Ensuring Compatibility with Ethereum’s Pectra Upgrade
This post outlines the technical details of the proposed upgrade to the Lido protocol to ensure continuous operation with Ethereum’s upcoming Pectra hardfork. The focus is exclusively on compatibility, rather than integrating any new features introduced by Pectra. Pectra-related new functionalities, such as Triggerable Withdrawals via EIP-7002 and increasing the MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE
& validator consolidations via EIP-7251, will be addressed in separate posts.
Following the forum discussion, this proposal will be presented on Snapshot to seek DAO support for preparing Lido on Ethereum for the Pectra upgrade. If the proposal is supported, two on-chain votes will follow: one before and one after the Pectra hardfork.
The proposal’s technical scope consists of three parts:
- Deployment of a new version of CS Verifier Contract;
- Items for the further on-chain vote before the hardfork;
- Items for the further on-chain vote after the hardfork.
The on-chain vote before the hardfork includes only the minimal changes necessary to keep the Lido protocol functioning correctly after the Pectra upgrade. The on-chain vote after the hardfork includes optimizations that have no strict timeline and can be implemented without a set deadline post-upgrade.
The following sections outline how updates to Lido’s Oracles, Oracle Report Sanity Checker, and CS Verifier contracts are proposed. Details of the upcoming Pectra upgrade, its impact on the Lido protocol, and recommended protocol changes can be found in LIP-27: Ensuring Compatibility with Ethereum’s Pectra Upgrade.
Valset technical contributors are available to address any questions that may arise.
Part 1. Deployment
CS Verifier Contract
Remove Initial Slashing Penalty Report
Under Pectra, the penalty for newly slashed validators is roughly 0.0078 ETH for a 32 ETH validator, rather than ~1 ETH.
Therefore, it’s proposed to remove the initial slashing penalty report from the CS Verifier contract before еру Pectra hardfork activation. Accounting of losses for initial slashing will take place at the moment of reporting the full withdrawal of the validator.
Update gIndexes
It is proposed to redeploy the contract with two sets of gIndexes: one for the current (Deneb) fork version and one for the Electra fork version, along with a specific slot number for the hardfork activation.
// gIndexes calculation:
// https://github.com/lidofinance/community-staking-module/blob/4d5f4700e356dc502c484456fbf924cba56206ad/script/gindex.mjs#L36
GI_FIRST_WITHDRAWAL_PREV = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e1c004;
GI_FIRST_WITHDRAWAL_CURR = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000161c004;
GI_FIRST_VALIDATOR_PREV = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000056000000000028;
GI_FIRST_VALIDATOR_CURR = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000096000000000028;
GI_HISTORICAL_SUMMARIES_PREV = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003b00;
GI_HISTORICAL_SUMMARIES_CURR = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005b00;
// The first slot of the Deneb activation epoch https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-7569#activation
// TBA after the Pectra activation epoch for mainnet is known
// first slot of the Electra activation epoch
Part 2. Vote before the Pectra hardfork
Oracles consensus version
It is proposed to increment the consensus version for Accounting, Validator Exit Bus, and CSM oracles.
- Accounting Oracle
: from2
- Validator Exit Bus Oracle
- CSM Fee Oracle
The new consensus version will signal the oracles to switch to the new algorithm that considers the transition through Pectra: before the hardfork, the algorithm collects the report in the old way, after the hardfork, in the new way.
Update CS Verifier Contract
It is proposed to revoke the verifier role on the Community Staking Module contract from the old CS Verifier contract and grant it to the new CS Verifier contract, which will be deployed in advance (as described in the “Deployment” section above).
This update involves two steps:
Revoke the VERIFIER_ROLE (
) on the Community Staking Module (0xdA7dE2ECdDfccC6c3AF10108Db212ACBBf9EA83F
) contract from the old CS Verifier (0x3Dfc50f22aCA652a0a6F28a0F892ab62074b5583
) contract. -
) on the Community Staking Module (0xdA7dE2ECdDfccC6c3AF10108Db212ACBBf9EA83F
) contract to the new CS Verifier contract. The address of the new CS Verifier will be posted in this thread after deployment.
