Announcement: Merge-ready protocol service pack

Merge-ready protocol service pack


As the Merge approaches, Lido dev team wants to share the plan for the Merge-ready protocol upgrade. The changes proposed are designed to be safely deployed pre-Merge.

The main change required is the ability to collect & redistribute post-Merge reward streams. At the same time, there are multiple protocol safety net improvements to be implemented along with this change, increasing the protocol resiliency & stability. Those are highly desired as the Lido has come past the 4m ETH staked threshold.

As there’s a high probability of the stake surge post-Merge, the protocol should anticipate the effects it could have on the staking queue & Lido’s socialized rewards distribution model.

Below we list all the changes of the “Merge-ready protocol service pack”.

Changes overview

Major features

A new mechanism allowing to distribute MEV rewards and transaction priority fees acquired by validators to stETH stakers. This also introduces rewards compounding by re-staking the said rewards.

See the corresponding architecture decision record for more details.

A coverage application mechanism provides a way for the Lido governance to burn stETH belonging to the DAO as a means of covering stETH holders’ losses. It doesn’t oblige the DAO to cover losses or introduce any auto-cover arrangements.

Adding the staking rate limiting feature to have a soft moving stake amount cap per desired period.

This limit, apart from being a general safety measure, might help limit the possible staking queue growth and the resulting APR dilution in the Merge-induced market conditions (increased APR due to LIP-12).

Minor features

A mechanism allowing to have more than one callback triggered upon every stETH rebase and receiving Lido Oracle data. The mechanism was suggested during the LIP-6 discussion and might be used within stETH L2 integrations, among other possible applications.

A minor change allows making NO key monitoring easier from the perspective of the off-chain services.

Adds a new StETHBurnt event emitted upon the burnShares function invocation. The lack of this event makes writing stETH indexers and automated alerts significantly more complex. The event becomes especially relevant with implementation of LIP-6.

An upgrade implementing a safer and more standardized procedure for application of LidoOracle contract implementation upgrades. Doesn’t change any product logic.

Allows expressing stETH transfers in terms of rebase-agnostic underlying shares. Allows reducing precision loss in various protocol integrations.

Allows assigning protocol emergency pause and resume privileges to different actors. This will simplify implementing a protocol emergency pause mechanism that doesn’t require waiting until the full-blown DAO vote passes (72h currently), e.g. pausing by burning a significant amount of stETH or LDO (the “poison pill” mechanics).

Security considerations


We have the audit report by MixBytes team covering the whole Lido codebase with the changes above appied. The report will be published after the contracts are deployed to mainnet (since addresses are needed to finalize the audit) but before the Aragon vote for the upgrade is started.

The audit has revealed one HIGH severity issue about arbitrageability of priority fees and MEV during market spikes. The issue was fixed by implementing smoothing over the distribution of the fees (see details in the following section).


We have tested our Merge-ready protocol setup on the Kintsugi and Kiln testnets following the #TestingTheMerge challenge.

The only missing part at the moment is MEV monitoring and tooling. That said, we believe that testing the setup with priority fees and without MEV is enough to validate the onchain part of rewards distribution since the onchain code doesn’t distinguish these two types of rewards. The code is also agnostic to the particular reward accumulation flavor: whether it might be feeReceipient setting on the validator’s side or just another tail-attached transaction for the proposed block containing MEV rewards.


There are several caps and limits that were introduced as part of this upgrade to have more safeguards over the changing network and market conditions:

  • Coverage application daily limit.
  • MEV/tx fee daily limit.
  • Staking rate limit.

Coverage application daily limit was introduced to prevent burning the amount of stETH that triggers a rebase that’s sufficiently large for a front-runner to take advantage of. The possible attack was reported in the LIP-6/7-dedicated audit round.

MEV/tx fee daily limit was added to avoid similar issues when distributing a large amount of MEV or tx fees accrued between Lido oracle reports. The possible attack was reported by MixBytes.

