- Organization name: Alpha Virtual
- Organization website: https://alphavirtual.com
- Organization Github: https://github.com/natebolam
- Organization social channels: Twitter Keybase
- Organization location: Costa Rica, United States, Zimbabwe
- Organization size: 5
- Brief description of organization: Alpha Virtual is a blockchain infrastructure provider and venture capital firm.
- Brief description of performance track record: Starting in November of 2019 we have participated in over a dozen incentivized testnets and currently run mainnet validators on Celo, Elrond, Ethereum 2 (Prysm), Harmony, Nucypher, Pocket, Solana, Tezos and The Graph. Prior to that we ran a Bitcoin/Ethereum mining at scale operation out of Florida.
- Overview of supported networks: Celo, Elrond, Ethereum 2.0 (Prysm), Harmony, Nucypher, Pocket, Solana, Tezos and The Graph.
- Motivation for application: Early on we had considered operating a non-custodial staking solution for Ethereum 2.0, but decided against it as there would be a lot of overhead with things like key management, client onboarding, technical support, payments and regulatory compliance. We love that Lido will handle all that business overhead and we can concentrate on the infrastructure.
- Security set up for ETH staking: Hybrid cloud/bare metal infrastructure on AWS and Equinix Metal. All servers Lynis audited with a score > 90.
- History of participating in ETH testnet: We began in Novemeber 2019 and ran Prysm infrastucture during Sapphire, Topaz, Onyx, Altona and Medalla testnets. Also ran Lighthouse nodes on and off.
Hi @nbolamav, we have devised a new process related to the admission of node operators, please check it out here: Node Operator Sub Governance & New Node Operator Application Process