Reimbursement for HashQuark 2022-11-18 Ethereum Validators Incident

Hello Lido Team,

From about 2022-11-18 16:24:00 UTC to 2022-11-18 23:50:00 UTC, the 500 Ethereum
validators run by HashQuark failed to produce blocks and make attestations due to the
unexpected downtime of AWS server.

Detail for this failure event are follows: HashQuark Ethereum Validators Incident Postmortem - Google Docs

We suggest compensation of 1.2 ETH, similar to this incident, we have learned more about the experience of dealing with abnormalities in the first place. We are happy to get guidance on this incident suggested by gov ops.


Thank you for the transparency and the initiative! I think following the same procedure as Stakefish did (i.e. sending the compensatory amount to the Lido Execution Layer Rewards Vault as suggested in Reimbursement for stakefish 2022-12-07 Ethereum Incident - #4 by kadmil) would suffice.


Thank you for initiative! Agree with Izzy, the same process (sending the compensatory amount to the Lido Execution Layer Rewards Vault 0x388C818CA8B9251b393131C08a736A67ccB19297 — check Mainnet | Lido Docs) is preferred here =)

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We have sent the reimbursement of 1.2 ETH Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan

We apologize for the loss of revenue caused by this incident, and would like to thank the Lido team of your help. We sincerely wish you have a happy holiday!


The transaction details seem correct. Thanks once again!

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Thank you for the initiative!