A staking rate limit was added as a general-purpose security mechanism and also as a measure to limit possible post-Merge validator activation queue growth.

We propose to set the initial values for the listed limits as follows:

  • Coverage application daily limit: 4 basis points (BP) of the total supply.
  • MEV/tx fee daily limit: 1.5BP of the total supply.
  • Staking rate limit: moving window of the 150k ETH per day.

The first two numbers were motivated here: Prevent large token rebases in a general determenistic way ¡ Issue #405 ¡ lidofinance/lido-dao ¡ GitHub.
The staking rate limit is deduced from the historical data (daily stake varies usually from ~1k to 50k ETH per day with rare spikes up to ~200k ETH per day: 2022-03-15, 2022-05-02).

Any future change of these limits will require a DAO vote.

Action plan

Snapshot voting

A snapshot vote will be started shortly to measure the DAO sentiment towards the proposed changes.

Integrations reachout

We will reach out to the protocols integrated with Lido that might be possibly affected by the introduced changes to make sure they are prepared for this upgrade before it’s applied.

Batch the upgrade into the weekly omnibus schedule

If the snapshot vote passes, the upgrade would be implemented through the Aragon votes within the “omnibus schedule” (starting on Tuesday CET afternoon and finishing on Friday). We are planning to split the upgrade into two different votings: the first one to upgrade core contracts, while having the second vote for “plugins” and “cleanups” (LIP-6, LIP-7, and minor DepositSecurityModule fixups with respect to the audit report).

Stay tuned,
The Merge comes.


The snapshot vote has been started: Snapshot.

Please cast your votes.

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Regarding MEV/tx fee daily limit,
by 1.5BP do you mean 0.015% of the total supply?

Is the max value of basis points constant TOTAL_BASIS_POINTS = 10000; from Lido.sol?

If I got it right, setting 1.5BP would be impossible due to the integer math. In propose to go with 2BP in the case.


Yes, you are right.
Having 2BP makes more sense here.


You can check out the audit report here: audits/MixBytes Lido_Protocol_Security_Audit_Report_(Interim) 05-2022.pdf at 86b727a87e184ba2faede2a613651cff2e4f1ea8 ¡ lidofinance/audits ¡ GitHub


I have a question about MEV/tx fee daily limit. As you mentioned in the github issue the change in the staking pool per day is made up of four types of rewards (beacon chain rewards, priority fee, MEV, coverage application). And you said that “everything is ok because threatening rebase changes starts from 7.5 basis points (BP)”.

As I can see, the attack vector is sandwiching a transaction that finalize the the oracle report. The oracle report will change the volume of stETH locked in the curve pool that means that the price would be affected. Since the curve pool fee is 0.04% (4BP) and there are two swaps that means 8BP is safe threshold for whole stETH rebase. Does it sounds correct?

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Also, regarding overall rebase change threshold:

  1. Beacon chain rewards: ~0.04% (current APR) / 365 ~= 1BP
  2. EL rewards (priority fee + MEV): 2BP
  3. Max coverage: 4BP

Total: 7BP, right?

Perhaps, It is worth to consider a single limit for the entire rebase, rather than two separate limits for coverage and execution layer rewards, then the staking pool would be able to distribute rewards more efficiently and evenly. WDYT?


Yep, you got that right.

7.5BP has appeared because by running the actual simulation you face some price fluctuations incurred by the pool’s balance changes. That’s why it is slightly less than the plain double-swap fee estimation (8BP).

NB: There is some additional gas spending to run the arbitrage depending on the market conditions. So 7.5BP is a foolproof rebase upper bound.


Your estimates are pretty aligned with my own.

Single limit sounds better! Currently, it’s ok because we don’t want to apply too many changes at once (the upgrade pack already consists of a lot of changes, tbh).

I propose that the single limit should be scheduled for the next meaningful protocol upgrade iteration (maybe withdrawals-enabled design)?


