DOT_fi) and the LNOSG consider the matter over the next week (i.e. by Aug 5th).

Should the LNOSG revert with no further suggested actions or follow-ups, I could foresee proceeding to a vote in the next available snapshot slot to offer voters the ability to ratify a vote of no objection to Galaxy continuing as a Node Operator.


In response to one question we’ve received: Galaxy has relationships across the industry. Galaxy does not have a controlling interest in another Lido Node Operator.


Thank you for the additional info Zane.

I would like to add at this moment that the LNOSG discussed the matter above asynchronously (and submitted one question about whether Galaxy Digital owns shares in any other Node Operator participating in the Lido protocol, which Zane answered above) and the general consensus (with no objections) was that it suggest to the DAO that Galaxy Digital continue to participate in the Curated module.


Snapshot vote started

Please get your wallets ready to cast a vote :white_check_mark:, the Should Galaxy continue in the Curated Module set following the acquisition of CryptoManufaktur? Snapshot has started! The Snapshots ends on Thu, 05 Sep 2024 16:00:00 GMT.

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Thank you so much for the proposal and we support this.

It’s because the central discussion is whether this acquisition changes the quality of the node operation for Lido, and the answers provided here indicate that there will be no change at least for a short term.

On a different note, there is one thing irrelevant to the decision on the vote itself, but we believe they are worth sharing and discussing.

Shouldn’t we implement routine reviews on existing curated NOs?

This could be a topic to be discussed in the future, but we believe there’s a need to implement a routine assessment of existing Node Operators in Lido’s Curated Module. This process would serve two crucial purposes:

  1. To track any changes that may occur to Galaxy (or any other operators) in the mid/long term and regularly check their eligibility as a Node Operator in Lido’s Curated Module.
  2. To identify Node Operators from Lido’s Curated Module that are no longer meeting the initial selection criteria, either due to changes in their operation or failure to keep up with the latest best practices of node operation.

By doing this, we can detect problems and encourage NOs to make improvements, which should allow Lido to maintain high-quality node operations.


Snapshot vote ended

Thank you all who participated in the Should Galaxy continue in the Curated Module set following the acquisition of CryptoManufaktur? Snapshot, the proposal passed! :pray:
The results are:
For: 50.1M LDO
Against: 87 LDO

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