The voting has been restarted again.
The main phase will last until January 25th, Thursday, 14:01.
Please vote!! Lido DAO Voting UI
The on-chain vote gathered quorum and was executed! Thank you for taking part and casting your votes!
Request to change on-chain name from “CryptoManufaktur” to “Galaxy”:
#id - 23
on-chain name (change):
reward address (change):
Hello Zane. For reward address changes, a signed message to that effect is needed both from the current address as well as the new address (I’ve bundled the name change in there too for good measure, albeit not strictly necessary).
Instructions can be found here: Verifying address ownership for Lido DAO ops | Lido Docs
I think the below would work, but want a confirm from @zuzu_eeka :
“As a part of the Galaxy Digital acquisition of CMF, a name change request to ‘Galaxy’ and a reward address change from ‘0x59eCf48345A221E0731E785ED79eD40d0A94E2A5’ to ‘0x3C3F243263d3106Fdb31eCf2248f9bC82F723c4B’ is requested.”
and publish a link to the signed messages here.
Signed with the new wallet: Ethereum Verified Signed Message
Hey Yorick. Thanks, the message looks OK from NOM side.
Just a quick note from my side re: timing of the administrative changes discussed here in relation to the acquisition and “continuance” discussion + possible vote in the other thread here. The way I see it, name and address changes are things that NOs could ostensibly do on their own without requiring a snapshot => on-chain vote flow, were the appropriate governance rails for such actions set up via Easy Track, just like key limit increases. Since these rails currently aren’t set up (and IIRC there was no specific reason they weren’t apart from that they happen so rarely as to necessitate a full ET-based ability to do so), I think an on-chain vote to make the name and address changes to effectively reflect the reality of the acquisition isn’t something that should affect or prejudice a vote by tokenholders on whether Galaxy (ex CMF) should continue or not.
Thus, I personally don’t see a reason not to proceed with bundling the requested updates with the next on-chain vote, even if the possible Snapshot for for continuation of participation by Galaxy may happen a bit later due to the governance schedule.
On-chain voting has started to change the name and reward address for node operator #23 in the curated set.
Cast your vote here: Lido DAO Voting UI
The main phase will continue until August 15, 2024, at 14:00 UTC. Remember to participate!
We are excited to introduce our guide on how to verify on-chain voting #177 items! This note is designed to help you navigate the process with ease. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Request to change on-chain name from “Numic” to “Pier Two”:
- #id - 36
- on-chain name (change): Pier Two
- reward address (change): 0x35921FB43cB92F5Bfef7cBA1e97Eb5A21Fc2d353
Published signed messages:
- Verified Message (from old address)
- Signed Message (from new address)
Thanks! Similar to the suggestion regarding CMF and Galaxy above, I’d suggest that (provided there are no objections and that they DAO Ops contributors also think it’s OK) this get added to the next possible on-chain vote as it’s administrative while the discussion around whether Pier Two (ex Numic) should be reinstated as an active participant in the curated operator module is ongoing.
Dear Lido Community,
On-chain vote #178 has been completed and enacted. Node operators #23 and #36 have had their names and reward addresses changed.
Thank you for your votes!
Requesting a reward address change for Simply Staking operator:
- ID:
- on-chain name (no changes):
Simply Staking
- operator address (change):
Etherscan verification from old address - link here
Tx to confirm the ownership of the new multisig address (see tx data for the encoded message and can be verified via duplichecker) - link here
Voting Has Started!
We’re thrilled to announce that voting has officially begun for Vote #181, bringing forward critical updates to operational parameters and treasury management.
The vote is open until the end of the main phase: Nov 28, 15:20 UTC.
Make sure your voice is heard by reviewing the proposals and casting your vote!
Vote #181 includes a proposal to update the reward address for Node Operator Simply Staking with ID 16 (item 5).
How to Participate
Review vote items and follow this guide for instructions on verifying them.
Cast your vote “For” or “Against” before the deadline.
Let’s collaborate to shape the future of Lido and decentralization! Your voice matters.
Vote #181 did not achieve a quorum - the vote on the proposal will be rescheduled to take place on the 17th of December.
Vote #182 has just started!
It is a rerun of Vote #181 with the same set of proposals. Voting is open until the end of the main phase: Dec 19, 14:47 UTC. Make sure your voice is heard by reviewing the proposals, following this guide for instructions on verifying them and casting your vote!
Requesting a reward address change for BridgeTower operator:
ID: 17
on-chain name (change): Solstice
operator address (no change)
Voting has started!
We’re excited to announce that voting has begun for this update: Vote #183.
The vote will be open for your “Yes” or “No” input until the end of the main phase: Jan 30 at 14:57 UTC.
Make sure your voice is heard by reviewing and casting your vote!
For instructions on how to verify the vote items, please follow this guide.
Let’s shape the future of Lido and decentralization together!
Thank you to everyone who voted!
The vote was enacted!
“Yes” — 50779390.6 (5.07%)
“No” — 0 (0.00%)
131 voters participated directly or through their delegate.
Thank you again for supporting this change!