Governance Grove Delegate Thread

Batch voting date: 29th January, 2025

Proposal: Vote #183 (Onchain)–Transition Community Staking Module to Permissionless Phase + Rename Node Operator ID 17 from BridgeTower to Solstice as requested on the forum.

Proposal: Should Solstice continue in the Curated set following the acquisition of Bridgetower? (Snapshot)

  • Vote: For
  • Rationale: We do not see any reason to prevent Solstice from remaining in the curated set given their readiness to take over the existing operations of Bridgetower. Their commitment to toward obtaining a SOC 2 certification to further strengthen the security and reliability of their infrastructure is also a boon to stETH holders…

Proposal: Should Attestant continue in the Curated set following the acquisition by Bitwise? (Snapshot)

  • Vote: For
  • Rationale: All infrastructure, geographical location, and operating team of Attestant will remain unchanged post-acquisition. It is also promising to see that a major ETH ETF issuer (Bitwise) will be working even closely with Lido through this acquisition.

2 Proposals: Establishment of Lido Labs BORG Foundation as a Lido-DAO-Adjacent Foundation (Snapshot), Establishment of Lido Ecosystem BORG Foundation as a Lido-DAO-Adjacent (Snapshot)

  • Vote: For
  • Rationale: The Foundation essentially “wraps” many of the existing contributor groups and committees into a more efficient structure, which provides the following key benefits:
    • Having a clearer legal structure streamlines processes and provides easier compliance with regulatory requirements
    • Reduces personal liability risks to contributors, which could attract more talent and expertise to work on the Lido protocol
    • Enhanced accountability and transparency of contributors—e.g., for multisig members through participation agreements.

Proposal: LEGO: Proposal to replace Tim Beiko with Eric Siu and update council members rotation rules (Snapshot)

  • Vote: For

  • Rationale: Eric was a seasoned grants operator at the EF. His wealth of experience and deep network will be highly useful to helping LEGO create even greater impact on the Ethereum ecosystem. We thank Tim for his service and wish him all the best!

    The secondary proposal of enabling the LEGO committee to swap out members without going through a DAO vote as long as 5 (out of 8) of the original members remain on the list can also help reduce operational burden on the DAO.

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