Part 3. Vote after the Pectra hardfork
Sanity Checker
It is proposed to update the following parameters in the Oracle Report Sanity Checker contract 0x6232397ebac4f5772e53285b26c47914e9461e75
: from9000
: from43200
: from1000
exitedValidatorsPerDayLimit = 3600
This parameter defines the maximum number of validators that may be reported as “exited” per day, depending on the consensus layer churn limit.
is introduced on the amount of ETH that can be exited per epoch. Therefore, the maximum number of validators that can exit the network per day can be simplified and calculated as:
# https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/dev/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#time-parameters
# https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/dev/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#time-parameters-1
# https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/dev/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#validator-cycle
EJECTION_BALANCE = 16 * 10 ** 9
# https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/dev/specs/electra/beacon-chain.md#validator-cycle
epochs_per_day = 24 * 60 * 60 / SECONDS_PER_SLOT / SLOTS_PER_EPOCH = 225
exited_validators_per_epoch_limit = MAX_PER_EPOCH_ACTIVATION_EXIT_CHURN_LIMIT / EJECTION_BALANCE = 16
exited_validators_per_day_limit = exited_validators_per_epoch_limit * epochs_per_day = 3600
appearedValidatorsPerDayLimit = 1800
This parameter defines the maximum number of validators that can be reported as “appeared” in a single day, limited by the maximum daily deposits via the Deposit Security Module.
In Pectra, validators are added to the registry after their deposit passes through the pending_deposits
queue, which is limited by the MAX_PER_EPOCH_ACTIVATION_EXIT_CHURN_LIMIT
. Given that Lido validators are deposited exclusively with 32 ETH each, the maximum number of Lido validators that can appear on the network per day can be calculated as:
# https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/dev/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#time-parameters
# https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/dev/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#time-parameters-1
# https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/dev/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#validator-cycle
EJECTION_BALANCE = 16 * 10 ** 9
# https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/dev/specs/electra/beacon-chain.md#validator-cycle
# https://github.com/lidofinance/core/blob/901c0e19b752f5ea03118d71881d8b72ccee44c0/contracts/0.8.9/BeaconChainDepositor.sol#L23
DEPOSIT_SIZE = 32 * 10 ** 9
epochs_per_day = 24 * 60 * 60 / SECONDS_PER_SLOT / SLOTS_PER_EPOCH = 225
appeared_validators_per_epoch_limit = MAX_PER_EPOCH_ACTIVATION_EXIT_CHURN_LIMIT / DEPOSIT_SIZE = 8
appeared_validators_per_day_limit = appeared_validators_per_epoch_limit * epochs_per_day = 1800
initialSlashingAmountPWei = 8
(0.008 ETH)
This parameter defines the maximum initial slashing penalty for validators in the case of misbehavior. It ensures that a slashed validator can be penalized up to 0.008 ETH, contributing to the overall negative rebase calculation during the sanity check process.
increases by 128 times from 32
to 4096
, reducing the initial penalty size by 128 times. Since Lido validators exclusively use the ETH1_ADDRESS_WITHDRAWAL_PREFIX
, their effective balance is limited to MIN_ACTIVATION_BALANCE
. Therefore, the maximum initial slashing penalty is calculated as:
# https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/dev/specs/electra/beacon-chain.md#gwei-values
# https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/dev/specs/electra/beacon-chain.md#rewards-and-penalties
initial_slashing_amount_pwei = initial_slashing_amount * 10 ** 3 = 7.8125 # ~8
Fallback Plan
If any risks related to the on-chain voting before the Pectra upgrade are identified, or if the DAO does not approve the proposed update, the fallback plan will be implemented.
One day before the Pectra upgrade, deposits will be paused, and the unpause of deposits will be put to a separate vote for the DAO to decide after Pectra. This measure is necessary to ensure the stable operation of the Lido protocol.
This scenario is unlikely, but if it materializes, a detailed action plan will be outlined separately on the forum.
Coming Soon: Deployed Contracts and Audit Verifications
After the deployment, addresses for the newly deployed contracts will be provided. These contracts will undergo verification by external auditors, audit reports will be released, detailing the findings and mitigations before the on-chain votes.
Additionally, descriptions of the items up for vote will be published, offering the community a clearer understanding of the proposed changes and their implications for the protocol.