BTW, according to API, it’s impossible to set the limits to 150k per day exactly. We have stake limit increase nominated per block, and there is variable number of blocks per day. So we only can guess the average and set up rough limit per day here.


You are right, and I believe, the following implementation details could shed a little light.

To set the limit you need to pass the following params to setStakingLimit:
_maxStakeLimit and this value is exactly 150k ETH
_stakeLimitIncreasePerBlock this value calculated by the average block time (150k ETH / 13,5 s)

So, the limit restoration speed may fluctuate a bit, indeed. Though, it’s not an issue because we still provide necessary view funcs (getCurrentStakeLimit and getStakeLimitFullInfo) to request the current remaining capacity for the user’s submissions.

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Regarding block time: very good chart could be found here. Indeed, current mean value lays between 13 and 14 seconds for block. But this value needs to be adjusted after the merge happen. Since the each slot is 12 seconds long. But I am not 100% sure do timestamps of new slot on CL would strictly match block timestamp on EL.



We have deployed all of the required contracts on mainnet to proceed with the upgrade timelime.

As it was announced previously, we are going to split the upgrade into two different Aragon votings to streamline the needed off-chain operations and voting items. It’s expected that the first upgrade omnibus voting will be live Today at ~14:00 UTC. The voting will cover the major upgrades of the following merge-ready core contracts: Lido.sol, LidoOracle.sol, NodeOperatorRegistry.sol, LidoExecutionRewards.sol.

Below is the full list of the deployed contracts. We have checked their consistency and prerequisites (init params and ownership):

NB: The last three contracts (DepositSecurityModule.sol, CompositePostRebaseReportReceiver.sol, SelfOwnedStETHBurner.sol) will be used for the follow-up upgrade Aragon voting.

At the moment we are waiting for the final audit report from MixBytes with these addresses. The report will be attached shortly as soon as becomes available.


Sorry, the Omnibus is delayed. We can’t start voting as we’re waiting for the final audit report. We hope that this will happen within a few hours. Stay tuned!


The final audit report is available now: audits/MixBytes Lido_Protocol_Security_Audit_Report 05-2022.pdf at main ¡ lidofinance/audits ¡ GitHub
(you can check out and compare the contracts’ addresses via etherscan).

The Aragon omnibus voting is rescheduled to be live tomorrow.

The voting scripts and tests are published here: Add vote for 2022/05/24: Merge pack round 1 by folkyatina ¡ Pull Request #63 ¡ lidofinance/scripts ¡ GitHub


:oncoming_bus: the Omnibus vote will go live around 12PM UTC.
Please, get your keys ready :old_key:


:mega: Omnibus Voting #129 is now live!

:warning: Heads-up: The vote has the number of actions without descriptions. To get the data in the script in readable format please refer to our instruction! it’s quite long but exhaustive!

Please cast your votes! :pray:t2:


Omnibus voting was enacted on May-28-2022 12:27:55 PM +UTC
Merge-ready update (round 1) completed! :desert_island:



The upgrade scripts and tests for the second deployment round are prepared and disclosed: Add vote for 2022/05/31: Merge-ready protocol service pack (round 2) by arwer13 ¡ Pull Request #65 ¡ lidofinance/scripts ¡ GitHub
The omnibus is expected to be live today at 14:00 UTC.

NB. To make the upgrade transition seamless, DepositSecurityModule contract’s replacement is excluded from the current omnibus. It has two reasons: the voting items count is already relatively large to be tested properly with development tools, and it’s needed to conduct additional off-chain actions by the Deposit Security Committee.

The next upgrade round will be announced in details later if the current omnibus passes.

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:bus: Omnibus voting #130 is now live and is waiting for your votes!

It includes 12 items for the ‘Merge-ready protocol service pack (round 2)’ .

:page_facing_up: Instruction on ‘How to check the points’
New UI for voting: Lido DAO Voting UI

Please cast your votes! :pray:t2: