SEEDNode - Lido

Lido Community:

We are pleased to present the final report. All content has been successfully developed and uploaded to our site. This report outlines the completed modules, their current status, and the implementation of our content in academic settings:

Module Syllabus

The detailed syllabus and progress status for each unit are available in Spanish on our supersite under the section “Implementing Nodes in LATAM.” Below is a summary of the completed units:

  1. Ecosystem Introduction (Completed)**
  • Basic concepts and fundamentals
  • Principles of decentralization, security, and transparency
  • Introduction to LIDO
  • Glossary
  1. Set up a Full Node from scratch(Completed)
  • Node Preparation and Configuration
  • Introduction
  • Hardware Selection for an Ethereum Node from Scratch
  • Installation of the Operating System and Necessary Software
  • Initial Node Configuration (ETH - Sedge Nethermind)
  1. Node Maintenance Routines. Monitoring (Completed)

    • Maintenance and update routines.
    • Security practices to protect the node and its data.
    • Troubleshooting common issues.
  2. Ethereum Consensus: POS and Liquid Staking Benefits (Completed)

    • Introduction
    • Gasper Operation
      • Validators and Attestations
      • Activation Queue
      • Time Management
      • Block Proposer
      • Finality
      • Fork Choice Rule
    • Rewards and Penalties
    • Staking Options
    • Conclusions
  3. DVT: Current Status and Future Potential 2 (Completed)

    • Introduction
    • Implementation in Ethereum Nodes
    • DVT Operation
    • Differences between Implementations
    • LIDO Proposal
    • Conclusions
  4. Field Work (Projected for Execution - (Completed))

A- Videos:

B- Execution of Content in Academic Institutions / Community

To conclude, this past weekend, on June 29, we conducted a training for teachers and students at the National Technological University (UTN), Buenos Aires, Argentina, where we implemented all the generated content.

Event Feedback and Impact Analysis

Registration Process

The registration for this event was conducted through an online form. This method allowed collection of participant information for mapping and follow up/updates purposes.

Attendance Statistics

  • Total Participants: 19
    • Registered: 17
      • Tech University Teachers: 8
      • Tech University Students: 4
      • Community Members: 5
    • Unregistered: 2

Attendance Rate: 100%

This high attendance rate demonstrates strong interest and commitment from participants.

Participant Feedback

Positive Aspects

  1. Content Quality: Participants found the material very positive and understandable.
  2. Interactivity: The interactive nature of the session was well-received, promoting engagement and active learning.
  3. Structure: The chronological flow of information was well received, indicating a well-organized curriculum.

Areas for Improvement

  1. Session Duration: Recommendation to split the content into two classes to prevent information overload.
  2. Delivery Format: Suggestion to offer online classes for increased accessibility and flexibility.

Engagement Metrics

  • Time Invested by Participants: 3 hours (14:30 hs - 17:30 hs)
  • Expressed Interest in Follow-up Sessions: High

Impact and Future Outlook

  1. Continued Engagement: Participants showed strong interest in attending the second part of the program, indicating successful knowledge transfer and value creation.

  2. Second Training: Already in talks with the University for the second part of the course with updates, particularly in relation to Distributed Validator Technology (DVT).

  3. Attendance Goals: The course was exceptionally well-received, achieving a 100% attendance rate in its first iteration. Building on this success, we are setting our goals for future events:

    • Current Attendance: 19 participants
    • Target for Next Session: 40 attendees

    With the network effects of our successful initial event, established communication channels, and valuable learnings from this experience, we are confident in aiming for significantly larger participation.

  4. Community Building:

    • Action Item: Leverage collected email addresses to start building an engaged community.
    • Strategy: Implement a follow-up plan to ensure participants join subsequent events and online platforms.

Final Report: Phase 1 (Completed)

Noa SEEDLatam